Informatie over NumberOne Personal Training Delft

Burgemeestersrand 198
2625 NZ, Delft
+31 15 206 2000


  • maandag: 07:00–22:30
  • dinsdag: 07:00–22:30
  • woensdag: 07:00–22:30
  • donderdag: 07:00–22:30
  • vrijdag: 07:00–22:30
  • zaterdag: 09:00–15:00
  • zondag: 09:00–15:00

Afvallen, fit blijven, sterker worden; NumberOne Personal Training in Delft/Den Hoorn kan jou bij elk doel helpen en begeleiden om het maximale te bereiken!

Op zoek naar een personal trainer in de omgeving van Delft, Den Hoorn en Nootdorp die jou met intensieve persoonlijke aandacht helpt om je doel te bereiken? De trainers van NumberOne Personal Training hebben alle kwaliteiten, kennis en ervaring in huis om jou te helpen jouw doelen te bereiken. Door intensieve één-op-één coaching haal jij het maximale uit jezelf én je training. Onze aanpak creëert een gezonder en fitter lichaam met gegarandeerd blijvend resultaat. Onderneem nu actie en zet de juiste stappen om het resultaat te bereiken dat jij wilt.

Jouw lichaam verdient persoonlijke aandacht Geen mens is hetzelfde, daarom verdient jouw lichaam persoonlijke aandacht. De kern van het probleem ligt vaak in jouw mindset.

De meeste diëten werken niet, omdat je niks leert over het maken van gezonde keuzes. Je volgt het dieet zoals staat aangegeven, maar een tijdelijke verandering geeft geen blijvend resultaat. Het volgen van allerlei korte en tijdelijke trainingsprogramma’s werken voor de korte termijn, maar geven geen blijvend resultaat. Wanneer jij serieus wilt veranderen in iemand die wél keiharde en zichtbare resultaten behaalt, dan moet je daar de tijd voor nemen.

Training verbetert je lichaam, je kracht en conditie, maar niet als je geen tijd neemt voor herstel. Voldoende rust na een inspanning is belangrijk om efficiënt spiermassa op te bouwen.

Soms zit je vast in een vicieuze cirkel en kom je er niet meer uit. De enige oplossing is inzien dat je vastloopt en daarna de keuze maken om de cirkel te doorbreken. Het zijn de gewoonten die je jezelf hebt aangeleerd, bewust of onbewust. Ben jij je bewust van de risico’s die jouw gedrag met zich meebrengt? Dan is dat al een goede eerste stap. Een coach kan je helpen om de volgende stappen in dat traject te zetten.

Wanneer je kiest voor ons coaching-traject, neem je bewust de keuze om daadwerkelijk te willen veranderen. Wil jij meer persoonlijk en/of zakelijk succes? Wij helpen jou tot een structurele verandering. Met ons werkboek ga je intensief aan de slag met jezelf. Het geeft jou inzicht waarom je doet wat je doet, waarom je denkt zoals je denkt, wat je werkelijk wilt én of je denkwijze en je resultaten in overeenstemming zijn met het leven zoals jij dat wenst te leven.

Investeren in je lichamelijke en mentale gezondheid, kennis, vaardigheden en in persoonlijke ontwikkeling leidt ertoe dat je lekkerder in je vel zit. Hiermee creëer je een hoog energieniveau. Ons coaching-traject brengt jou tot ongekende hoogtes.


NumberOne Personal Training Delft heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

NumberOne Personal Training Delft: Meningen

5/5 (51 Meningen)
Joey van der Veen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had fantastic guidance, after a few years of ailing due to various shoulder injuries. Perfect 1:1 guidance, with the result that I can now get back to work individually. 100% recommended if you want to be challenged and work on yourself!

Marco van den Bor 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym with very professional personal trainers, even went to the AH with Kenny (owner) and got great advice on food. Even I can lose weight through professional guidance. All thanks to Numberone? Thanks Kenny

Jenny de Bruijn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Never thought I'd ever work out in a gym with weights and loads of different equipment that I'd never seen before. Normally I do dance. Very different. In the end I was persuaded by my mother to take on the challenge together. I'm so glad I took this step. I enjoy working out every week! I love working with a personal trainer. You bring out the best in yourself. This is mainly due to the fine and good guidance. Everything is adapted to your level and body. I recommend it to everyone! What a satisfied feeling when you're done!

