Body Rock Bootcamp, Powerwalk, HIIT en Personal Training Zoetermeer

Informatie over Body Rock Bootcamp, Powerwalk, HIIT en Personal Training Zoetermeer

Kurkhout 100
2719 JZ, Zoetermeer
+31 6 51237515


  • maandag: 08:30–17:00
  • dinsdag: 08:30–17:00
  • woensdag: 08:30–17:00
  • donderdag: 08:30–17:00
  • vrijdag: 08:30–17:00
  • zaterdag: 08:30–16:00
  • zondag: 08:30–16:00

Op deze pagina staat ons volledige aanbod. Ben je opzoek naar Personal Training, Bootcamp, Hardloop lessen op Powerwalk? Hier lees je hoe onze toffe diensten je fit en blij maken.

We creëren een plek waar jij je echt thuis voelt. Sporten is naast gezond, namelijk hartstikke leuk als je het met de juiste mensen doet. We zorgen ervoor dat je met plezier naar de trainingen komt en vrolijk en energiek naar huis gaat. 

Een sterk lichaam krijg je van de trainingen en door onze coaching krijg je een sterke mind.  Onze focus ligt op jouw specifieke doelstellingen. Je werkt samen met een ervaren en gecertificeerde personal coach aan jou persoonlijk plan. 

Tijdens deze krachtige manier van wandelen werk je aan sterkere spieren, botten en verbeterd je conditie! Onze trainer zorgt ervoor dat je in een leuke les van 60 minuten lekker uitgedaagd wordt en met een glimlach naar huis gaat.

Fitter, slanker en een positievere mindset. In ons trainings- en coachingsprogramma van 12 weken gaan we samen aan de slag met jouw leefstijl. We coachen je op het gebied van mindset & voeding en we gaan natuurlijk trainen. Het doel is om vol energie te zijn en lekker in je vel te zitten. 

Body Rock heeft als missie om iedereen, en dan ook echt iedereen, te laten ervaren hoe heerlijk een energiek en mooi leven voelt. Je te laten genieten van alle voordelen die dat brengt! Wij geloven erin dat sport, voldoening en positief zijn daarin onmisbaar zijn. 

Wij werken met een team van gespecialiseerde outdoor trainers. Die zelf de weg naar een fittere leefstijl hebben doorlopen en er elke week weer aan werken deze vast te houden.


Body Rock Bootcamp, Powerwalk, HIIT en Personal Training Zoetermeer heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Body Rock Bootcamp, Powerwalk, HIIT en Personal Training Zoetermeer: Meningen

5/5 (34 Meningen)
Danielle Lut 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super fun and tasty workouts!

Ellen VR 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

Ester Baggerman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Bodyrock is the nicest and best Bootcamp club in Zoetermeer. Good atmosphere, top trainers and varied classes with a wide range of classes. In addition to providing incentives to achieve the best sports performance, Bodyrock also pays attention to the balance between body and mind. Also tips for good nutrition etc. I really find the perfect combination of fun & good quality sports here. Really a big fat recommendation.

Mariska van der Zwan 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Enthusiastic knowledgeable trainers who know how to turn every lesson into a party! Also creative during the whole Corona situation to make it possible for us to continue to work out within the rules. Fun lessons where everyone can work out at their level with a lot of variety and challenge! Never regretted for a second that I chose Bodyrock. I recommend it to everyone! The switch for me from working out indoors to always being outdoors is really wonderful! Never again!

Sandy Graafmans 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Stimulating and motivating trainers, varied offer with attention to the individual and his or her limits in the lessons. Attention for people, the mindset and your own motivation.. nice club to train, for all levels.

Gitta Geraedts 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fun training sessions that are accessible to everyone, for both novice and fanatic athletes. Always a pleasant atmosphere and sufficient variety in the training sessions, it is never boring!

Jordy Plugge 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fantastic training in the open air with professional trainers who motivate you with knowledge and skills to achieve your personal goals. In addition, the Body Rockers form an enthusiastic community among themselves, which in turn also motivate each other. That total picture makes training at Body Rock a lot more fun than in the average gym.

elisabeth kuiper 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Good guidance and attention for everyone! Regardless of your level!

Erik Plug 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super fun exercise. Personal advice .. recommended!

Lachlan v Mersbergen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Enjoy sports with a good atmosphere. The training is given by friendly and helpful trainers who provide help and advice on a personal level where possible. I have been exercising here for a year now and am 100% fitter.

Daan Hoffman 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I enjoyed it so much last year that I started working for it

Jaap de Boer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Work out with motivating trainers and varied programs. Tips for getting stronger and better training are obvious at Body Rock. Go on through Yuri! --- After 15 months of training now 15 kg in weight lost, much more muscle and much more endurance. Body rock rocks!

Richard Groot 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Body rock is challenging and versatile with boot camp, running training and ocr training. Yuri as a trainer is pleasant as a personality and gives useful tips and tricks. In the field of rehabilitation, he made sure that I am now with the right recovery trainer and that is of particular benefit to me now. I say go for it!

