Informatie over Yoga Mission Yogastudio (Amersfoort Vathorst)

Wageningseberg 43
3825 GR, Amersfoort
+31 6 23214295


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Kom rust en ontspanning ervaren! Laat je prestatiedrang thuis en leer goed voor jezelf zorgen en houdt je lichaam en mind flexibel en gezond. Kleine groepen | Persoonlijke aandacht | Voel je welkom

Bij Yoga Mission volg je ontspannende yogalessen van diverse docenten in het groene hart van Vathorst. Altijd flexibele leskeuze, 6 dagen per week. Je hebt de keuze uit Hatha yoga, Yin yoga en speciaal voor zwangeren Zwangerschapsyoga & Babymassage met Baby yoga. Vanaf 6 oktober ook een Zwangerschapsyogales in Hilversum!

De focus in onze lessen ligt op je goed en fit voelen en de connectie te maken tussen lichaam en geest. Kom rust en ontspanning ervaren, je mag je prestatiedrang thuis laten en gaan ervaren hoe het is om de aandacht te verplaatsen van denken naar voelen. De lessen duren gemiddeld 60-75 minuten en worden gegeven in kleine groepen, zodat persoonlijke aandacht gegarandeerd wordt. Kom rust en ontspanning ervaren en kies de yogavorm die bij je past.

Helemaal nieuw met yoga en weet je niet zo goed waar je moet beginnen? Kijk dan bij onze uitleg van de verschillende yogastijlen of start met de Online Introductiecursus Yoga Basics. Eind september start er weer een Introductiecursus Yoga Basics. Ideaal om laagdrempelig te starten met yoga en handvatten te krijgen waar te beginnen.

Yoga Mission biedt naast yoga ook ontspanningsmassages, zwangerschaps– en postnatale behandelingen. Deze worden gegeven bij je thuis op een warm waterkussen.

Een bijzondere dag vol bezinning, rust, goede gesprekken en lekker eten. Door de bezielende leiding van Sandra & Sandra is dit retreat een absolute aanrader voor iedereen die even thuis wil komen bij zichzelf.

Ik heb zwangerschapsyoga gevolgd bij Sandra. Een heerlijk ontspanningsmoment iedere week weer en om zo wat extra aandacht te geven aan je baby in je buik. Er was aandacht voor iedereen individueel en bij bepaalde klachten had ze fijne tips. De ademhalingsoefeningen zijn voor mij van waarde geweest tijdens de bevalling. Sandra geeft op een fijne, rustige, vrolijke manier les.

Het is iedere keer weer een cadeautje om yogales bij Sandra te volgen. Zij is heel professioneel en geeft op verschillende manieren les, maar altijd ga ik heel ontspannen weer naar huis. Naast het stretchen is dat mijn doel van yoga.

De cursus Yoga Basics van Sandra was goed georganiseerd. Sandra besteedt tijd aan details, herhaalt indien nodig en luistert naar de behoeften van de groep. Aardige en professionele docent met een warme uitstraling! Ik heb veel geleerd.

Een rustige opbouw en duidelijke uitleg bij de oefeningen. Dat is wat de lessen van Sandra typeert. Tijdens de houdingen geeft Sandra aanpassingen zodat het voor iedereen gangbaar en geschikt is en dat voelt heel fijn.

Begin dit jaar heb ik een introductiecursus yoga gevolgd bij Sandra. Ik had nog helemaal geen ervaring met yoga, dus alles was nog nieuw voor me. Sandra nam rustig de tijd om de basis uit te leggen en de houdingen voor te doen. Ik was enthousiast geworden en nu volg ik de yin yoga lessen. De manier waarop ze les geeft ervaar ik als zeer prettig. Ik vind haar heel kundig en ze straalt rust uit. Je kunt alles aan haar vragen en je voelt je nooit ongemakkelijk in de les, zelfs als je de houding precies verkeerd om doet, weet ze dit op een subtiele, vriendelijke manier te corrigeren. Kortom, ik ben heel blij met Sandra als yogalerares. Ik ga altijd met plezier naar de yoga om vervolgens weer heel ontspannen terug te komen!

Sandra geeft ontspannende lessen en kijkt per persoon wat prettig is en dat werkt voor mij. Ze heeft veel kennis en er is alle ruimte voor vragen. Voor mij een fijne voorbereiding op de bevalling en een rustmoment in de week.

De yogalessen van Sandra zijn een mooie balans tussen inspanning en ontspanning. De lessen zijn afwisselend en ik vind het ook fijn dat Sandra in de les verteld over de basis principes van yoga. Het is altijd een mooie les van een fijne docente.

