Informatie over Bewegingsstudio PureMotion

Lage Kamp 10
7314 AT, Apeldoorn
+31 6 10345262


  • maandag: 09:00–22:00
  • dinsdag: 09:00–22:00
  • woensdag: 18:00–22:00
  • donderdag: Gesloten
  • vrijdag: 09:00–14:00
  • zaterdag: Gesloten
  • zondag: Gesloten

Na een drukke dag sta je ‘s avonds onder de douche en je slaakt een zucht van verlichting. Het lijkt wel of je nu voor het eerst vandaag uitademt. Je lichaam voelt stijf aan en die pijn in je nek en schouders heeft vandaag  weer behoorlijk wat roet in het eten gegooid. Je komt maar niet van dat gejaagde en onrustige gevoel in je lichaam af en je concentratie is steeds vaker ver te zoeken.

Je conditie laat echt te wensen over momenteel en je lichaam snakt naar meer gezondheid. Als je zo doorgaat zou je ook weleens serieuze gezondheidsproblemen kunnen krijgen fysiek of mentaal door al die spanning in je lijf. Hier wil je echt iets aan doen!

Je weet dat je klachten zullen verminderen als je meer en bewuster zou gaan bewegen. En ja, daar is misschien weinig tijd voor en je hebt misschien een hoop excuses. Onder andere dat idee van een sportschool met harde muziek en zwetende mensen, bepaald niet jouw ding. Maar je moet hier wel iets mee, want je weet ook dat het niet alleen beter is voor je lichaam, maar ook voor je hoofd!


Bewegingsstudio PureMotion heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Bewegingsstudio PureMotion: Meningen

5/5 (11 Meningen)
Ellen Zondag 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Wonderful classes in which you work hard to build strength and endurance, where you are always challenged. With a new series you think 'how the hell am I going to be able to do that' and at the end you just join in. Everyone can participate at their own level, there are always alternatives. Keety is super motivating and very experienced and knowledgeable!

Ingrid Straates 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top

Britta Kouwen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

Betsie Baakman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful studio where you learn to exercise with attention. In addition to the exercises, dancing is also a lot of fun! I always enjoy going back home

Anneloes In 't Veld 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

Kitty ten Napel- Vink 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The weekly combined pilates-yoga class means for me to be out of my head for an hour and to be busy with effort / relaxation. The attention to breathing means that I also apply these techniques when I am working. All muscle groups are activated, which makes it a weekly 'maintenance' for my body that often sits behind a screen. I enjoy the tranquility in the studio and Keety's respectful and down-to-earth approach.

Debby Berends 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: What a nice place Keety has managed to create to move. The combination of a nice space, accessible, sociable women in the group, being able to exercise at your own level and a varied range of lessons ensure that after years of sports I reluctantly look forward to this hour every week. But in addition to all these things, it is Keety who, with her unbridled commitment, passion for her profession and respect for you as a woman, manages to motivate and inspire you time and again. Even in corona time, she managed to let me follow the online lessons. And that is great I can tell you;)!

Marjolein van Loo-Daeseleer 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This is a very nice dance, yoga and pilates studio. Keety is very knowledgeable, puts together good lessons and at the same time ensures that you have fun during the lesson. The great thing is that everyone can participate at their own level, without you having the feeling of dangling at the bottom in the group or that you are working below your level. The combination classes where you start dancing and then switch to pilates and / or yoga exercises are perfect. You work on your fitness, you train your muscles and at the same time you relax mentally. This combination means that I enjoy sporting here with great pleasure.

Jorrit Berends 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My wife takes lessons with Keety and I get a lot from the "sidelines". For the first time in years I see her exercise with enthusiasm and come back from classes full of energy. The combination of effort, relaxation and fun (dancing) form a unique combination that I have not seen anywhere else. I see in Keety a passionate expert teacher who can convey her enthusiasm for attention in motion well. I heartily recommend this practice.

Alja Fredriksen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: How nice it is to take lessons here every week! Especially if you spend a lot of time behind the laptop. There is not only attention to exercise, but also to clear your head completely! All this in a very pleasant and personal atmosphere.

Ineke Vastenhout 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Bewegingsstudio looks very nice and fresh! There is a pleasant and casual atmosphere. Keety gives lessons with a lot of passion, humor and personal attention. The structure of the lessons is very good, every time something new is added and the old is repeated. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate at their own level.

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