Het centrum is een officiële CrossFit®-affiliate. Laatst gecontroleerd: 14/02/2025

CrossFit is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van CrossFit, LLC, dat geen verband houdt met Sportscholen Fitness.

Informatie over CrossFit® Amsterdam

Karperweg 39
1075 LB, Amsterdam


  • maandag: 06:30–21:30
  • dinsdag: 06:30–22:00
  • woensdag: 06:30–21:30
  • donderdag: 06:30–22:00
  • vrijdag: 06:30–19:30
  • zaterdag: 07:30–13:00
  • zondag: 08:00–14:00

Onze opmerking van Sportscholen Fitness over CrossFit Amsterdam:

CrossFit Amsterdam is een unieke sportcommunity gelegen in Amsterdam, Nederland, waar je de juiste motivatie en ondersteuning vindt om je fitnessdoelen te bereiken. De box biedt een breed scala aan trainingen, van traditionele CrossFit tot Olympic Weightlifting en Gymnastiek, allemaal gericht op een positieve en inclusieve ervaring.

Wat gebruikers het meest waarderen aan deze box zijn:

  • Vriendelijke en ervaren coaches: De coaches worden geprezen om hun deskundigheid, motivatie en persoonlijke aandacht voor alle leden, ongeacht hun niveau.
  • Geweldige sfeer: De community is warm en verwelkomend, wat zorgt voor een gevoel van saamhorigheid onder de leden. Je voelt je direct thuis!
  • Ruime en goed uitgeruste faciliteiten: De box beschikt over een overvloed aan apparatuur en een ruime indeling, wat bijdraagt aan een plezierige trainingsomgeving.
  • Uitdagende en goed georganiseerde trainingen: Leden waarderen de kwaliteit van de trainingen en de aandacht voor techniek, wat bijdraagt aan hun persoonlijke ontwikkeling.

Hoewel de meeste ervaringen positief zijn, zijn er enkele opmerkingen over de communicatie bij het opzeggen van lidmaatschappen en de scherpe beleidsregels voor nieuwe leden. Het personeel is echter altijd bereid om oplossingen te vinden voor de leden. CrossFit Amsterdam blijft zich richten op de kwaliteit van de training en de community, en is toegewijd aan het creëren van een veilige en ondersteunende omgeving waar iedereen kan groeien.

Als je op zoek bent naar een plek om je fitness naar een hoger niveau te tillen in Amsterdam, is CrossFit Amsterdam de perfecte keuze!

Diensten, machines en geleide klassen


CrossFit® Amsterdam: Meningen

4.8/5 (101 Meningen)
Carlos Borrás Tuset 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: What’s not to like about this Box? The place has everything you need, the people bring each other up whenever they see another person pushing beyond their limits and the trainers are insane in the best way possible. Regardless if you’re looking for traditional CrossFit or HYROX, Olympic Weightlifting or Gymnastics… you’ll find it all at this Box. Amazing vibes, great workouts and better people, all the key ingredients you want when looking for a place to train.

Arnoud Prop 9 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym, great people, especially appreciated the on-ramp course (and help from Michaella). Shame I moved away!

Cristin Tandberg 9 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very welcoming and a great workout while traveling. It was super fun to drop in and see another Crossfit box!!

Jason Wayne 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Quite possibly the best box I’ve dropped in while traveling! Absolutely top notch community.

Voetbal Test 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Denken niet meeste leden die ver weg gaan wonen en hun abonnement willen opzeggen. Communiceren alleen in het Engels.

CrossFit Amsterdam

We proberen altijd oplossingen te vinden voor huidige en voormalige leden waar mogelijk. Het spijt ons te horen dat je het gevoel hebt dat dit niet het geval was. Onze excuses als de communicatie in het Engels wat ongemakkelijk was.

Elisa Zanelli 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Ho visitato questa palestra con un drop-in. Sito web fatto molto bene. Spazio grande e ben attrezzato. Consigliati siamo

Jesús Bíquez Talayero 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Love the place. The coaches are incredible and everybody is there to teach you and support you!

