Informatie over Prohito Personal Training en Reset

A.H.G. Fokkerstraat 18e
9403 AP, Assen
+31 6 57999916


  • maandag: 07:30–21:30
  • dinsdag: 07:30–21:30
  • woensdag: 07:30–21:30
  • donderdag: 07:30–21:30
  • vrijdag: 07:30–21:30
  • zaterdag: 07:30–18:00
  • zondag: Gesloten

Prohito verzorgt Personal Training en Personal Reset voor particulieren en bedrijven in en rondom Assen. Word gezond én blijf gezond! Maak een vrijblijvende afspraak met Prohito.

Prohito verzorgt Personal Training en Personal Reset voor particulieren en bedrijven in en rondom Assen. Word gezond én blijf gezond! Maak een vrijblijvende afspraak met Prohito.

Prohito is sinds kort gestart met groepslessen! Ben jij op zoek naar een toffe les waarbij je in een groep aan jouw lichaam persoonlijke doelen werkt, dan is de Prohito groepsles iets voor jou!

De ontwikkeling die jij door gaat maken gaat verder dan een sporttraining. Alles wordt ingezet om jou te verbeteren. De kennis en ervaring van Prohito zorgen voor de juiste begeleiding, zonder grenzen.

Prohito is een personal training en coaching centrum in Assen voor iedereen die zich fit en gezond wil voelen. Prohito helpt je om het beste uit jezelf te halen, zowel op lichamelijk als persoonlijk vlak. Krijg weer controle over je leven zodat je er optimaal van kunt genieten. Nieuwsgierig naar hoe dat er uit ziet? Bekijk dan onderstaande video. Wat in woorden niet omschreven kan worden, kunnen beelden prachtig vertellen.

Klachten staan vaak niet op zichzelf. Een verbetering van jouw lichaamsfuncties en -houding zorgen ervoor dat blessures voorkomen of zelfs opgelost worden.

Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van manuele technieken op orthopedisch niveau. Met andere woorden … bij Prohito hebben we veel aandacht voor botstructuren en de werking van gewrichten. Zo krijg jij weer de regie over jouw leven!

Prohito is gespecialiseerd in trainingen op maat en begeleiding op zowel mentaal als fysiek gebied. Dit laatste noemen we Personal Reset; wij helpen jou te resetten.


Prohito Personal Training en Reset heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Prohito Personal Training en Reset: Meningen

5/5 (25 Meningen)
Floris Mulder 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sports is not my thing, but under the guidance of Jeroen I really enjoy it. Motivated and challenging. Definitely worth recommending!

Corian Kaipatty 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Professional | quickly to the point | attention | solving complaints

Janneke Rutten 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After the indicated back/neck/arm complaints, Jeroen tackled exactly the right muscle groups. The result was that I was rid of the complaints within 1.5 days and I can move and work painlessly again.

Dagmar Kleinjan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Received great service from Jeroen! I had been walking with pain in my knee for three months, of which I went to the physio for two months. Had an ultrasound done, nothing to see and I got tape but no steps to remedy the pain. The advice was to rest and certainly not exercise, because my outer band or meniscus was irritated. Had two treatments with Jeroen where I heard that the position of my hips and leg was not good at all. Now no more pain and I can exercise again!

arjan hoorn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Expert guidance with results

Stefan Tholema 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have worked with great pleasure and good results on Personal Reset and Training. Jeroen has taught me a lot and his methods are better than what I have seen/experienced so far, also in the field of Physio. So if you are looking for a Personal Trainer coach, I can really recommend Prohito/Jeroen.

Linda Uiterwijk 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Professionalism

Jorick 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Training with Jeroen for almost a year now. Together we laid a solid foundation for a strong body in the beginning, after which we increasingly focus on strength training. Jeroen knows how to motivate you and help you with a change of lifestyle, but with Jeroen you also have to do it yourself in the end, that works well under his professional guidance.

Roderik van Loon 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Thanks to Prohito I know what I can do to prevent back pain. I therefore recommend Prohito for a more structural solution to move pain-free. After the intake, all parts that your body needs to move are carefully examined and treated. I stayed to achieve personal (sports) goals.

Jantine Harms 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I had been walking for over half a year with a sore shoulder, arm and thumb. Driven mad by the pain and previous treatment had no effect. Until I came to Jeroen, after 1 consultation I was rid of my complaints !! I can do everything again and have received good tips to prevent a recurrence.

