Informatie over Believe in Outdoor Training

De Jagerweg 155
3328 HE, Dordrecht
+31 6 81153855


  • maandag: 08:00–21:00
  • dinsdag: 08:00–21:00
  • woensdag: 08:00–21:00
  • donderdag: 08:00–21:00
  • vrijdag: 08:00–21:00
  • zaterdag: 09:30–10:30
  • zondag: Gesloten

Believe in Outdoortraining coacht vrouwen om gezond en effectief af te vallen door middel van groepstrainingen, small group training en personal training.

Ik zal je vertellen waarom het jou niet lukt om een gezond en fit leven op te bouwen. Op dit moment zijn er 2 grote problemen in de wereld gaande. 2 grote problemen waardoor jij blijft hangen in een vicieuze cirkel. Waardoor de kilo's er niet af gaan. Waardoor je nooit tijd over houdt voor jezelf. Waardoor je keer op keer terug valt in jouw oude, ongezonde gewoontes.

Ben jij op zoek naar effectieve workouts speciaal gericht op het vrouwelijk lichaam? Vind jij het heerlijk om buiten te zijn? Wordt een zelfverzekerde, fitte en energieke vrouw die haar gezondheid op nummer 1 zet. Met de unieke outdoor workouts train je volledig op je eigen niveau en verzekeren wij je dat je weer plezier in het sporten krijgt. Ben je er klaar voor om je sportroutine nieuw leven in te blazen? 

Wil je liever individueel vanuit je tuin of woonkamer sporten? Dat kan met onze effectieve online trainingsprogramma's. Zo hebben we het Powerband Shape Plan waarbij jij in 4 weken je lichaam sterker en strakker maakt. Of het Boost Your Booty Plan. Het programma voor de buik, billen en benen. Ook als je een hele lange tijd niets aan sport hebt gedaan hebben wij een programma voor jou.

Bij Believe in creëer je een gezonde levensstijl door het maken van duurzame keuzes en het ontwikkelen van gezonde gewoontes. Indoor sportschool ketens, de dieet cultuur, gericht op uiterlijk en korte termijnoplossingen passen niet in ons gezondheidsbeeld. 

Misschien heb je het gevoel dat je al super fit moet zijn voordat je je aansluit bij een sportclub. Het gevoel dat je moet presteren en iedere workout het maximale uit jezelf moet halen. Bij Believe in bepaal jij je eigen trainingsniveau. Wil je knallen? Dan kan dat! Wil je het wat rustiger aan doen? Dan is daar alle ruimte voor. 

Laten we eerlijk zijn. Sporten is niet je hobby. Je doet het omdat je weet dat het goed is voor je lijf en gezondheid en jij jouw lichaam graag weer (terug) in shape wilt krijgen. Daarom hebben wij uitsluitend sport specifieke oefeningen speciaal gericht op vrouwen waarbij je op een leuke, effectieve en laagdrempelige manier mooie resultaten zult bereiken. 

Een duurzame levensstijl. Klinkt leuk maar wat houdt het in? Duurzaam betekent dat je alle health-trends, diëten en detoxkuren links laat liggen. Duurzaamheid betekent dat jij door middel van dagelijkse kleine stappen, gezonde gewoontes weet te implementeren die je op de lange termijn een fit en gezond leven geven. Duurzame keuzes maken betekent dat je wekelijks werkt aan een gezond eetpatroon, voldoende nachtrust en een wekelijkse sportroutine.

Maar waarom lukt het veel vrouwen niet om deze duurzame keuzes te implementeren in hun huidige leefstijl? Ten eerste omdat we op social media dagelijks ervan worden overtuigd dat je de nieuwste health-trend moet volgen om van je overtollige kilo's af te komen. Je bent constant iets nieuws aan het proberen in de hoop dat dit nu ein-de-lijk voor jouw lijf gaat werken. Maar de echte waarheid is dat je hard moet werken om gezond, fit en energiek te worden en blijven. Investeer je kostbare tijd in duurzame gewoontes. Ga terug naar de basis en houdt het simpel en overzichtelijk. 

Onze methode is zo ontwikkeld dat iedere stap die je zet gezond, duurzaam en op de lange termijn is gericht. Je start met het bouwen van een fundering in fase 1. Hierbij richt je je op gedragsverandering en structuur in je dagelijks leven. Pas als jij je route hebt bepaald en je fundering is gelegd kan je verder naar het bouwen aan een routine. Hier komen de pijlers: voeding, sport en ontspanning om de hoek kijken. Na 6 maanden (180 dagen) ben jij in staat om een duurzame levensstijl neer te zetten waarin je super energiek voelt. Een mooi resultaat hebt neergezet op de weegschaal en blijvende gezonde gewoontes hebt neergezet.