Crossfit Born Ready 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Dropped in from San Antonio, TX… great old school box. Tons of room, very welcoming staff and community. Top notch equipment and plenty of it. Well organized class, very knowledgeable coaches. Zero issues. Coming from a fellow box owner if you are looking for a CrossFit gym in Amsterdam make your way here for sure. Five star all the way

Michael Dobritz 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Tolle Box, tolle Trainer, tolles Ambiente. Wenn man in Amsterdam ist muss man als CrossFit'er einmal dort trainieren. Gern wieder

Baran Ozoglu 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best

Daniel J. Lewis 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Today is a day of gratitude and showing vulnerability so here goes... I have been training at CFA now for 18 months and this is what I have noticed so far: Crossfit Amsterdam is a vibrant community of healthy, dedicated, knowledgable and highly skilled coaches that go above and beyond for their members because they care. They are extremely welcoming and the ultimate professionals at what they do. The coaches are 100% there to train seriously and intensely while not leaving anybody behind, and definitley have time for a laugh and to connect with every single member. Often, the WOD is the highlight of my day. I personally started crossfit with little to NO awareness of the movements or concepts, I was attracted to the idea of crossfit and wanted to have a crossfit style fitness as a base for being a better footballer. I've stayed on as a member due to the simple fact that my life is better with these people in it. We workout together, bond together, grow together, learn together and support each other. This positivity flows through all aspects of my life and all of those people in it like a ripple effect. Being a Chiropractor, it definitely flows into my work day and the people I put my energy into - also helping them heal. The flow-on effect is immeasurable and obvious. Thanks to the whole team for helping me become a better person. Two thumbs up - see you soon

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks for the great comments Dan! Although we have full focus on Community and Quality - it also requires you to show up and push through. At times it is tough but our mission is to ensure that it is always fun. So thanks for showing up and doing your part. You are a great member to have! Excited to see you grow further!

Maureen Lemmer 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Goede verschillende lessen. WOD's natuurlijk, Power-, Olympic lifting en gymnastic. Deskundigheid van de coaches is erg goed. Iedereen is heel erg behulpzaam en je wordt direct opgenomen in de familie

Patrick Gargano 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great workout and very welcoming fam.

Przemek Siemion 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: One of the best places for crossfit in Amsterdam. Great community and teachers, this one is a special one.

Nicole Nazareth 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Amazing coaching and friendly members. WOD was awesome. Definitely make time to drop-in if you are in Amsterdam!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks so much, Nicole! We loved having you over!

Ahmed Sakr 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great coaches!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks so much Ahmed!

yoram klijsen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Heel fijn plekje in Amsterdam om je dagelijks lekker te kunnen uitleven en jezelf sterker en beter te maken. Daarnaast super trainers met genoeg aandacht en expertieze voor iedereen. Levendige community en altijd gezellie om weer langs te komen... ofwel een plek waar ik graag kom...

CrossFit Amsterdam

Wauw! Goed om te horen, Yoram! We zijn ook blij dat je bij ons traint! :)

Julian Kirwan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super motivational Crossfit Box, Friendly helpful coaches and members, very clean and organised facilities, definitely recommend!!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Good to hear! Thank you Julian!

Vera ten Hacken 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box and very dedicated, professional coaches. Have been training here for almost 9 years now and still love it!

CrossFit Amsterdam

And we love you! ;)

Maks Bergamin 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Geweldige box! Ik ben een jaar geleden begonnen en heb mij altijd erg welkom gevoeld. Iedereen helpt je, ongeacht je ‘level’. Daarnaast ben ik fitter dan ooit ;)

CrossFit Amsterdam

Awesome! Goed om te horen, Maks! Dankjewel!

Bas van Rossum 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box! Great coaches en love the community here. Been training here for 2,5 years and still loving it every day! CFA rules!!!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Dankjewel, Bas! :)

Martijn Boone 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I’ve been with CrossFit Amsterdam for 12 years and I think that says basically all you need to know. There is high quality equipment that lasts, and always enough of it. Coaches are all knowledgeable, attentive, motivating, and fun. The space is amazing but the best of it all is the level of dedication of the members. I am joining the WOD’s during the early hours of the day and the vibe is so energetic! Best start of my day. Every time.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Yeah!!! Dankjewel, Martijn! Golden oldie! :)

Daniel Garcia 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best CrossFit in Amsterdam.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you! :)

David Osborn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great vibe, great energy, everyone is skilled and supportive!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Awesome! Thanks so much!