Judith Knijnenburg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best gym I've been to so far, wide range of classes. Train hard at your own level. Possibility of coaching in all areas and very professional and skilled people in the team. Sufficient appliances, excellent climate control. Good and pleasant atmosphere. Where you go home with a good feeling after training highly recommended to work out at number one. Good job Kenny

Herma Selles 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good gym! Enjoy training with Jeffrey. His training sessions are motivating and he pays close attention to the correct technical execution. You feel yourself getting stronger and fitter.

T S 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Training with Kenny and also with the other trainers is great. At NumberOne I can go to the limit and improve myself in a controlled way - so without risk of injury. The atmosphere is very relaxed and I can really recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their training!

Herwin Vollmuller 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Dear management I am very satisfied with the personal guidance during the lessons and she is very competent with regard to the practice material furthermore, there is a lot of personal attention outside the lessons about the progress I am making So that's why I think Hanneke is a top coach and the rest of the trainers of Number One are super friendly people and always have time for you Sincerely, Very satisfied customer Herwin Vollmuller

Charl Haas 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I came across NumberOne personal training because I was looking for a trainer who challenges me, keeps me enthusiastic and communicates honestly. From the intake there was an immediate click, we set goals together and worked on mindset. Every time it is an hour of incredibly hard work and pushing boundaries, but with the enthusiasm with which Kenny gives the training, he stimulates me enormously. He listens carefully to how I feel and always manages to extract the last energy from me. At numberOne you are not just a random number, there is personal attention for you and your goals. Sports at numberOne can recommend it to everyone!

B. van Dijk 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very committed team with a clear eye for your personal situation at that moment. In this way always a tailor-made training with a maximum return. After all, we don't always feel good about ourselves, but I always come out of it better. Now back to training. I arrived a bit tired, and now I go home full of energy and so it's worth it! doubly

walter knijnenburg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I like going to the number one team for a good professional training that makes me fitter to function better in daily life

Emilie Van Daal 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Every Wednesday morning I work out at NumberOne. During the lessons I can lose my energy and I also notice the difference if I haven't exercised for a week. There is also good guidance during sports. They pay close attention to your posture and breathing. They also motivate you well while you are working out, so that you can also get the last repetitions out of it.

Niels Lange 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym...! Enjoy sports in an environment with care. Instructors know what they are doing and think along with you to achieve your goals. You give that little bit extra. In addition to personal training, you can register for all classes with the new subscription... so it never gets boring and variety is nice.

Daniel V 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Training with my daughter, lots of fun with our sports coach Yoeri. Make a lot of progress in a short time. Totally great

Remco Jongbloed 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Using a workbook, NumberOne provides insight into the current lifestyle and the desired lifestyle (goal), which is often largely influenced by mindset. By gaining insight into your mindset, in combination with Personal Training and the app that is used, I have been able to achieve my desired target weight. I am very satisfied with NumberOne Personal Training and would recommend it to everyone. Conclusion: Are you looking for someone who can help you achieve your goal, such as losing weight, staying fit or getting stronger, then please contact NumberOne!

iggy `s Gravemade 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: An incredibly beautiful and nice gym!! The trainers are just as motivated as I am! And together I managed to achieve my goals! I still enjoy training there every week!

Tessa Vermeulen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym in a good location. Group lessons are very nice and good, it is nice that the groups are small. The trainers have knowledge, pleasure and passion for their profession. Highly recommended!

Marco Kuijper 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: We have had very good experiences with NumberOne Personal Training! We have been training with Jeffrey for over a year and a half now and we have started to feel a lot fitter. Jeffrey's training sessions are always original and he knows how to motivate in a fun way to get the most out of yourself. We can wholeheartedly recommend NumberOne to everyone!

Mo Spar 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Eerder personal training gehad maar niet eerder zo snel goede resultaat behaald. Ga met plezier naar training en kom afgemat thuis :-)

AJ Verkooijen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've always really put off going to the gym. Since I train with Yoeri, I have not only become fitter and have lost a lot of weight, I have also rediscovered my pleasure in sports. Highly recommended to join this gym.

corien pol 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A pleasant gym with friendly and professional guidance. Under the enthusiastic guidance of Jeffrey, I notice that my condition has improved a lot.