"Believe in helpt vrouwen om in 90 dagen van sporten (weer) een gewoonte te maken waarbij 30 minuten per dag bewegen en 2 keer in de week sporten de norm is."

Hi Believer! Geloof jij in jezelf? Geloof jij dat je je diepste verlangen op het gebied van gezondheid waar kan maken? Onze wens voor jou is dat jij weer lekkerder in je vel zit, een lichaam creëert waar je trots op kunt zijn en dat jij zonder schuldgevoel jezelf en je gezondheid op nummer 1 zet. Wekelijks coachen wij vrouwen naar een duurzame leefstijl die dolgraag weer beter (en strakker) in hun vel willen zitten. Onze missie is om jou stap voor stap de balans in je huidige levensstijl terug te laten vinden waarin je je weer comfortabel, energiek en gelukkig voelt, zodat jij fit met de dag start, zin hebt om leuke dingen te ondernemen met het gezin en jezelf eens en voor altijd op de eerste plek zet! We rekenen af met jouw uitstelgedrag, de excuses, de chaos en de valkuilen die je dagelijks ervaart.


Believe in Outdoor Training heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Believe in Outdoor Training: Meningen

4.9/5 (30 Meningen)
Lynn te Brinke 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: For anyone looking for a sport. I say come and join a trial lesson!! Sports in the open air, at your own level and varied lessons I recommend it to everyone. I started working out at Believe in in April. There are many different classes and on all kinds of days and times opportunities to exercise that is very nice. Every week there are more than enough opportunities to exercise. The lessons are very varied and with a lot of variation. All exercises are clearly explained. Everything can be done at your own level, so it is ideal if you have just started exercising again. I hadn't exercised for a long time, but I was able to start at my own level and I was also given enough options to do an easier option. Just build up slowly from there. I really enjoy exercising outside regardless of the weather. Okay, if it rains, I don't feel like it for the time being, but once I've done it, I'm happy again and it gives me a lot of energy.

Anouk Richardson 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: If you love to live, eat and enjoy a drink from time to time, it is good to exercise often. Enjoy an hour in the open air with other women to refuel with vitamin D. Build resistance by pushing your limits in all weathers. Persistence is good for your mind. Charda organizes, motivates and always devises varied workouts at different locations. She ensures that I start the day full of energy every time. I'd say just come and experience it for yourself.

Tatjana Dekker 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice lessons where you can set your own pace. Personally, I think it's really a great added value that it's outside. Since my membership at Believe in, it has become easier for me to keep working out.

Amy Langenbach 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been a member for a few months and certainly no regrets! The training sessions are very varied and at nice outdoor locations. The group composition is very diverse, which makes it accessible to everyone. If, like me, you are not a fan of the gym but still want to get fit, this is a very nice alternative!

J Van vliet 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Working out at Believe-in is great fun. The group of ladies is varied, the locations are different and the training sessions are wonderfully outdoors and challenging. It's definitely worth trying once.

Ingrid Potgieter 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member of Believe-in since January and so happy with them! Great to always exercise outside at various nice locations in Dordrecht. Enough choice of days, times and types of workouts and top guidance by real professionals. Never again a "normal" gym for me, exercising outside with Believe-in is so much more fun, nicer and more fun!

Annelies Luitwieler 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Working out OUTSIDE is so nice and you can do that all year round at Believe In. The daily classes in the morning and in the evening help to go a few times a week so that you really benefit from it. With the app you are logged in or out in no time and you can easily switch. Bring a bottle of water and a mat, exercise in the open air for an hour and then go home again, so no further hassle. The lessons are different every time and you can participate at your own pace. Nice varied locations and nice atmosphere among themselves. If you lie on your mat after a tough lesson for the abdominal exercises and you look through the branches of the trees to the clouds, that is good for a moment of happiness!

Jolanda Bosman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been a member of Believe in for almost a year now. It is fantastic to be able to exercise outside in wonderful locations, ranging from parks to a square on the water. You can determine the intensity of the lesson yourself, so also sports with some physical defects and therefore also if you are over 50 Sufficient variety of different classes and class times, but I would still really like a yoga class.