Rene 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Crossfit Amsterdam: professioneel, fijn, sportief en een leuke community. Ik was iemand die nooit tot niet sporten, tot ik hier kwam en mede door Crossfit Amsterdam weer helemaal gemotiveerd ben! Ik sport hier inmiddels een jaar en heb weer met een jaar verlengd.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Dankjewel, Rene! :)

Tim Krete 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best box in Amsterdam

CrossFit Amsterdam

Super! Dankjewel, Tim!

Rahel Stäheli 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Friendly staff and well-equipped box, very nice for a spontaneous drop-in!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you so much! We loved having you over and hope to see you again next time you're in Amsterdam!

Hugh Sheard 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box!! Really friendly atmosphere and excellent coaches. 10/10!!!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Woohooo! Thank you so much!

Margarita Leybman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Was really good The wods and coaches are all in English which makes it really ease to drop in while in Amsterdam

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you so much! We loved having you and hope to see you again when in Amsterdam! :)

Rosana Gambino 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best gym community I've ever had!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you so much, Ro! We are so happy to have you with us.

Nicolas Hinse 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great team of coaches with a good community of people who like to work out and improve

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks a lot!!! :)

Daire McAlinden 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best box in Amsterdam ;)

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you Daire!

Guillermo Mauleón 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place !!! The facilities are great

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you!

Pieter Holthausen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great community, coaches focus on technique, classes are fun and athlete focussed. Loving this place since 2019.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Dankje, Pieter! :)

Amanda Motto 2 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Had such high hopes for getting involved in CrossFit! Full disclaimer- I haven’t set foot in this gym- this review is solely for customer service and accessibility. The person I corresponded with was not friendly, or approachable (Michaela) I was looking to join a community of people with similar interests- and this person, who was my first introduction to this location, was aloof, cold, and inflexible. Not really inspiring me to join.. So the point of my review—- Be forewarned For anyone trying to join- they have a rigid non- refundable 150 euro upfront fee to even participate- they cited “ safety reasons” but this screams scam or keep-out-newcomers to me. Why? I understand and agree that safety is super important, and I even said I’d comply with joining the intense 2-hr four session onboarding, but asked if I didn’t like the first session if I could pay pro-rata and get my money back for the rest, and was quickly shot down. I’m an experienced weight lifter, and the fact that I can’t pay to drop in, even to do low to no weight reps (at my own risk) for a fee is absurd. The lady I corresponded with was not friendly, or flexible. Any gym that requires an upfront investment of 150 euros before even setting foot in the gym (with no refund options)!! is a scam. If Michaela (the lady I corresponded with) is the face of your business for newcomers, I’d advise reconsidering, as you’re likely losing a lot of new potential customers and revenue.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Dear Amanda, I'm really sorry that you feel badly treated. As I read the emails that you have exchanged, I don't read anything very unfriendly from Michaela as she tried to explain how things work. Maybe in your case it would have been better to talk on the phone, but not everyone likes that. That you accuse us of scamming is not ok, by any means. We are a well respected business and one of the oldest CrossFit boxes in the Benelux. That we have certain procedures to make sure people will move safely in our facility from the day they walk in is our way, to take responsibility for our athletes. To start with CrossFit we need to teach people the basics and won't throw them in the deep. We are very passionate about coaching and training and take a lot of pride in the good results we achieve. When we invite beginners to the box to come to our facility and check it out and have a conversation with our coach, we hope to show them that our box is a safe learning environment with very friendly coaches and a great community. I'm sorry you based your opinion of our business on the few emails you have exchanged, but to be fair, my emails with you would have been similar. You can't expect us to throw you in the deep, just because you want a trial class. It's not safe and we won't allow that. Our €150,- fee is not a scam. You get 8 hours of small group training for the basics of CrossFit and strength training and a full month of Unlimited training afterwards. After that, as Michaela said, it's up to you if you want to become a member, no strings attached. Again, I'm sorry you felt the need to write such a bad review. I hope you will be kinder and more patient with the box you decide to train with. Have nice day. Kind Regards, Marlene Clason Co-Owner of CrossFit Amsterdam

Anne Schen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Did a Drop In when I visited Amsterdam and it is one of the largest boxes I've seen so far. Dustin ist a nice and experienced coach and his programming is very smart. Had a lot of fun, thank you very much!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you so much! We hope to see you again!

