Informatie over Active Elements

Marconistraat 15A
8032 GN, Zwolle
+31 6 39563758


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Bootcamp, yoga, small group training en medical personal training in Zwolle. Leuke, uitdagende lessen voor elk niveau.


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Active Elements: Meningen

4.9/5 (25 Meningen)
kristel leemkuil 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Relaxing (and laughing) together for an hour with your son/daughter. Michelle gives a new lesson every week full of enthusiasm in a casual atmosphere.

Monique Hendriks 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: What a beautiful combination of yoga and play, of movement and relaxation. Yoga with young children is easy to do this way.

Chantal V 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been taking bootcamp classes at Active Elements for 2 years now and no class has been the same. Lots of variety and nice trainers.

Su Justi 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Recently I started the parent and child yoga classes with Michelle together with my daughter. Very nice lessons where we get to know yoga and everything that comes with it in a playful way and it is very nice to do it together, mom and daughter time. The lessons are a good combination of being active as well and then finishing very relaxed.

Marloes 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fun and varied training sessions with good guidance! You can train at every level, you get the most out of yourself. You can register via a handy and clear app. Very satisfied and highly recommended.

Wen dy 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mark & ​​Michelle know what they are talking about. They have an eye for you as an individual. This is quite a difference compared to a commercial gym, say very nice! The boot camp classes are great to do and a great start to your day

Maaike v/d Meulen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since the end of April I have been participating in the walking Yoga classes of Michelle in the Westerveldse forest in Zwolle. How much this has brought me so far. I like the nice way of teaching and the personal view that Michelle has. She is wonderfully calm and knows how to get things out of me that I had not yet discovered myself. It's Sunday morning from 9am to 10am or every Tuesday evening since this week. I enjoy the inner peace within myself. I also use the breathing techniques that you learn at different times. From the dentist to falling asleep. Thanks Michelle.

Ellen Brendeke 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had a very nice yoga class from Michelle! Clear explanation and a pleasant environment. The class was well organized with all the attributes present and a cup of tea afterwards.

Jaimy Langejans 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great diverse lessons for every level! The guidance of the trainers is very nice and there is a great atmosphere!

Info Fly to the West 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice atmosphere, good spacious and very pleasant!

Jolanda Vijverberg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Enjoy sports outside with varied Bootcamp lessons, each at their own level, enthusiastic, able to respond well to injuries and alternatives. I recommend it to everyone to do this at Active Elements!

Brenda Raadschelders 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: A super fun experience to experience a yoga class. Unbelievable how "relaxed" this makes you feel. And that thanks to Michelle, she does it in a very nice, soothing way.

Maaike Van der Meulen - Neijenhuis 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sinds eind april doe ik mee met de wandel Yoga lessen van Michelle in het Westerveldse bos in Zwolle. Wat heeft mij dit tot zover al veel gebracht. Ik hou van de fijne manier van les geven en de persoonlijke kijk die Michelle heeft. Ze is heerlijk rustig en weet dingen uit me te halen die ik zelf nog niet ontdekt had. Het is zondagochtend van 9.00 tot 10.00 of sinds deze week elke dinsdagavond. Ik geniet van de innerlijke rust in mezelf. Ook gebruik ik de ademhaling technieken die je leert op verschillende momenten. Van de tandarts tot in slaap vallen. Bedankt Michelle.

Christina den Dunnen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Active for a number of years at Active Elements. First at least once a week at the boot camp next to my running. I found that by doing both, your body can improve muscle as well as endurance. Later after I had been ill with Mark for a long time the medical personal training started to rebuild. A lot of attention and time during the training, and so quickly back to go to small group. After small group also definitely back to boot camp. Great for outdoor sports. with nice trainers. Top.

Lindy Mannes 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been working out at AE for a while now and I know I won't be going back to the gym! The guidance during the small group is very personal and I come home very satisfied after the training. Lots of variety and suitable for every level! In addition, Michelle's Yoga classes are highly recommended! Also doable as a beginner. Everything is well explained and it is certainly challenging. Super happy with the choice to work out at AE :)

Hanna 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: For several months now I have been participating in the boot camp classes in the morning every week. I like this very much! I soon noticed that I am generally getting stronger physically, which I think contributes to less running injuries. The workouts are fun and challenging. Always feel satisfied after training and have a lot of energy. The trainers give good personal advice and you can also learn from other participants. Personally, I also really like that the lessons (corona proof) could continue during this time. You are still in contact with each other at a safe distance. In addition to the boot camp, I have been participating in (now online) yoga every week for a while, which is also very good. Sometimes this is quite active and challenging. Overall, I find it very relaxing and soothing to the mind and body. In addition, I also notice that the yoga contributes to less physical aches and pains, I feel supple and light afterwards. For me, yoga is a good addition to the sport and meditation that I already did. What I also really like is that you can choose a subscription that suits your personal wishes and within that you can use your participation flexibly on a weekly basis, very nice!

Chantal Schreuder 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training here for a while and I especially like the combination of strength / condition in the small group training. It can be compared to crossfit. The small group training is small-scale, for every level and with a top instructor who understands business! The lessons are also just fun, not to be forgotten :-). In addition to the small group training, you can also go for Bootcamp and / or Yoga.

Kees-Jan Geluk 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been playing sports at Active Elements for over a year now. The Bootcamp lessons are given with enthusiasm by Mark and Mischelle. With a great diversity of exercises, always in the open air and at different locations. Really recommend!

annet ruiter 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: During a few months I have followed the boot camp training with great pleasure. The lessons were fun, varied and fun!

Marije Lutterop 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice varied workouts with good instructions on how exercises can be performed better or with more / less intensity.

Dorien Bouten 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good boot camp training! Mark and Michelle are enthusiastic and skilled trainers who always offer a varied boot camp in which everyone can get the best out of it at his / her own level. This within a cozy atmosphere.

Rianne Kofman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice varied outdoor bootcamp training sessions with good motivating trainers. Recommended!

Natasja Platenkamp 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super nice motivational trainers, and nice club people! Nice outside, a big challenge, but go home with a satisfied feeling

Ester Voortman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: They work professionally and the coaches are well trained. They know what they are talking about and give good advice. During the lesson there is always time for a joke or a little crazy, but also serious work! You are positively encouraged to push your own limits. The group size is just right and there is attention for everyone. At the end of dr les va you go home satisfied

Hankie Schols 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: For more than 1 year I have been training at Mark & ​​Michelle with great pleasure .... Because I know that the 2x a week, mainly strength training indoors, is incredibly good for my bones and muscles and much more ... especially now that I hope to turn 69 soon .... So it is never too late .... An exercise is always possible at Active Elements, regardless of your level, they will take care of that! Thanks in particular to the cozy atmosphere, it is not difficult to keep it up and go home satisfied .... So I hope that I can continue to do my best for a long time, may occasionally have pleasant muscle pain, so that I know that I have been doing well again ... Mark and Michelle, thank you, you are top trainers, who always know how to motivate us ... Hankie S.

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