Tanja 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since the beginning of October 2022 I have registered myself at Believe in Outdoor Training. where in the beginning I was a bit skeptical and doubtful about exercising outside, I can no longer imagine that I should go "inside". the rising sun in the early morning, during the warming up, is simply wonderful. But even when it rains, I feel I LIVE! I now exercise 3 times a week on fixed days and I am starting to notice this especially in my mental health. I have not been able to look at life from a positive angle again for a long time. Thanks to a personal approach from the coaches, I persevere and I believe in myself again

Eveline Raghoenath 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have enjoyed playing sports at Believe in for years. Due to the variety in the work outs, it remains challenging and fun. The trainers know how to motivate you. Even in difficult times with corona, Believe in has given custom work-outs. Exercising outside in the sun is great fun, but when it rains or is cold, the shower afterwards is all the better.

Ramona Groenewegen 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: It is very nice to be involved in sports outside at different locations and with different workouts. As a result, it is not monotonous and every workout is a party again!

Petra Tims 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been working out at Believe In Outdoor Training for more than 3 years now. and it has never bored me in all this time. How come? - different outdoor locations that all have their own charm, parks, squares you name it. How nice it is to exercise outside! - lots of class hours to choose from: morning and evening sports possible on almost all days of the week! - different trainers: Charda, Ayla, Bojan and Stefan; everyone has their own way of teaching, nice that variety! -different types of training: BBB-fit, Circuit-fit, Dumbell-fit, etc. etc. something for everyone! - Always new challenges: theme months, special locations, a day of supping, too many to mention! - different training buddies: you often make couples during the lessons, so you get to know nice women again! All I can say is: CONTINUE, BELIEVE IN!

Anneloes Reinders 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Varied, challenging and fun workouts!

Mariët Jongejan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The Believe In workouts take place at various unique locations in Dordrecht. And of course enjoying the outdoors! No more indoor sports for me. The workouts will continue regardless of the weather conditions. You can dress up in this and I don't even notice this during exercise! It is nice that there is a wide range of different classes, which are offered at different times of the day. Both morning and evening. I really like this! I also like working out with women. The lessons are innovative and never the same! My condition, my technique and my feeling of fitness have improved recently. The coaches are accessible and personally involved with the members. The atmosphere at Believe In is great, both among the members themselves and with the coaches.

Rachel knip 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Even with a full-time job it is possible to find sports moments. Always a nice, friendly group of women with varied classes, different locations throughout Dordrecht and motivating coaches who want to bring out the best in you. Plus that it's nice outside, lovely!

Annemieke van den Berg-van der Werf 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: 5 stars! For me, Believe stands for: - always exercise outside - sports under the guidance of enthusiastic coaches. - a lot of variety in types of lessons (circuit, BBB etc.) and always the possibility to go all out - sports with only women I experience Charda as a very positive motivator who constantly comes up with new activities, always motivates positively and thinks along with questions (eg about your health, injuries).

Anne Barendregt 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Some time ago I came across the Believe in site in the evening, and I thought that was quite something. When Charda came to my shop the next day, I really saw that as a sign of “do it”! Did a trial lesson, and I liked it so much, so I registered right after the lesson. The variety of the classes, different locations, nice ladies and motivating way of teaching Charda and her husband. I'm sure I'll keep this up because I look forward to the workouts every time!

Alinda Heijstek 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been working out at Believe In for about 5 months now and I'm super happy with my choice! It is wonderful to exercise outside after a long day at the office, even if it sometimes rains. That gives you an extra satisfied feeling! The training sessions are small-scale, there is attention for everyone and I think it is ideal that all training sessions are within cycling distance of the center. I personally like that the training sessions are only for women, the atmosphere is good and I have felt welcome from the first moment. So are you still in doubt whether you want to start exercising or are you looking for a new challenge? Look no further :)

Cora Van Den Bergh 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Alternate classes, fine outdoor locations, stimulating coaching and good atmosphere in the group. In Believe In A personal and respectful approach to the woman first. The variety of exercises train your entire body. Provides challenge to push continue to improve you and boundaries. Must for any woman who wants to regroup sports or just want more challenge.

Stephenie Coppenrath 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Member of Believe in since August 2020. After a few trial lessons I was done and now I love to exercise outside, even when it's raining or cold. I really have the idea/feeling that I've done something and the different types of lessons also make it more fun every time you have different exercises/materials. What I also really like is that Believe involves the members in devising new lessons or other activities. It's a party to work out at Believe in!