Edwin Lustig 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Recognizable ? once you were sporty and moving was normal. Then came the courtship, work, kids, and other excuses to think about yourself. Not only did you gain weight, but your strength decreased and your reaction speed deteriorated .... What is the moment when you start taking care of yourself again and what do you need for that? It took me a long time to get Kenny on the line ... and it wasn't because he didn't answer. NumberOne has made it easy. So easy that I now wonder why it took so long before I started taking care of myself. Lost 15 kilos in four months, fully in my physical and mental strength and well able to include exercise in my daily pattern. I am a NumberOne fan :-).

Jeroen de Jong 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: On January 1 of this year, put on the scales and in front of the mirror, and decided: this was really not possible anymore! Because of this I started looking for a gym to get me moving again. The website and the contact with Kenny from Number1 appealed to me. After this I started training with Yoeri and that went well. He motivates me with varied and stimulating workouts that are fine-tuned and adapted to me. The home training sessions from the App also work well and the results are already clearly visible. This in turn gives extra motivation to go the extra mile. How much we now train outside because of the Corona measures, the conditions and materials are excellent. That promises something for when we can go inside again! Jeroen

Glennys de Wild 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been a member of Number One for a few years now. Yoeri's personal training motivates me to get more out of my body. Recently I also started boxing for women and I like it very much. A pleasant gym with friendly and professional staff!

Inge van der Klis 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training at NumberOne for six months now. Has been active for years but got stuck in sporting development. Now, under the enthusiastic guidance of Jeffrey, I notice that my condition has improved a lot and become stronger. This training is a valuable investment in my health. It's great how you can get the most out of me every week outside, rain or shine, because of all the COVID measures.

Jasper Wennekes 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: When I started at Number One Personal Training I no longer saw how I was ever going to achieve my goals. Now after 1.5 months it is going better than I ever expected, the trainers motivate me to the top. They help you achieve your goals and that has now become apparent. Super happy that I ended up at Number One Personal Training!

Sahar Roozbeh 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It’s by far the best personal training gym I’ve ever been in. The professional trainers help you reach your goals and you will definitely notice the changes you were looking for. This place is worthy of its name!

Rose Amaretto 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At NumberOne a nice couple of people work who seriously and professionally animate their customers to do just that little bit more effort. I manage that myself. I go to the BBB training at Tanja 1 time a week, it is better to go to class, I am always happy and satisfied, that gives me a good feeling! It is a nice small-scale training location, the space has a nice fresh appearance.

Ria Lange 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Few years ago at Numberone started exercising (after knee injury, fear of falling and being overweight.) The personal training with trainer Yoeri is: very varied, pushing boundaries, having muscle aches and regaining confidence in what your body can do. Now 2020 still on weight and top fit. The challenging, intensive military boot camp and BBB in a group with very involved and skilled trainers are absolutely great. !!! Recommended..

Piet van der Windt 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training for a few years now with Kenny, owner of the above gym. I can only say that I like this very much. A knowledgeable and enthusiastic team of people. I benefit from it and considering that the 60 years are coming, I think it is important to stay fit and mobile. They help me with a nice variety of exercises and assignments. My weight remains stable and I feel fine and super fit. So highly recommended.

Celien KK 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best trainers!

Fariborz Ghavamian 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My wife and I have private training sessions with Tanja for the past year. We had quite a different set of goals; I wanted to gain weight, and my wife wanted to become stronger. Tanja managed to tend to both of our goals in a single common session per week. By helping me upgrading my meal plan and giving me appropriate exercises, I gained 8 kg in the last year, more than I ever weighted before! She also helped my wife become much stronger; for instance, she could barely do a single push-up and now she easily does 15! NumberOne gym is a full-fledged facility with a relaxing environment. Trainers are all professional, cool, and aardige mensen! We highly recommend this place.

