Informatie over Sportschool Muay Thai Delft

Hendrick de Keyserweg 4
2612 KE, Delft
+31 6 30719967


Sportschool Muay Thai Delft heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Conditie, lenigheid, kracht en reactievermogen zijn de belangrijkste elementen van de training. Tijdens de training vindt er een constante intensieve energieverbranding door het hele lichaam plaats. Het opbouwen van zelfvertrouwen, conditie, discipline en doorzettingsvermogen zijn hierbij de doelstellingen. Trainen bij Muay Thai Delft betekent vooral ook lol en plezier beleven aan de sport. Thaiboksen kan ingezet worden voor alle leeftijden en voor zowel mannen als vrouwen. Op onze shop pagina kun je kwalitatieve vechtsportartikelen kopen tegen een voordelige prijs.

Voor de jeugd is het Thaiboksen (Muay Thai) vooral een middel voor discipline, doorzettingsvermogen, respect, vertrouwen en zelfbeheersing. Jeugdlessen kunnen gevolgd worden vanaf 3 jaar. De jeugdlessen worden op een speelsgewijze manier gegeven. De lessen bestaan voornamelijk uit het aanleren van bepaalde technieken, het verbeteren van het zelfvertrouwen en de weerbaarheid. Uit de partijkt blijkt dat kinderen veel plezier beleven en graag terugkomen. Respect voor elkaar staat ten alle tijde centraal. De trainingen worden gegeven door Omar Bouaali. Omar Bouaali is wedstrijdvechter van Muay Thai Delft en daarnaast actief bij Vechtsport Organisatie Nederland en Federatie Oosterse Gevechtskunsten.

Thaiboksen is geschikt om recreatief te beoefenen en omdat je de meeste spiergroepen nodig hebt bij deze sport, is het ook een vrij complete vorm van lichaamsbeweging. Omdat je het niveau zelf een beetje kan bepalen en aanpassen is het voor alle leeftijden geschikt. Het is een ideale uitlaatklep voor bijvoorbeeld studenten, zzp’ers en ondernemers die hun dagelijkse lading kunnen omzetten in positieve energie.


Sportschool Muay Thai Delft heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Sportschool Muay Thai Delft: Meningen

5/5 (25 Meningen)
Alexander S 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good professional school! You can see that there is a lot of experience present. Accessible for both young and old. You will receive personal training and we will look closely at how you can improve individually. In addition, after a few times you will notice that you are also making big steps conditionally. They also know how to make sure you get the most out of it. Robert's group lessons are always given in a clear, calm and humorous way. Omar's group lessons are intensive and are good at it. After all, Hamid's private lessons are good for short-term and long-term development. Unfortunately due to a move I have to look for a new school. A must for everyone if you are looking for a good gym!

Altin Bektashi 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional staff. The perfect place to train no matter if you are a beginner or have already trained before. Detailed exercises for your strength and conditioning bodyweight. Here you can learn the best techniques for self-defending. Started in this club after 1 year of pause from kickboxing and it was an amazing experience. Trainers and the team are like a big family that helped me and made me feel welcomed as a student coming from another country.

seger wurfbain 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good experiences gained from the private lessons. Lots of explanation about technique and every lesson going to the hole!!

sergiers garciers 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Full training, techniques are well worked on and sparring is common. Very friendly colleagues and teachers who are always willing to help you. Highly recommended

saif qutuz 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym

hidde schutten 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice lessons. good trainers and nice atmosphere

Alexander Smit 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Goede professionele school! Je kan zien dat er veel ervaring aanwezig is. Voor zowel jong als oud toegankelijk. Je krijgt persoonlijke training en er wordt goed gekeken hoe je individueel beter kan worden. Daarnaast merk je na een aantal keren dat je conditioneel ook grote stappen maakt. Ze weten daarnaast er voor te zorgen dat je er alles uit haalt. De groepslessen van Robert worden altijd duidelijk, rustig en met humor gegeven. De groepslessen van Omar zijn intensief en hakken er goed in. De privélessen van Hamid zijn tenslotte goed voor ontwikkeling op de korte en lange termijn. Helaas wegens een verhuizing moet ik op zoek naar nieuwe school. Voor iedereen een aanrader als je goede sportschool zoekt!