Ik heb genoten van een dag quality time met mezelf en de andere aanwezige vrouwen. De cacao en de klankschalen meditatie hebben veel in mij geshift en brachten mij meer in mijn lijf. Ik ging nóg meer op onderzoek uit. Het buiten zijn, de fijne vegan verzorging en het rustige programma gaven mij een enorme verkwikking.

Dank voor de heerlijke ochtend, ik heb echt geen enkel puntje van verbetering. Alles klopte, de rust, de locatie, de lunch en jullie lieve rustige en geduldige begeleiding door de dag heen! Ik hoop dat jullie dit in de toekomst misschien ook voor (uitgebluste) vaders en moeders blijven organiseren!

Locatie De yogalessen worden gegeven in een fijne ruimte bij DE KAMERS (voormalig ‘De Kroon’) op de Wezeperberg 1. Je vindt De Kamers naast sporthal de Brink, dichtbij Natuurboerderij De Brinkhorst, midden in het groene hart van Vathorst. De lessen vinden plaats in de lichte Bovenkamer. Er is voldoende gratis parkeergelegenheid en in het gebouw is een lift aanwezig.

Route Auto: Sla de Grenspolder in vanaf Rotonde Nr. 6 (ringweg om Vathorst). Vervolg de weg rechtdoor en sla rechtsaf naar de Wageningseberg. Hier is voldoende gratis parkeergelegenheid.

Route Fiets: Het gebouw bevindt zich naast Sporthal De Brink waar je langs kunt fietsen tot aan de ingang van De Kamers. Je fiets kun je parkeren in de fietsenstalling naast de ingang.


Yoga Mission Yogastudio (Amersfoort Vathorst) heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Yoga Mission Yogastudio (Amersfoort Vathorst): Meningen

5/5 (22 Meningen)
Sophie 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had a post-natal massage + yoni steam session. Super nice to end your pregnancy and delivery with. Recommended!

Nanna Razenberg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: There is nothing better than being able to relax during your pregnancy. With the help of Sandra and her great yoga classes, this works out fine. Not only rest, but also nice yoga exercises, attention to breathing and tips for pregnancy and childbirth. And as icing on the cake, the pregnant women's retreat. That is really a present for yourself!! A day full of yoga, creativity and the most beautiful conversations. Really recommended!!

Rivkele van der Weide 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I followed the pregnant day retreat with Sandra and Sandra. It was a very nice day that I would recommend to everyone! The garden, the studio, the lunch, the program, the nice people; really recommended.

Sietske van Leusden 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Followed a women's retreat with Sandra and Sandra, what a wonderful day! Relaxation, self reflection, humor and a delicious homemade lunch. An absolute must to treat yourself!

Annabel Conijn 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had a very pleasant pregnancy massage! Possible complaints are taken into account. It is very nice that it takes place at home. Sandra makes you feel completely at ease and relaxed. Highly recommended and a gift to yourself as a mom to be.

Andrea Gerrits 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: The recovery yoga course including baby massage is highly recommended. Got good tips to work on my recovery after delivery and the baby massage was very nice (my son liked it too)

Leonie Back 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I followed pregnancy yoga with Sandra. A wonderful moment of relaxation every week and to give some extra attention to your baby in your tummy. Attention was paid to everyone individually and she had great tips for certain complaints. The breathing exercises have been of value to me during delivery. Sandra teaches in a pleasant, calm, cheerful way. After the delivery I followed the recovery yoga, part of this is the baby massage, super fun to experience with my daughter. Sandra has given great advice and exercises on how you can build up a sporty sport again after your delivery.

Milou van Eldik 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sandra's pregnancy yoga classes at YogaMission are already recommended, but the pregnancy massage was really the icing on the cake. I had a tough pregnancy and this hour of pure enjoyment was so nice. Sandra comes to your home and really takes the time to let you completely relax. With a nice sofa, a warm water pillow and essential oils, the experience was complete! After the delivery, I therefore treated myself to a massage for mothers who have just given birth: I prefer to get it every day!

Agnes Frieswijk 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sandra is a huge passionate professional. After taking classes in pregnancy yoga, I also had a post natal massage at home. She takes her time and is fantastic at her job.

Suzanne De Haan 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had a wonderful pregnancy massage. It was especially nice that it was possible at home, highly recommended. After my pregnancy, I followed the recovery yoga course. Very nice to learn some exercises for recovery after your pregnancy. Also a very nice lesson where your child could and will learn to massage and some exercises to do together. Incredibly fun experience.