Patrick Edwards 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place to assume greatness.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks so much, Patrick!

Kwame van Leeuwen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great coaches, programming and gym!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Kwame! We're looking forward to seeing you again!

Sven de Wildt 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Epic crossfit box

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Sven!

Fabien Mouaze 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Crossfit spirit

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you Fabien!

Andy 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great programming, solid progress

Andreas Soler 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great programming, solid progress

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks a lot, Andy!

Justin Adams 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great coaches and awesome setup - a breeze to drop in. Coach Dustin made us feel welcome and we had a great day of training.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks so much for training with us! We had a blast! Hope to see you again when you're in the city.

Abbey Pinkerton 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super welcoming gym and coaches! Really easy to drop in and the equipment/set up was great.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you, Abbey! We loved having you over :)

Matthew Daniels 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Big CrossFit gym with lots of equipment and good coaches. I have the 3x a week membership and it's exactly what I need to supplement my running and stay fit. I would recommend it to people of any skill level that are interested in CrossFit.

Debora Monfrini 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good coaches, the environment is very friendly. I solved my back pain thanks to the training.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you Debora! xxx

Orestis Papapetrou 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Thank you team for the class.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thank you Orestis! If there's anything we can do to make you next experience even more awesome, please let us know!

Luke Allen-Gale 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: An awesome gym. Classes in English and taught with care, attention and plenty of gusto. I dropped in from the UK on work and spent 3 very fulfilling months here. The training team are sharp, fun, full of drive, energy and ambition for all their members, new or old. A truly generous CrossFit community of individuals who warmly welcome you and a time I’ll personally cherish. I look forward to returning soon.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks so much for your kind words, Luke! We miss you already :( See you soon!

Lodewijk de Mol van Otterloo 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Ben nu 4 maanden bezig na een lange carrière monomaan hardlopen. De afwisseling van het crossfitten is top, voel me direct een stuk beter. Begeleiding is top:techniek boven alles. Kortom, voor mij een welkome afwisseling naast het hardlopen en zwemmen

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hoi Lodewijk! Dank voor je review. Fijn dat je opmerkt dat techniek boven alles is. Daar zijn we idd erg op gesteld. Tot op de WOD!

Tammy J 3 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: I did not like the attitude of one the female coaches, don't recall her name but she does not know how to talk to people. Won't be going again, she clearly lacks manners.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Armand, thanks for writing a review! Before you write a review, it would be better if you actually visit our facility. We must say we track all our visitors and we don't have you on file. That made us wonder what was going on here, so we did some research. It appears that you have a bit of a habit to write bad reviews on Google. That's not really nice, right? To make your opinion more valid we invite you to actually train with us. That way you will see that we are a very friendly community with awesome coaches, who always go out of their way to make visitors feel at home away from home. Best, Team CFA.

Tihomir Ignatov (Tiho) 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good one, recommended!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Tihomir! Much appreciated.

Parand Z 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box and a lovely community!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks for your kind review!

Eli Samson 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I drop-in every time I am in Amsterdam: excellent technique (i did my first HSPU there while dropping in....) amazing atmosphere (you feel at home the very first minute) and great venue

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks for the review and your kind words! How are the HSPU's going for you now?!

José Oliveira 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fiz um Drop-in, grande aula de crossfit

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks José!

Bernd Marquardt 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Did two drop-ins while being on vacation in Amsterdam with my family. Spacious box with lots of equipment. People have been been very nice. Booking was easy. Very friendly trainers and community, enjoyed it pretty much

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks for the great review Bernd! We would love to see you again!

Robert Hoogeboom 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training here since 2014! Love the energy, atmosphere, community and coaches. Real tough WOD's and great specialty classes!

Robert Hoogeboom-Martens 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training here since 2014! Love the energy, atmosphere, community and coaches. Real tough WOD's and great specialty classes!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Robert! Much appreciated!

Barrie Hoster 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mooie box met leuke mensen en professionele coaches!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Barrie!