Alfred Pot 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In 1 treatment my complaint in my shoulder solved and the cause also identified. In addition, good advice was also given to recover / improve for which exercises to do with the correct execution. Recommended!

carlijn molewater 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Jeroen is knowledgeable and kind. He adjusts his method to the goal that you have set yourself and brings you further with practical tools and training! I did not know that I would have such a quick and good effect from his training sessions

roos vandegraaf 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: During the process, I achieved a lot of results and had good support. Not only during exercise, but also during diet and for exercises that you can do at home. Highly recommended for every level !! Thank you for the good start to a healthier and fitter life.

Stephanie Loman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Working in a small group focused on the predetermined goals under the professional guidance of Jeroen, I really enjoyed it. Jeroen fits well, is professional and approachable. He knows what he is talking about, offers tools and gives advice. In short, I can recommend it to everyone!

Harma Wesselink 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good experience after one treatment of jeroen. Go with complaints and walk down the stairs more smoothly after the treatment. He has a nice vision with people who have physical complaints to get them moving again.

Bart Raaman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Besides the fact that Jeroen is a very nice guy, his method is very effective. A good listener who tackles the core of the problem. Highly recommended!

Maaike20091 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After my caesarean section 2 years ago, I searched for a pt where I could return to my sport level before birth, under supervision. I ended up at Prohito, had a conversation with Jeroen and it felt good! Jeroen is professional, felt familiar, understood where he wanted to go. A lot of knowledge in the field of sports, nutrition, physically and mentally! I have also been treated for low back pain that was partly caused by caesarean section. Now completely free of complaints, in short Jeroen Spaans from Prohito, definitely recommended!

Lizette Subaeswaran 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have had pain in my knee for 15 years. Have already been to several doctors before but no success. Now had two treatments at Prohito and no more pain complaints! Jeroen treats you with respect and professionalism and gives good / clear tips to prevent complaints in the future! A good recommendation for anyone with pain complaints! Greetings Lizette

Aline Bouma 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Today was my final session with Jeroen from Prohito Reset & Personal Training Pain free in a month. What a special experience this has been. Personal training and reset, this is certainly the right name for what Prohito can offer! Body and mind have been given the right tools to continue working on more balance with regard to the sports I practice. I still have a lot to do to prevent unpleasant situations in the future, and for that I have now received some great tools. And ... I have almost lost the annoying injury. I also hope not to find it again I advise everyone with physical complaints, looking for more balance in sports and / or other related questions / complaints, to contact Jeroen. THANKS

Ellen Bruins 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a pleasant introduction meeting with Jeroen, we decided to train in a small group of 4 people. Everyone trains at their own level. Jeroen gives good clear instructions that you can use right away. You also get many tools to get started at home in terms of healthier nutrition and exercises. Jeroen also corrected my lower back pain. After the birth of our twins I kept having complaints and especially pain in my legs. Jeroen has corrected this well, so nice!

Danielle Vermeer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After my delivery, I unfortunately got pelvic complaints that caused me a lot of pain. After discussing this with Jeroen, I was able to come by to see if Jeroen could solve it for me. By listening carefully and seeing where the pain was, he was able to solve the problem after 1 session. My complaints became less every day and because of the exercises I received I am now completely pain-free! Thank you very much Jeroen! I can also recommend you for complaints related to pelvic instability.

Annemieke Keizer 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Jeroen is a pleasant and professional trainer who can map out what it takes to achieve your goal. He quickly sees through situations and adjusts his training and advice accordingly. I can definitely recommend it!

Kenan Zdralovic 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional trainer! Excellent location on the industrial terrain in Assen. Easily findable and wonderful gym to train!

Erik van der Werf 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Jeroen gives nice and very educational training. Clear advice on nutrition and customized training, more than I had previously thought. Professional working method and attitude, so I experience the contact as pleasant.

Sandra Liem 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: - Good coaching in the field of time management and the balance between exercise and relaxation. - Weekly comprehensive advice on the use of opportunities at work and private life, with attention to (work) attitude - condition - nutrition - health - stress - work pressure. To solve and prevent problems! In addition to these substantive aspects, Jeroen Spaans is a pleasant personality to work with. He immediately sees through situations and provides tailor-made advice and guidance. I can therefore recommend Jeroen from Prohito to everyone.

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