Informatie over Daan! Sport

2037 AS, Haarlem
+31 6 40849039


  • maandag: 08:00–21:00
  • dinsdag: 08:00–21:00
  • woensdag: 08:00–21:00
  • donderdag: 08:00–21:00
  • vrijdag: 08:00–21:00
  • zaterdag: 09:30–10:30
  • zondag: Gesloten

Kickboks lessen voor jong en oud. Daan Sport verzorgd personal training, zaktraining, workshops, jeugd & volwassenen kickboks in Haarlem

“"Goede lessen op je eigen niveau. Ik vind met name de sfeer ook echt goed, iedereen komt voor het sporten. Verder geen gedoe, je mag lekker jezelf zijn. Heb ook echt het idee dat je 'beter' wordt."”

“"Leuke afwisselende lessen in een gezellige groep! Daan zorgt voor een fijne motiverende groepsdynamiek en voelt tegelijkertijd goed aan waar individuele aandacht nodig is. Geen les is hetzelfde waardoor je telkens wordt uitgedaagd op nieuwe manieren en constant gemotiveerd blijft. Ook in de corona tijd doet Daan er alles aan om het sporten voor iedereen op een veilige manier leuk en toegankelijk te blijven maken!"”

“"Mijn zoon zit op kickboksen en vind het geweldig. Hij is gegroeid in zelfvertrouwen . Daan is een leuke leraar die iedere les weer zorgt voor uitdaging in combinatie met plezier. Ook organiseert hij activiteiten voor de jeugd wat het sporten natuurlijk extra leuk maakt."”

“"Goede combinatie van techniek, uithoudingsvermogen en kracht. Er wordt goed les gegeven; veel stimulans, (technische) aanwijzingen en plezier. Fijne en gevarieerde groep, iedereen is welkom."”

“"De lessen worden goed georganiseerd en zijn lekker uitdagend. De trainers motiveren mij ook altijd om tot het uiterste te gaan en zo merkte ik al vrij snel dat mijn kracht en conditie vooruitgingen. Elke keer is de training ook weer anders ,met steeds andere oefeningen, wat ervoor zorgt dat ik steeds op een andere manier wordt uitgedaagd. Echt een grote aanrader om een keertje een kijkje te nemen dmv een proefles!"”

“"Een hele leuke sportschool, Daan geeft in deze moeilijke tijd goeie afwisselende lessen. Hij is samen met zijn team heel enthousiast en probeert een ieder daarin mee te trekken, waardoor je altijd tot het uiterste gaat."”

“"Daan Sport is een super leuke sportschool voor volwassenen en kinderen. De lessen zijn uitdagend en afwisselend, de sfeer in de groep gezellig. Daan doet altijd zijn best om je te motiveren, zo doe je altijd net dat beetje extra."”

“"Mijn zoon zit er pas een paar weken op en heeft het bij Daan sport het erg naar zijn zin. Hij heeft elke weer zin om te gaan kickboksen op de woensdag en vrijdag."”

“"Leuke afwisselende lessen met zo goed mogelijk persoonlijk aandacht. Daan is erg motiverend om dat extra stapje toch te maken. Ook de groep en de sfeer is top!"”

“"Ik ga met heel veel plezier elke keer weer naar de lessen. Geen les is hetzelfde geweest. Er is een goede begeleiding. Voel me elke training zo voldaan."”


Daan! Sport heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Daan! Sport: Meningen

4.9/5 (37 Meningen)
Mourad Bouskla 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Dan ! Is a nice place to train, good atmosphere ... nice and accessible.

Daniel Grasman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I'm very happy

Wessel van Duijn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My daughter has been here for a little over a year now, her condition has improved greatly and she is enjoying herself

pato movie.s 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I'm really happy with this kickbox gym, really good sweer, good training sessions Daan is really a super coach I'm happy with this gym

Youri Van dijk 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym where the lessons are easily offered but also heavy and / or high quality. Nice group and great atmosphere :)

Karen Heeringa 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: You can go to Daan for kickboxing! At the moment nice on the roof (in the sun!) And the lessons are very varied and strenuous. You can also go here for personal training, my boyfriend and I exercise again with great pleasure!

Richard Meijboom 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very nice gym, Daan gives good varied lessons during these difficult times. He and his team are very enthusiastic and try to get everyone involved, so that you always go to the limit.

Carina Stappers 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Daan Sport is a super fun gym for adults and children. The lessons are challenging and varied, the atmosphere in the group is pleasant. Daan always does his best to motivate you, so you always do that little bit extra.

