Informatie over Legacy Gym

De Biezen 40
3355 ET, Papendrecht
+31 6 83562366


  • maandag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:00
  • dinsdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:00
  • woensdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:00
  • donderdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:00
  • vrijdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–19:30
  • zaterdag: 06:30–11:00
  • zondag: 08:30–11:00


Legacy Gym heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Legacy Gym: Meningen

5/5 (25 Meningen)
Ton Ramstijn 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Now a few months of 'personal training' from Remco. The owner. Very satisfied. Strength records broken, my body clearly much better in shape . In addition, nice chat during rest, sincere advice and good corrections for correct implementation. On to the next step with his guidance, nutritional advice and improving next records.

Tirza Voorsluijs 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best gym ever! Since 4 weeks also started with a personal strength schedule. This schedule has been compiled by Remco, whereby he explicitly looks at your personal goals. Together you keep track of the progress and make adjustments when necessary. I didn't expect it, but in those 4 weeks I've made a lot of progress. I would recommend this gym to everyone!

Joris de Heer 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very nice gym with a good atmosphere and good guidance from experienced and ready for more to the smallest beginning it's all possible

lisanne van linstee 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been training at legacy gym for about 2 months, a trial lesson from remco made me feel at ease right away and you immediately feel how friendly and pleasant the atmosphere is. I follow a weekly PT at remco and also the group lessons. Because the atmosphere is very nice, I have become much more self-assured and I also notice more and more improvements during exercise. Because a lot is possible with legacy and people really think along with you, this is really an asset in Papendrecht. Everyone is appreciated and can participate at their own level. The guidance is very much attention to technique, but also in terms of nutrition. And also just super fun!

Willeke Donker 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Professionalism

Lies Veldman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality , Value

Dennis Bosma 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fijne sportschool! Nu 5 maanden actief lid en ben er niet meer weg te slaan! Het kleinschalige spreek me erg aan en de goede begeleiding is echt een must! ????????

Rianne Voerman-Van Houdt 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Legacy Gym is a great gym. Good guidance, cozy, small-scale. Varying audience with fanatic athletes who come to train several times a week to people who follow a training session once a week. This mix makes it casual and gives a nice atmosphere.

Peter Verkuil 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sports at Legacy is very nice! Remco is an enthusiastic trainer who can level up well with the people he trains. There is room for real training animals, as well as for targeted training after injuries, for example.

Willemijn Verdoren 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional, personal guidance, varied training courses, resulting in good progression, a pleasant atmosphere

Martin Vermeulen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Legacy Gym is an accessible gym, where everyone is welcome and can participate at their own level. We treat each other with respect and therefore the group feeling and atmosphere are always good. This is thanks to owner Remco, who is very professional and involved. Whether it is about nutrition, lifestyle or training, he will always help you in the right direction and he will motivate or push everyone where necessary. Of course with a joke and a big smile or serious if necessary. Legacy Gym has helped me reach my goals and now even push my limits further!

Thessa 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sinds juli dit jaar heb ik online coaching bij legacy gym. Ik doe al meerdere jaren aan krachttraining bij een low budget sportschool en weet over het algemeen wat ik doe. Toch vind ik het een toevoeging om online gecoacht te worden. Vooral op momenten wanneer ik minder motivatie heb of zelf even niet weet of mijn schema nog aangepast moet worden voor mijn doelen, is Remco een echte toevoeging! Hij heeft uitermate veel kennis op zijn vakgebied en blijft zelf ook continu bijleren. Hij maakt uitdagende schema’s die passen bij mijn doelen, analyseert mijn workouts en geeft tips and tricks om mijn lifts te verbeteren. We hebben voldoende contactmomenten en hij voelt als geen ander aan wanneer het tijd is voor een ander schema en stuurt tijdig bij waar nodig. Sinds ik online begeleiding heb, heb ik meerdere PR’s weg kunnen zetten die ik niet voor mogelijk had gehouden. Zelfs met mijn rug als zwakke plek heeft Remco me uitgedaagd en geleerd dat ik toch prima kan deadliften en squatten en hiermee mijn zwakke punt kan versterken, terwijl ik deze oefeningen zelf niet meer aandurfde. Hier ben ik ontzettend blij mee en dit maakt me alleen nog maar enthousiaster voor hetgeen wat nog komen gaat! Remco is een rasechte motivator die met passie zijn werk beoefend. Ik denk dat iedereen die beter wilt worden met zijn hulp en kennis dit zeker kan bereiken, ook als het om coaching op afstand gaat!