Veerle Femke 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good guidance. Takes the time for explanations...that way you also understand the underlying issues behind the movements.

Siemen Algra 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super good place to start your kickbox training as a beginner. Nice staff!

Isabelle 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great club, everyone is welcome here! Started with them when I was a student, I've had other trainers but there's no one like them. Really nice place to train, definitely recommended.

Machiel Kroes 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have enjoyed training here for about a year and a half. Always nice and intensive and motivated trainers. If you want to push your limits, come here to train.

Maximilian Hehenkamp 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Value Super nice trainers. Suited for beginners and more advanced people. I can recommend it for both natives and internationals. The group keeps you engaged and therefore the training aleays feels worth your time. The prices are good for the quality that is provided. Come here and see

Glenn Plum 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Professionalism

Tim Schotting 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Muay Thai Delft is a great gym to learn Muay Thai. The trainers can excellently determine your level and coach you in this to progress in the sport! So it doesn't matter if you've never boxed before, since this is handled well. This also creates a good atmosphere and you blend in with the team. I would definitely recommend taking classes here!

Servan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and welcoming gym. Being a complete beginner was not a problem and I was well taught even though I didn't speak dutch. Thank you for the nice trainings!

Jacob van Ooijen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have trained here for 5 years with great pleasure. And unfortunately I have to leave due to a move. Nice, small-scale association with a strong focus on technique and strategy in the ring. Both Omar and Robert are very skilled in their profession, know how to push you to the limit but are also very attentive to the health of the athletes. It is a close-knit group for all levels from beginners to competitive fighters and respect is of paramount importance to all athletes. Highly recommended.

Martin Georgiev 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have trained here for several years (with the advanced group). The trainers (Robbert & Omar) are very experienced & always push us further. What I like about the gym is thats small and creates a good friendships with other students, so we can always laugh after training! If you want to learn the basics or even prepare for a fight this place is good for you. And the cool thing they offer a free lesson, which is always nice when u looking for a place to train. Last but not least, there is a free parking nearby but I just come with the bike because I live in Delft. Maybe see you soon? Ooos!

N A 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super gym with skilled trainers. Both conditionally and technically advanced, but perhaps more importantly, the trainers and fighters welcome everyone openly and cordially. In short, recommended for everyone, both beginners and advanced!

Yanick Mampaey 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: There is a personal and friendly atmosphere, which ensures that you want to get the best out of every workout. Muay Thai Delft has great trainers that I have learned a lot from and there is always room for some jokes during training. Training is for beginners and advanced, but you will sweat well!

Thies Postma 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Incredibly friendly staff and supportive in training, and training always well cared for!

Pietro Sala 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I’ve trained at Muay Thai Delft for one year and had a superlative experience. The trainer is extremely well prepared and always dedicated to customers’ needs. I came back from a long injury and little by little we built up condition and technique. I suggest the gym to both beginners and experts. Keep up the good work!

Sven Veldhuis 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The trainers are professional and have real passion for the sport. There is room for all ages and levels of ability.

Pieter Spruijt 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Boxing for years with great pleasure! Professional and cozy, definitely recommended!

mvanbommel86 _ 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I follow private training with one of the trainers, Hamid. My goal was to learn the technique, as you naturally build up your condition automatically. Hamid looks closely at your level and adjusts the pace of the training and your development accordingly. All in all, I am very satisfied with the quality of the training and my choice to get started here and can therefore heartily recommend it to young and old regardless of level.

Gábor Ács 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Really nice thai-box school, the trainers pay attention for every individuals and take care of the details, they teach truely useful technique and teach me even though I speak only english.

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