Informatie over Basic-Fit Haarlem Vondelweg

Vondelweg 540
2026 BH, Haarlem


  • maandag: 07:00–22:30
  • dinsdag: 07:00–22:30
  • woensdag: 07:00–22:30
  • donderdag: 07:00–22:30
  • vrijdag: 07:00–22:30
  • zaterdag: 09:00–16:00
  • zondag: 09:00–16:00

Ben je op zoek naar een sportschool? ➽ Kom dan fitnessen bij Basic-Fit Haarlem Vondelweg ★ Schrijf je nu online in!

Basic-Fit geeft je de mogelijkheid om fit te worden zoals jij dat zelf wil. Dat doen we onder andere door het aanbieden van verschillende lidmaatschappen. Kies het lidmaatschap dat het beste aansluit bij jouw wensen en doelen en go for it!


Basic-Fit Haarlem Vondelweg heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Basic-Fit Haarlem Vondelweg: Meningen

4.4/5 (27 Meningen)
Sebastiaan 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top gym!

Jankelo 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Genuinely the best basic fit I've been to. The staff makes sure that people put their weights back and speaks to them about it. The room is also clean.

RelaX_ Roy 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Great gym but much and much too busy, something really needs to be done about this

Kanaga venkateshwaran Chinnappan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Right equipments, less crowded than other basic fit but still have to choose a less crowded place. Changing room in the back is not ideal, you have to walk through the entire gym to go to changing room

GM van Roode 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Had a therapy appointment, large gym and the first thing you smell when you enter is the wonderful cleaning smell and nice and cool inside.

Echo gmail 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Good gym. No live lessons though, just virtual.

Robert Kerkhoff 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice gym!

Matthijs Prive 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice clean gym, always neat and tidy

Leroy Semplonius 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: It's cozy

Maarten Kouwenberg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top gym

B.J. 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It's a shame that everything is a bit limited due to the corona, but it is no different. Good sports club with a high quality! I would personally recommend sharing a membership with someone so that it only costs you 10 a month!

jeroen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good gym, friendly staff

Bob van Velzen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great workaround with the covid measures, friendly staff and very clean.

boris hoogland 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beetje jammer dat door de corona alles een beetje beperkt is,maar het is niet anders. Goede sportclub met een hoge kwalitiet! Ik zou persoonlijk aanraden een lidschap met iemand te delen zodat het je maar een 10tje per maand kost!

karel johannus 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice, simple gym with a lot of freedom and a good atmosphere. It would be nice to be able to get a little more guidance.

michael d 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very chill basic fit

Veronica Alix 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This is legit one of the best gyms I’ve ever been to! (And I travel a lot) It has all the equipment you’ll need but it’s not too big that you’ll feel “lost”. The vibe is epic and everyone is treating each other as long time friends. The staff is amazing, friendly and always there to help and the gym is always clean! It’s impossible to leave this gym in a bad mood. Go there and you’ll understand what I mean!

Maaike 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice gym, Neat and clean!

sander de leeuw 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice location. Not too many lucky ones. Itt location IJmuiden.

Esther De koning 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: great club looks good!

Robert van Wijk 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Ligt het aan mij, of...? Coronamaatregelen voor sportscholen is de laatste tijd nogal een dingetje. Vandaag voor het eerst in 5 mnd weer gekomen. Van tevoren via de app een tijdslot afgesproken voor 2u lang sporten. Bij binnenkomst geen enkele vraag over klachten, koorts etc. Eén meisje als voltallig personeel, ergens achter in de zaal, babbelend... Plexiglas niet gezien, natte ruimte gewoon te gebruiken. De normale schoonmaakspray, geen alcoholgel of zoiets. Kortom, ligt het aan mij of zijn ze hier echt té laconiek.

Wies Haasje 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice place

peter gubbels 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training at basic fit for some time and now and then I also take the opportunity to train at other locations. The location in Haarlem Noord is still my preference. I already wrote a review at the start of my membership. I think it is important to do this every year to give a current picture of how I experience the gym. Due to circumstances I myself was forced to take a month and a half rest. After returning, I learned that the Branch Manager Jeroen has followed his personal ambition and made a different choice. Too bad as he has set a standard with his other staff, especially the ladies, Rachida, Ilse and Nicole, which fortunately is continued by these ladies. For me, this branch remains an example of what a branch should look like. Very clean and hygienic, friendly greeting, tidy, nice music and well-arranged. A nice friendly group of personal trainers. A lot of attention is given to maintenance. I see these ladies cleaning every time I am there. Windows, vacuuming ect. Toilets are clean and smell fresh, showers are neat and tidy. The devices are cleaned, maintained and maintained, super. Members who are less careful with the rules are addressed. I hope that the new branch manager Frank will continue to maintain this high standard and keep this flagship on track. A great challenge for Frank. Fortunately, he does not have to inspire his close colleagues, and in particular the above ladies. He just has to hook up to follow the good example. Jeroen, thank you and good luck with your further career. See you next year.

Ole 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice gym, good equipment and a nice atmosphere !!

Niels Kreuger 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Clean, new equipment and super friendly staff!

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