P S 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Legacy Gym is an accessible gym with varied workouts and a good atmosphere. We also regularly invest in good equipment. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or advanced, everyone trains at his / her own level. The group trainings are small, so there is a lot of personal attention for posture and technique. There is also ample opportunity to train individually. You can laugh a lot with Remco, but he is your biggest enemy during training ;-). He always knows how to motivate me. Legacy Gym is truly an asset to the region.

Marcella Vink 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At Legacy Gym there is targeted training, the trainers are good motivators and the training sessions are varied and challenging. There is a lot of attention for technology, but also for fun. As a result, I make rapid progress and I enjoy going to the training sessions️‍♀️.

ellen Dekkers 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been training here for about six weeks. And I have already made great progress, partly because of the challenge that the trainers give and control over the correct technique

Matthijs Korteland 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have known Remco for a number of years as a trainer and his own gym is a real asset to the region! Qualitative equipment, good and motivating training and a nice atmosphere!

Anja Gehring 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Varied training sessions in a pleasant atmosphere. The positive approach of the coaches in particular makes this gym a nice place to step out of your comfort zone and do exercises where you think in advance: I cannot do that.

Georgette Kuntz 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training at Legacy Gym for six months now. The small size of this gym really appealed to me. As a result, the atmosphere is pleasant and open. Everyone trains at their own 'level' and due to the limited number of people per lesson, the trainer pays a lot of attention to each individual. An asset to Papendrecht!

Phia van Amelsvoort 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member of Legacy Gym for six months. What a relief, finally a good gym with professional and friendly guidance. There is a friendly atmosphere and everyone supports each other to achieve the goals that everyone wants to achieve. Open 7 days a week and the training times are top . No regrets yet that I joined. Well worth 5 stars

Samantha Bendeler 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Legacy Gym is a real asset to Papendrecht and the surrounding area. I have known Remco as a trainer for a number of years and since he has his own Gym I have been taking group lessons several times a week and PT a week. As a result, I have achieved good results in just under 3 months in terms of strength and condition. The trainings are very varied and challenging, everyone can participate at their own level, there is good guidance for technology and there is absolutely no lack of fun. Reasons enough for me to train here several times a week.

Kenneth van den Hoven 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A not too big gym with professional equipment. The lessons are very varied and are given in a very pleasant atmosphere and under good professional guidance.

Jill Eilbracht 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fine guidance takes the time for you. Explains everything well

Lianne Punt - Den Hertog 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very satisfied! Challenging group lessons, good material and a very nice atmosphere! :-)

Brenda van Rijsbergen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice small-scale gym with good guidance. Group lessons are challenging and varied and can be performed at any level. Also highly recommended for personal training, you are really listened to and you think about goals. Absolutely great!

Yvonne de Jong 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Remco came into my life a year and a half ago. Someone who has turned his passion into his profession and has his own (Legacy) gym for a few months now. Since then, I train with my husband three times a week in the gym under his enthusiastic guidance. And I can say that it is a real love-hate relationship on my part. The former is the case when Remco, with a big smile on his face, once again increases the weight or the frequency of the exercises and does not care about my protests. If I then succeed under his encouragement, I secretly think he is a suitable guest. As a personal trainer Remco knows how to get the best out of you. He explains the thinking behind certain training techniques and why the structure works like this. Every week the bar goes a little higher and you achieve performances that you never thought possible beforehand. After half an hour of strength training, the gas goes on with a bit of cardio. Because of the variety of the exercises it is never boring. Legacy gym uses good solid equipment and regularly invests in new items. It is a gym where everyone feels at home. Where everyone is appreciated for what he or she achieves at his or her level. It is not judged if things are not going so well. Remco is immediately aware of this due to his personal involvement and adjusts the training schedule if necessary. Because of the small scale you make contact quickly and you do not get lost in the crowd. And for nutritional advice you've come to the right place. You will be amazed how quickly you progress when you start training at Legacy gym. Although sports is not a very natural thing for me, I always happily come from Legacy gym. So don't hesitate… .just do it! @ Remco…. Don't walk next to your sneakers with so many compliments!

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