Sebastiaan Hartog 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mijn tweede huis. Mooiste box in Amsterdam en misschien wel Nederland. Goede coaches, mooie equipment en veel trainingsmogelijkheden. Met veel plezier fit worden? Kom naar CFA!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Sebas! Much appreciated! XXX

Rishabh Agarwal 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: One of the best boxes I have ever been to. Great staff and great atmosphere

Michiel Brankaert 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box, awesome coaches. Go here for a solid workout.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Michiel!!! Dank voor je review man. ;)

Arnold Shapiro 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Large, busy, friendly box with competent coaches. Easy to book and find classes using the Mindbody online app on your phone, the WOD is posted on their website the night before the workout. I appreciated having generous space to park my bike, shower and change. The workout area is also very spacious and there is plenty of equipment. There are plenty of lockers at the entrance so your valuables are secure - bring your own lock. I did 5 WODs each of which consisted of a strength portion with weights and a 15-20 minute HIT session. The warmups are not a focus area in this box so it’s a good idea to get there early and warm up by yourself. I will definitely come back to this box when I’m in Amsterdam.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Arnold! Thanks for the detailed review! Much appreciated. Hope to see you soon when you're in Amsterdam!

Artyom Ipatenkov 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best crossfit box I have ever joined. Cool instructors, warm community and awesome WODs

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hahaha Artyom! Thanks for your review!!! See you soon.

Frank Bauderer 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Did a drop-in today and it was very cool. The box is huge with plenty of possibilities. Personal is friendly. Will be there soon again for sure.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Frank! Thanks for writing the review. Much appreciated. Hope to see you soon when you're in Amsterdam.

Andy Chen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Friendly bunch of folks. Coach Perry is awesome and welcoming. Impressive box overall

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Andy! Thanks for taking time to write a review. Much appreciated. Hope to see you soon whenever you're in Amsterdam.

Tal Moran 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place to drop-in. Excellent coach, explains each exercise and makes sure we do the exercise properly. Love this place !!!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Tal! Thanks for the nice review. Much appreciated! Till next time!

D F 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I visited three CF boxes during my 10 day visit to Amsterdam and this was my favorite place! The people are really friendly and the gym is huge. The instructions were in English and the coach gave good advice. I would highly recommend this place!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey DF! Thanks for writing this nice review. Much appreciated! Hope to see you again when your back in Amsterdam.

Manish Raje 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box ! Really nice vibe and excellent coaches !

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Manish! Thanks for your review. Much appreciated!

Anna Sedolfsen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box and friendly staff. All equipment you’ll need to get in a good session

Ivan Kazandzhiev 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have visited the this box recently as a drop-in at the last training for the day. It has a lot of space and good equipment and also coach Perry was tireless in explaining and fixing our bad form and stressing on the important parts in the training. I totally recommend everyone that visits Amsterdam to go to Crossfit Amsterdam and his welcoming atmosphere!

Alessio Martucci 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Posto fantastico! Completamente attrezzato rogue! Anche il personale non è male, lo consiglio assolutamente

CrossFit Amsterdam

Hey Alessio! Thanks for your review. Much appreciated. Hope to see you again when you're in Amsterdam.

Marthijs Bos 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Great box!! Just good people and good instructors!!

Walter Feder 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Alle sind sehr nett und die Lage super!

Sarah Clark 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Spend a bit more than a week here - very nice gym, clean and organized. Good and friendly coaches and clients. Recommend for those visiting Amsterdam

Jay Rhodes 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Dropped in with my wife May 2018. Great gym. Welcoming atmosphere, nice big clean space, well arranged. Coaching was good. Very old school CrossFit feel. The gym opened in 2009, the same year I started, and if you're from that era you can tell. We are owners of CrossFit Outlaw North back in Canada and have dropped in at a lot of other gyms over the years. Top notch drop in experience- one of my faves.

Rebecca Horwedel 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Dropped in while visiting (they get like 50/week). Very welcoming community, great workouts

Deborah S 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Awesome crossfit gym.

Gregory Lespinasse 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I made a drop in May 2018 in this beautiful box. a perfect layout, a top design, pro equipment and 2 coaches performing and listening. If I lived in Amsterdam, it would definitely be my sporting base. Looking forward !!

Dávid Dencinger 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Friendly people, big space, no shop, small locker room, all equipments for CrossFit. Highly recommended.

James Trystan 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Very good box, would like to visit again!

Kamael Sugrim 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: They are not playing around here. Great workout! Did not like that it was outdoors though as it was-1 and freezing!