Marcel Takken 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

Jeffrey Grune 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super good and friendly teacher

iva van roodselaar 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My son is into kickboxing and loves it. He has grown in confidence. Daan is a nice teacher who provides a challenge in combination with fun every lesson. He also organizes activities for the youth, which of course makes sports extra fun

Marcella Van Leeuwen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Always cosy Nice sports school

Janske Pluimers 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My 11-year-old daughter is enjoying kickboxing lessons here! Nice lessons, good atmosphere and positive way of teaching. During corona Daan is always looking for how it can continue ... Great

Miranda Alberding 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top kickboxing lessons and circuit training !! No one lesson is the same !! It gives me energy and it is fun !!

Simone Vosman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I enjoy going to classes every time. No lesson has been the same. There is good guidance. Feel so fulfilled every workout.

Eva Lina 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best sports lessons in Schalkwijk!

Béate Heru Utomo 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good lessons at your own level. I particularly like the atmosphere, everyone comes for sports. No further hassle, you can be yourself. Also really feel that you are 'getting better'

Isabelle D'haene 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At Daan! Sports, you exercise in a fun way. Different types of lessons are possible and the lessons are also very varied. Furthermore, it is nice that there is sports outside in good weather and there is always a good and sporty atmosphere in the group!

Rhonice Marcelle 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super happy with Daan! Banging Lkr together with my girlfriend

Lucas Dedding 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A nice relaxed gym atmosphere is good. The lessons are well prepared and are given with a lot of motivation. Despite Corona, Daan and his interns make the most of it

Marieke van den Winkel - Derks 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good combination of technique, stamina and strength. There is good teaching; lots of stimulation, (technical) directions and fun. A nice and varied group, everyone is welcome.

Max Krijger 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Daan! Sport is a super fun gym for young and old, The teacher (Daan) gives each training a unique training so that everyone can always give 100% no matter what!

Frederieke Loman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Greatly trained again. It's great that we can still train on the roof terrace during this time.

CurKoen 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: I had a lesson here with school and it was a fun lesson. Daan (the instructor) was an enthusiastic good teacher.

Michelle Kock 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and varied lessons! Everyone is motivated at their own level to get the best out of yourself.

Desiree van Zoelen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My son has only been on it for a few weeks and is having a great time at Daan Sport. He is looking forward to kickboxing every Wednesday and Friday.

Guido van Hout 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Anyone can participate, but you are always tired and satisfied.

R 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

S D 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Finally a gym that I enjoy going to! Daan is professional, patient and explains everything clearly. I sometimes plan to take it a bit slower during a workout, but then Daan makes sure that I go all out. And that it works! All levels can enter and participate! Recommended!

Lisa Ravoo 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At "Daan! Sport 'I immediately felt at ease, everyone is welcome! The good personal help and the contact are very nice. There is a very nice atmosphere, especially for a kickboxing school;) The location is also great, with good weather we exercise on the roof terrace in the open air. I have to cycle a bit, but I am happy to do that! :))

Marcel Blok 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Everyone can come to Daan Sport. There is a varied range of group lessons for children, adults and older people. Daan is also the right place for Personal Training. Daan and his team are young ambitious and experienced trainers in various fields. Daan is always looking for (new) possibilities and partly because of this we as members have been able to continue exercising, despite all the measures, either virtually or on the large roof terrace. In addition, all members train in a social and respectful manner. This allows you to easily enter at any level. Within the lessons, everyone's level is taken into account and every lesson is a challenge for every athlete. In short, a complete picture and accessible to everyone. It is best to experience it yourself !!!!

Susanne Lonterman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The lessons are well organized and are nice and challenging. The trainers always motivate me to go to the limit and I soon noticed that my strength and condition were improving. Every time the training is different, with different exercises, which ensures that I am always challenged in a different way. Really a must to take a look once through a trial lesson!

Alyssa Huisman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice varied lessons in a friendly group! Daan provides a nice motivating group dynamic and at the same time feels good where individual attention is needed. No two classes are the same, so you are constantly challenged in new ways and constantly motivated. Even in the corona time, Daan does everything he can to make sports fun and accessible for everyone in a safe way!

fleur leeuw 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice varied lessons with the best possible personal attention. Daan is very motivating to take that extra step anyway. The group and the atmosphere are great too!

Storm Bertelkamp 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A good gym with a nice atmosphere and intensive training! really a must!

Jonah Kramer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I really think Daan is doing great. Nice varied lessons, nice atmosphere, good tips and advice about the exercises and a good group gathered who follow the training. In addition, I like that there are different classes, including bag training and circuit training, for a change.

Quincy Quincy 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very good trainer, who gives a unique training to each lesson. The lessons are super motivating. After the first lesson you already feel fitter and full of confidence. I would highly recommend this training !!

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