Max van Zeijl 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I can't believe I haven't posted a review yet. Training at Bodyrock is just super cool. The people are nice and everyone helps each other to reach a higher level. At Bodyrock you may come to lose weight or get fitter, in the end you don't leave because it is so much fun!

Dennis van Reijn 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Body Rock is really a top association! Have been a member for 5 months now and have never been as fit as now. The classes are fun, challenging, varied and it is always fun! Injuries and everyone's level are taken into account. The trainers ensure that you get the most out of yourself. Keep it up Body Rock!

Lisette Feenstra 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Every training can be followed at every level. Whether you rarely or regularly exercise. Communication is clear, trainers are friendly and know what they are talking about. Big thumbs up!

Yvonne Vinke-Verbarendse 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mid-June started a trial lesson in running training, what an experience the attention to posture and technique is super. I also tried Bootcamp training when I was sold. The conviviality the personal attention and motivation lead me to the extent that I am still pushing my limits. Trainers in one word great. Hope to be able to train for a long time.

Jordy Van Doorn 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I participate in the running training sessions of Body Rock for a few months. And am very enthusiastic about it. I always watch out after Monday night. The training is very varied and everyone can participate at their own level. We train hard in a very nice and pleasant way.

Wouter van Dijk 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: By far the best workouts you can get.

Hans de Kievit 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yuri is a trainer who knows how to stimulate every participant at his own level. I enjoyed participating in the boot camp ahead of the badminton season. I also have to admit that afterwards I was sometimes less happy ... 4 days of muscle pain after an hour of training ... but that was mainly due to myself! Yuri thanks for these nice training sessions!

Marleen Elich 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: From mid-May I am training. I planned to train twice a week, but that quickly became 3x a week. It's so much fun, the trainers will give you all the attention you need. Their enthusiasm is infectious and you will do your best! It is sooo much fun !!

Talat van Nispen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yuri has the knowledge and capabilities to challenge and motivate any athlete. He is knowledgeable, genuinely enthusiastic and also connects, which makes his training courses suitable for team building as well.

Britt van der Kooij 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: 1.5 years ago I joined the Body Rock team and I don't regret it to this day. Motivated trainers who get the most out of you, fun and friendly fellow athletes and varied training. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger or run a half marathon; Body Rock is the place to be!

Martin Stevens 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yuri made me lose 9 pounds of fat in 6 weeks. The workouts were tough and tough. But it has made me stronger and fitter. Personal hormonal profiling worked well for me due to the full focus on good food and supplements. Top result that I still enjoy 3 months later.

Nicole deLaender 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Deciding that you want to exercise is 1, but doing and persevering is 2. That turned out to be easy thanks to the enthusiastic trainers and good atmosphere in the group. After a few weeks I started training 3 to 4 times a week and I still keep that up. Enough results. Lost 10kg, more energy and just feeling good. Exercise with trainers who know what they are talking about and who know how to get the best out of yourself? Then you have to go to Body Rock.

Iris de Koning 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been training at Body Rock since March this year and I'm super satisfied. Good (and fun!) training sessions, where one is never the same. I especially love the OCR bootcamp, which took me from a clumsy 7km obstacle run to a so much stronger 19km in no time at all that I never thought I could do. You will be motivated to push yourself again and again :)

Marjolein Jansen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Started the boot camp eighteen months ago. Never being able to sustain a sport for a long time ... but the boot camp for body rock is different. Super nice and cozy. Everyone at their own level. The relaxed atmosphere and personal guidance in the group will make you feel good. Even when you are not as strong as the rest. In addition to the boot camp, running training is also recommended. Again, everyone at their own level, but still together. Nice trainings from nice trainers! I love it! I feel stronger than ever. Both physically and mentally. In short ... I feel good and happy !!!

Mick Kreefft 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member for 3 years now and still enjoy training!

Sharona Bolander 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It is nice that there is a varied range of different training courses: running training, boot camp, obstacle training, cross camp. This way you have enough variety and you can develop in different areas. As an obstacle runner I think that is very important. In addition to training hard, there is plenty of time for fun. It is really a very nice, fun and motivating group to exercise with.

Martijn Trijsburg (Kalas) 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yuri knows what he is doing. Good personal attention, even if you train in groups. A training can certainly push you to the limit, but he always has an eye for physical posture and execution. He gave our Badminton competition teams boot camp as the start of the competition. Good attention to muscles that are important in this sport. Next year again !!

merijndk 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top Bootcamp! Yuri is a super trainer, knows how to challenge people of different ages and levels with the same intensity and gives fun and varied training! Highly recommended!

Marjon van Oosten 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Varied and challenging training courses. Adapted to every level. Despite group training, still personal attention.

Capy Bara 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a fairly sportless life, it was time for me to lose weight and get fit. I am very happy that I took this step, and that I did it here at Body Rock! I have been exercising for ten months with great pleasure. Really top trainers who let you work hard and motivate you, whatever level you have. Friendly and accessible, with a very nice group of fellow athletes. I go home feeling satisfied after every workout. I love it!

Patrick Polanen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A varied and challenging workout every x.

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