Mirjam Veenhof 7 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Enthusiastic coaches! Cool box. Good preparation/explanation. Make sure you wear a sweater during the try out because we got sent outside, and I was not prepared for that clothes-wise in freezing cold... Also had a big bruise on my shoulder for 5 days because we had to run with a wooden log. Part of the fun heyho :') (so avoid try out if you have a wedding to shine on the next day).

Andreas Henrich 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good CrossFit Box with lots of equipment! Did a drop-in there. The welcome of the coaches and other CrossFiters was very warm.

Niek ten Elzen 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: What a location there! Many large workout boxes with great equipment and weights. Trainers are sublime

m3stk3v3r 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great box, great atmosphere and great community!!

Allie Hooker 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I dropped in here on vacation. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming! An awesome CrossFit community. I highly recommend it!

Phil Martin 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Huge box, well equipped, coaches are brilliant.

CrossFit CKM Middelburg 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: CrossFit Weightlifting Course gevolgd! Locatie is top!

Niek TE 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: What a location there! Many large workout boxes with great equipment and weights. Trainers are sublime

Floris Hoppenbrouwer 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: These guys know what Crossfit is! Not only do they have good knowledge of their training principle, but also a really really nice community. I always feel welcome when I'm there. When you're in town, you should definitely visit this amazing place! And don't forget to take a group picture with the graffitiwall

Edith Bosch 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: If you are in Amsterdam and you want to do Crossfit this is THE place to be. Meet some nice people, do a hard and fun workout together and get coached by a professional staff. After the workout you will definitely get a wag tail from Buddy the box dog. See you soon? :) Edith Bosch Member of the CFA community

CrossFit Amsterdam

That's very sweet! Thank you. And a big kiss form Buddy.

Ronny Harrison 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I had a great workout at this box. Mark was a great coach and class made me feel very welcome. Thanks guys!!!!! I will definitely be back when I'm in town.

Terry Shaughnessy 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My husband and I did a drop in to this box and were warmly welcomed by the members and coach. We had a great experience, challenging workout and ggod time. It's a very large facility with plenty of room and equipment for everyone. We will definitely go back next time we are in Amsterdam!

Jurjen van Boheemen 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: vanaf de dag dat ik bij Crossfit Amsterdam binnenliep heb ik mij daar enorm thuis gevoeld. De kennis van de coaches en enorme enthousiasme was en is een enorme motivatie om te blijven trainen en groeien in mijn fitheid. het is duidelijk te zien aan alle elementen van de box en community dat de eigenaren een duidelijke visie hebben over waar de box was, is en heen gaat. Ik hoop nog lang onderdeel uit te mogen blijven maken van deze mega community en enthousiaste crossfitters.

Shane Freedman 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great facility with super nice people. Thanks for being so cool & welcoming. Highly recommend you drop in whenever visiting Amsterdam.

Sjaak de Lijster 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: No explanation needed. Best box and most awesome Crossfit community in Amsterdam. Professional coaches with loads of experience and a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Prepare to go hard!!

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Sja, for showing your appreciation by rating us and for your review!

Mark Molina 8 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: No mirrors. Love it.

CrossFit Amsterdam

Thanks Mark! But we do have a mirror though... in the locker room... Just to make sure you look good on your way out ;)

Andy Weers 9 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My second home ... Crossfit is the perfect sport to relax after a day of work. I think Crossfit Amsterdam is the best box in Amsterdam. It is a somewhat rawer box than the other boxes where you are asked to get everything out of yourself during the WOD. This, of course, under the good guidance of experienced coaches who pay a lot of attention to technology and have an eye for the individual abilities and limitations of the athletes. In short, a good box with a close-knit community.

Jan Parlevliet 9 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top box met professionele en gedreven coaches en een te gekke community. Wil je smerig fit worden zonder jezelf in de kreukels te helpen en wil je dat het ook nog leuk is? Zoek niet verder en ga naar Crossfit Amsterdam. Hier word je, ongeacht je niveau of leeftijd vanaf de basis getraind in alle crossfit elementen en kan het niet anders of je vind je nieuwe zelf hier! In minder woorden: geweldig!!

Carel Kuijper 9 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Een fantastische groep mensen onder leiding van een paar zeer bedreven coaches. Ze passen de workouts altijd zo aan dat ze voor iedereen uitdagend zijn. Voor mij de beste plek waar ik ooit gesport heb.

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