Fien Lotgerink 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Finally found a gym that is welcoming, challenging and accessible. Although you always outside sport is rarely really bad weather. Instead, you can fully enjoy all seasons. You sport socializing with other women. The atmosphere is accessible and everyone is willing to help each other. In class you always have the ability to push yourself and challenge your limits but not necessarily. It is also nice that there are always alternative exercises if you have a physical disability or injury. Finally, a compliment to the inspiring instructors also look at your posture during your workout.

Merel den Hartog 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It was certainly a good start to a new year. The Powerband Shape Plan is highly recommended, especially in this crazy time with corona. Great sports from home. It was really tough training, but what a satisfaction you have after such a training. And what you can do with the powerband, super fun to discover this way. Thank you very much for your nice positive lessons, it was very nice :-)

Hillie Lagendijk 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fine, effective and varied Powerband lessons with a nice end result as a reward. The Online lessons can be followed live as well as at a chosen time, you will receive enthusiastic and motivating coaching.

Lou Life 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Last month I did the powerband shape plan with 2 friends. What a really cool program with a lot of diversity. I have never experienced anything like it .. different forms of training to give your muscles a training stimulus, wow! I feel stronger and more powerful. It is wonderful to work with your body in this way! Dear Charda, thank you for your good explanation and workouts.

Lia Nikijuluw 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: By doing the bodyshape plan for 4 weeks I feel much better, I now exercise 3x a week with the other videos on you tube from Charda. To train the body differently! Great workouts, from a fun, sporty and above all ordinary girl!

Angela Kanters 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I participated in the first 4-week Powerband Shape Plan which started on January 4, 2021. After not exercising for a long time because of Corona, this was a very nice program to start again and put my body to work. They are wonderful workouts that are built and combined with conditioning and strength exercises and only with a power band. I already knew that you could do a lot with just powerband, but that it would be so much more I didn't expect. In addition, there were also many exercises without a power band for the condition. It is a pleasant way to work on all your muscle groups dosed over 3 days a week for 4 weeks. My muscles have been working well again! and now hang on :-)

Linda Westdijk 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A few months ago I started working out at Believe in. I wasn't really a big fan of sports myself, or so I thought! I even had the idea that exercising outside was not for me at all. I once started at a gym but dropped out after a few weeks. At Charda from Believe in this is really different. I'm just really sorry if I have to skip this one. The classes are very diverse, can be easily booked online (in an app) and you train with a group of like-minded women. The latter is what I find really special about Believe in, that the atmosphere during the lessons is always very good and cozy. No mutual clubs or a competitive environment. You exercise together and get out of it what is feasible for you. That way you really notice results after a few lessons. My condition has improved a lot and I have now started fitting two clothing sizes smaller. Once you are in a fixed sporting rhythm, a healthy lifestyle seems to follow "automatically". There are also various tools for this within Believe in. You can really get started with your own health. I look forward to the next lesson! Lots of love, Linda

Anneloes Van Rees 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The Powerband Shape Plan from Believe in Workouts came at the right time for me. Partly due to working from home, I was completely out of my rhythm and it was difficult to motivate myself for my sports routine. This program put me off my feet again and I feel so much more energetic after four weeks. The workouts are varied and you can all plan when it suits you, but I can certainly recommend the weekly live workouts for contact with Charda and the other participants. The online community and nutrition course also provide extra guidance to make a positive change in your sports routine and diet in four weeks. I can wholeheartedly recommend Believe in and the Powerband Shape Plan!

Marloes Thomassen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In December I came across the powerband shape plan on Instagram. I had been trying for a while to get back to sports. I couldn't do it myself. So when I saw it pass I thought, I need this push! I have a disease that causes me to wear a hairpiece. Luckily my hair is growing again and I hope to hop around with a short haircut this summer. To feel completely comfortable and confident in my own skin, I would like to lose some pregnancy weight there, so that was a good goal. It was so nice that the workouts could be done from home and the live workouts were really a big stick. Charda also gave very good tips during the workouts and in the mail. The tip to schedule the workouts in my week helped me the most. The shape plan has shown me that I have now found structure in sports. And after 4 weeks I have lost fat mass and I have built up muscle mass. I lost 3 cm at my hips. So do you need that push or you don't know where to start. Then the shape plan is definitely recommended!

Miss Eloise 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super fine outdoor sports under personal guidance. Also super nice that is only with ladies. You can always participate at your own level. Really recommended if you want to exercise outside.

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