Inna Gulak Pilates - de Pilates studio voor Venlo en omstreken

Informatie over Inna Gulak Pilates - de Pilates studio voor Venlo en omstreken

Kaldenkerkerweg 56
5915 AD, Venlo
+31 6 36539133


  • maandag: 13:00–20:30
  • dinsdag: 09:00–20:30
  • woensdag: 13:00–20:30
  • donderdag: 09:00–17:00
  • vrijdag: 09:00–17:00
  • zaterdag: Gesloten
  • zondag: Gesloten

Inna Gulak Pilates Venlo is een moderne Pilates studio. Wil je graag starten met Pilates lessen? Kom vrijblijvend kennismaken!

Bewegen doen we allemaal en de hele dag door. De manier waarop je dat doet, heeft enorm veel invloed op hoe je je voelt. Pilates maakt je bewust van je houding, van je ademhaling en van de manier waarop je beweegt. En dat zorgt voor bewegingsvrijheid in alles wat je doet.

Inna Gulak Pilates is gespecialiseerd in de bewegingsleer van Joseph Pilates. Een persoonlijke aanpak staat centraal, want ieder mens beweegt op een eigen, unieke manier. Met veel aandacht voor rug, buik, bekken en enkels werken we samen aan jouw persoonlijke doel. We verbeteren je lichaamshouding, vergroten je uithoudingsvermogen en versterken je core stabiliteit. De oefeningen worden afgestemd op jouw persoon, rekening houdend met leeftijd, achtergrond en conditie.

Pilates is bewezen effectief bij revalideren, maar werkt ook preventief: je wordt sterker, beweegt soepeler en voelt je meer in balans. Pilates zorgt ervoor dat je lekkerder in je vel zit – letterlijk. En juist daarom is Pilates goed voor iedereen.


Inna Gulak Pilates - de Pilates studio voor Venlo en omstreken heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Diensten, machines en geleide klassen


Inna Gulak Pilates - de Pilates studio voor Venlo en omstreken: Meningen

4.9/5 (9 Meningen)
Ans van Haperen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top location with state of the art Pilates equipment. Expert and professional guidance by Inna. The 1 on 1 private training sessions help me rehabilitate and keep fit. I can recommend it to everyone.

D Bisschops 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional guidance Years of experience is very noticeable. Sound advice and guidance

w h 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Good nice lessons in which you become more and more aware of your attitude! You will be corrected in a pleasant way. Time flies by during class.

Marcel van hoften 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Looking for a pilates studio? Stop searching and join Inna Gulak Pilates. A very professional who only really knows what to do. She ensures that you get an ultra fit body with the right guidance. Your muscles become smoother and stronger. So if you want to do pilates with the best equipment and the best guidance, then you've come to the right place at Inna Gulak!

R. Janssen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Private training followed with pleasure. Top location and super Pilates teacher! She always knows how to motivate you with challenging programs and Pilates equipment. Sometimes a bit strict (good for the result, no sussypussy) .... but always with a smile and humor. Recommended if you want to work for results and want to go home or work with a good mood full of energy. Relaxation through exertion.

Janneke Driessen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a long search and treatment with different therapists in the region, advice from a friend ended up at Inna. Because of all the disappointments and pain I had given up hope and I was very skeptical about everything ……… Immediately after the screening and intake, I started taking private lessons. Working together with Inna once or twice a week on a tailor-made program. Already after 4 sessions I started to understand the techniques and the theory of movement and after 10 sessions I already noticed a difference. The pain and the complaints started to decrease. After a few months, almost all back pains were practically gone and I felt good again without pain. I was able to walk again, sleep well and enjoy without pain. I'm glad I found Inna. With all her passion, knowledge and expertise, she has given me motivation to continue and not to give up. Thanks to the combination of Pilates and her expertise, I am much more aware of my posture, breathing and movement. That helps me with everything in my daily life. The training has made me stronger and fitter and I have regained my freedom of movement. I can recommend Inna to everyone because for me she is the true Pilates teacher and movement therapist in the region.

M.S. J. 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Pilates lessons are given in many places in Venlo and in the vicinity ........ But for real and quality Pilates (and unique Pilates equipment) you have to go to Inna Gulak. There is no one in the area who propagates the movement theory of Joseph Pilates with so much energy, passion, knowledge, experience and ambition! Inna goes the extra mile for her customers. The lessons are very personal and varied and the groups are small (3 to a maximum of 10 people). Many attributes are used and everyone gets enough attention and help. Sometimes strict and serious ... but always with a smile and a good sense of humor. In addition, there are many unique Pilates Equipment in the studio (some in the area). For tailor-made group lessons and personal training. Every lesson or private session is tailor-made ...... every lesson is different .... it never gets boring ...... and with a good result! I have been taking lessons and sometimes personal training sessions with great pleasure for years. Pilates in Venlo = Inna Gulak

Cindy Van Der Vliet 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My search for a way to become more aware of my body and also to develop a better attitude brought me to Inna. The site appealed to me at first because of the clear explanation and pleasant layout. Because of this good first impression, I made an appointment for an introduction / intake. What immediately struck me was the pleasant, calm but also bold way in which Inna approached the intake. She knew by asking the right questions but also by her very expert way of looking, she could immediately form a clear picture of me and my use of body and posture. She noticed postural aspects that I was not aware of but which were true. Because I have the tendency to go too fast without paying attention to my body, I chose to take some private lessons first so that I could really listen to my body during the exercises. The supervision of Inna was the same as during the intake, thorough and calm but also with humor. She made me aware of entrenched patterns, so that between the lessons I became more and more aware of these patterns and the accompanying body posture. I noticed from my body that a movement had been set in motion which at first was occasionally painful because I started to use muscles differently by adopting a different posture. I noticed that my body was resetting itself as it were. After a few private lessons I switched to the group lessons. Inna is also very attentive during group classes so that the exercises are carried out well by each participant. With the necessary humor but also structure, she has a very fine balance in teaching where there is an eye for each participant, adapted to his / her abilities. In short, appropriate expert customization.

Silvie Z 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very skilled pilates teacher. Personal attention and good results!

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