Tessa Brandsen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: During my pregnancy I participated in the pregnancy yoga at Yoga Mission for several weeks. After my delivery I also participated in a wonderful pampering retreat, together with some other moms. Highly recommended to take a moment to reflect on your own body and needs and to step out of 'care mode' for a while. I got to know Sandra as a very sweet and involved woman. She pays genuine attention to all participants and likes to think along with you in your personal situation through tips and advice. In her lessons she knows how to bring a lot of rest and relaxation.

jose kiewiet 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Due to corona restrictions, the yoga classes were given online for a while. This was an opportunity for me to follow the yin class with Sandra because I do not live in the area. And how I enjoyed those lessons! Sandra gives relaxed and personal lessons. She explains the postures clearly, always gives alternatives for people who suffer from knees / back / shoulders or the like. After class you will feel completely recharged Thank you very much for the great lessons

Petra 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After the birth of my second child I followed the online course 'I like this'. In the postpartum module you learn in different lessons to find a balance in your new life and what is important for the recovery of your body. It was good for me to consciously think about these things, which brought me to new (important) insights that help me further in my daily life. In addition, there are also great yoga sessions that you can follow, and - precisely because they are shorter - feasible to do in between. A wonderful moment for yourself as a young mother!

Kelly Rooijakkers 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Unfortunately I live too far away to take yoga classes in the studio with Sandra. Due to the corona period, Sandra has worked hard to offer online lessons. For me this is a welcome solution. The advantage of online lessons is that I don't have to arrange a babysitter. Yoga is still fairly new to me. That is why I first followed the online introductory course. The explanation and the different exercises allow you to make a good choice for the type of yoga that suits you. Sandra tells you in a very clear way what to do, but always indicates that you have to adapt to what you can do yourself at that moment. With many back / neck / shoulder complaints, a lesson always provides pain relief. And everything is told with a smile by Sandra!

Purdey Hof 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I ended up with Sandra during my pregnancy. Her pregnancy yoga was a really relaxing moment for me. During her sessions she gives advice on what to do or not to do in the different phases of your pregnancy. This is very professional and pleasant. After my delivery I had a super nice massage from Sandra on a warm water pillow and with essential oils. This is highly recommended for every 'just given birth' mother. The retreat day for mothers giving birth is also a wonderful moment for yourself. During this part of the day I really relaxed and there was room to talk about how you experience motherhood. This, in combination with yoga, meditation and a singing bowl session, I came home recharged. Together with my daughter I then did a baby massage session with Sandra. It was a real party for both my daughter and me. Working together, experiencing relaxation and having fun together was really a great moment for us! In short; you can contact Sandra for various things. But whatever you choose, you will experience relaxation, tranquility and personal attention.

Jorinde Gommans 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I took a relaxation massage with Sandra. And this was delicious! Sandra is open, friendly and very competent. She pays attention to what your body needs at that moment and attunes well to what you like. During and afterwards I felt very relaxed. Really a present to yourself! Also such a luxury that she massages at home, so you don't have to go anywhere. This means that you can stay completely in your own bubble afterwards and continue to work through the positive effects of the massage. Thank you Sandra!

Annelie 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a pregnancy with back and pelvic complaints, I still had a lot of back pain after delivery. The yin yoga classes are very pleasant and relaxing and help with my recovery. The post-natal massage is also highly recommended! In September I will participate in the recovery yoga, together with my baby. Already looking forward to!

Rosalie Keet 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sandra's pregnancy lessons are a joy moment for me during the week. Time for myself, come to myself and relax. The lessons are given in a nice room, you are welcomed with a cup of tea and attention is paid to everyone. Very nice to be able to follow Sandra's lessons every week! I also experienced the pregnancy massage as very pleasant, Sandra takes into account what is desired and what is not. Relaxed music and the hot water mattress make it very comfortable.

Nienke Schipper 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Thanks for the nice Relaxed Pregnant 10-day, Sandra! I thought it was a nice relaxing moment in the day and the alternation between breathing exercises, relaxation exercises and parts such as a sun salutation made it very pleasant! You come across on video professionally and explain very clearly and calmly.

Sandra Claassens 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: During my 2nd pregnancy I met (online) Sandra as a pregnancy yoga teacher at Yogamission. And she does this well and professionally! Everyone can use a moment of peace and quiet in the busy daily routine. Under Sandra's guidance I succeeded very well, and she knows how to draw attention inwards in a clear and motivating way with exercises that you can also apply more often yourself. That has done me a lot of good and hopefully it will stay that way for the rest of my pregnancy!

Willemijn de Jong 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yoga session among the alpacas! What a fun lesson organized by Sandra. Sweet, helpful and cooperative. Super!

Eva Bolle 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Yoga Mission is highly recommended! Sandra is a very professional yoga teacher, someone who shapes her lessons with passion and dedication. She always creates a nice, serene atmosphere in 'De Kamers' in Vathorst. During the pregnancy yoga lessons she transfers knowledge and lets you experience different (breathing) techniques. There is a lot of personal attention! In addition, it is a moment of peace and conscious connection with your baby. For me the best way to face the birth with confidence. Sandra's pregnancy massages are also wonderfully relaxing !!

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