Henk Oele 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since September 2018, once a week, working out at NumberOne with our company as corporate fitness. In addition to corporate fitness, I train independently twice a week. Exercising at NumberOne is a great addition to me, as we perform new exercises here every week. Thanks to the good guidance from Kenny and Yoeri, the exercises are performed in the right way, which also helps me when I train independently. In addition to their professionalism, Kenny and Yoeri are also great people to work with. They ensure that you can perform optimally at your own level. Definitely recommended for anyone who wants to work out and is looking for good guidance.

Bregje van Ballegooijen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very satisfied with the training at Number One! The trainers are professional and have an eye for your wishes and goals, they adapt the training perfectly to this. You are challenged and motivated to get everything out of yourself, exactly what I need and expect from a personal trainer!

Nadia Martens 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since September 2018 I train at NumberOne, once a week BBB, once a week personal training. Very satisfied with the results; weight loss, more strength and endurance, in short, healthier! Trainers Tanja and Yoeri always know how to motivate and challenge me. NumberOne is also a nice place to work out. Can't and will not live without it :)

Bart van de Velde 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: For almost a year we enjoy sports at Number One. Tanja adjusts her creative training precisely to our wishes and our level, so that we are sufficiently challenged and achieve our goals. We are very satisfied!

Martin Wols 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My employer provides the opportunity for group training, with trainer Yoeri assisting us. The training is always well cared for and feels personal. Despite the great variation within our team, Yoeri knows how to keep the training challenging for young and old, regardless of how fit you are. I never thought I could do it for several minutes, but NumberOne made it possible! Nice and busy, keep it up !!

Tinka van Rood 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Under expert and personal guidance you not only train in a beautiful training room, but you also pay attention to the goals you want to achieve, the food you can eat best and the mental support. In short, it is a complete story that you get at NumberOne. I am very happy with it.

Danielle Zwinkels 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been boxing at Number One every week for over a year. It is a wonderful hour of boxing under the guidance of Michael. Don't think and hit anything! Every week the lesson is different and that makes it fun! The atmosphere at Number One is great, everyone is very professional and is ready for you when needed.

Sanne Groenewegen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I enjoyed sport at NumberOne for a year. 1 x in the week personal training duo and 1 x in the week boot camp led by Yoeri. Alternate training focused on your goals and personal guidance are paramount. The gym is in a good location and has all the facilities to enjoy sports.

Suzanne Wolvers 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A nice small-scale gym where you feel at ease! We enjoy Yoeri's Duo PT training sessions. These training courses are challenging and varied and really deliver; quickly noticed that we are getting stronger and fitter. This way it's not hard to stay motivated and keep going! The military boot camp on Saturday is also a must!

Marijn Berendsen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Last year I enjoyed training at number one. Immediately during the intake interview, people continued to ask and I was presented with a mirror. Target; 30 kg lose weight! How? Exercise 4x a week and handle food differently. Personal trainer Yoeri, dietician Tanja and boxing trainer Maikel are excellent at their job and know how to drive you to the limit. There may be a result, I lost 28 kg. I trained twice a week at number one, during which I did 1xpt and 1x boxing. The atmosphere at number one is nice, the trainers and owner are very professional and accessible. The small group boxing lesson is highly recommended in addition to personal training. I am grateful for their good guidance and for changing my lifestyle.

Gerard Remmerswaal 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Almost 1 year spent together with my son, twice a week at Yoeri in a pleasant way. He keeps a close eye on everything regarding your goals. Nutrition and weight are closely monitored and adjusted where necessary. Every time it is a surprise what he devised for exercises, very varied and varied. Yoeri always watches carefully when there are pains and spares the painful area with appropriate exercises. Recommended to start training at Number One is not massive and very good personal guidance. Everyone on the team is a true professional.

Maarten Stemvers 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My wife and I have been training there for 2 months now under the supervision of Tanja. Tanja is also a dietician and helps us learn a healthier diet. It is a very professional club of people led by Kenny Oosterhoff, who started his company out of pure passion. From the conviction that it is not just about training, but about lasting results. He has built everything in his company around it. You can see that passion reflected in every trainer, the personal trainers, but also the boxing trainers for example. Everyone knows you, they always ask how you are doing and they also know it next time. So really personal. They tell each other information about you that needs to be shared to make your training as good and safe as possible. With every workout you get something suitable for your person and your current situation. It is not massive and we find that very pleasant. The facilities are super, it is clean, you can shower: shampoo, shower gel, deo and towels, it is all included, just like a locker. The results can be there. We eat a lot healthier, understand how it works with carbohydrates, proteins and fats. I am 5 kilos lighter and we both feel a lot stronger. No more annoying aches and pains. They look closely at your development and challenge you to go the extra mile. We have a workbook with which you and your trainer look for the reason behind why it has not been structurally successful to stay fit. It is too easy to come up with excuses for doing nothing: they understand this, do not judge and help you to be successful in your situation (eg printing jobs and children ...) You are invited to think about yourself, to look at your patterns and change them, adjust to a rhythm that suits you and can be sustained. An absolute must!

