Yoga Priya Emmen

Informatie over Yoga Priya Emmen

De Leefstijlstraat, Waanderweg 50
7813 HZ, Emmen
+31 6 26610652


Yoga Priya Emmen heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Yoga Priya is te vinden in De Leefstijlstraat, Waanderweg 50, Emmen. Aanmelden kan via onderstaande telefoonnummer: 06-26610652 of via:  [email protected].


Yoga Priya Emmen heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Yoga Priya Emmen: Meningen

5/5 (4 Meningen)
Eveline Hoogland 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Definitely 5 stars. Yoga Priya is the best yoga school for me. Multiple forms of yoga, small groups and personal attention. Ingrid is a very knowledgeable yoga teacher with a beautiful and warm personality. No floaty lessons, just down to earth. Clear explanations and additional information about the postures which makes it even more fun. Ingrid makes you love yoga (and her classes)!

Gerda De Jong 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At Yoga Priya I have experience with Hatha yoga, Yin yoga and pregnancy yoga. Equally positive about all lessons! Pregnancy yoga is of course very personal; every expectant mum is looking for something that suits her. I experienced the pregnancy yoga at Yoga Priya as low threshold: small groups, a personal approach, room for questions and a wonderful ending with a cup of tea with the other mums.

Jill Divine 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Superfine the pregnancy yoga at Yoga Priya. Ingrid takes the time for your changed body during your pregnancy during each lesson. There is personal attention for you and your baby, she told between what the changes in do you, both physically and mentally. Every lesson I get a personal intention that is tailored to my week during my pregnancy. Are you looking for a nice maternity yoga where the focus is on you and your baby, come to Yoga Priya!

Janneke 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The Saturday group is a very nice and accessible form of yoga. Note that I am becoming less rigid. The yoga that I am experiencing less stress. So happy with that.

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