Jan Hof 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: If you're looking for personal training, NumberOne is the right place for you. The trainers have all the knowledge and qualities to guide you properly. They adjust the tax to your taxability, so you will not just be tired. After every lesson I have a healthy portion of muscle soreness. I feel fitter and stronger. I should have done this years ago!

Urwis 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In 5 months I lost 18kg and 30cm from my belly. Kenny, Tanja and the rest of the team knows well how to handle this stuff. If you want to finally change something in your life and change it for good, than this is the right place to be and right people who knows how to help you!

Peter Wiggers 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very neat and compact gym, focused on personal training. I have received fine personal guidance here and can therefore achieve my goals faster than expected; I am fitter and can run for a long time again. At NumberOne it is not only physical training, I also received corresponding nutritional advice from Tanja. For the time being, I will certainly continue to train at NumberOne for the new goals. Thanks Tanja (personal training) and Yoeri (boot camp)!

Mirjam van der Knaap 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym located in a beautiful location. Professional workouts. Alternately both indoors and outdoors in the adjacent nature reserve. No training is the same. Kenny's workouts are perfectly adapted to the limits of your own abilities. A passionate, talented trainer. Very knowledgeable in the field of personal coordination and adapted nutritional advice. The friendly, yet strict approach and the pleasant interaction in a relaxed atmosphere make the training sessions at NumberOne every week very enjoyable. Visible and measurable results after just 2 months. Awesome! A must for everyone!

Pauline Kuijpers 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Have been training with / with the trainers of Number one and Bodytec center for a few years. The trainers are honest, driven and share their motivation with their customers. Whether you're 26, 48, pregnant or 83 and limited in movement, these trainers adapt and bring out the best in you. Even now that I train at home, I am coached by the trainers with exercises that I can do at home because of my pregnancy. Happy with you! And a must for anyone looking for a kick under his / her butt or stick behind the door.

Darshan Basaw 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It has been almost a year since I came in contact with the trainers of Bodytec Center and NumberOne Personal Training. The trainers are very enthusiastic and driven and remember your goals well. Thanks to them, I remain motivated and enjoy going to the training sessions. In addition, these toppers have helped me through a coaching and diet schedules to a healthy BMI and a significant decrease in my fat percentage in 10 months. In short, I am very satisfied with the employees and the concept of Bodytec Center & NumberOne Personal Training and can recommend this to everyone, young and old!

Wouter van Brenk 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have had very good experiences with NumberOne. If you are having trouble finding the right motivation to exercise regularly and find it difficult to set and achieve your sports goals, NumberOne is the perfect place. Kenny and Tessa know how to motivate you very well and set realistic goals that you will achieve under their guidance. Inside they have beautiful and good sports equipment. It is especially nice that you get personal attention and it is not as busy as at large gyms. I think this will also keep you more motivated to come.

Vincent Timisela 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: With NumberOne Personal Training we immediately had a click during the intake. We were immediately on par with Kenny & Tessa. With a perfect program, we have customized personal training. We trained outside for six months and we, my wife and I, spent an hour working hard with Tessa. Tessa works in a nice way, feels very good when you need to go the extra mile and when you do too much. Being strict, motivating to talk, alternating with a touch of humor, is a good balance that we are comfortable with. The explanations of the exercises are always clear, and if not, Tessa is always very patient with it. After the 6 months that Tessa came to us, NumberOne Personal Training has grown so well that we are now going to Delft. What a beautiful building! Everything is there and we can also work on our fitness and muscles. The atmosphere is perfect there and sports are nice there. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 stars!

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