Food and Motion - Fitness - Personal Training - Bedrijfsfitness - Diëtist

Informatie over Food and Motion - Fitness - Personal Training - Bedrijfsfitness - Diëtist

Wasaweg 4 - 1
9723 JD, Groningen
+31 6 45955291


  • maandag: 08:00–22:00
  • dinsdag: 08:00–22:00
  • woensdag: 08:00–22:00
  • donderdag: 08:00–22:00
  • vrijdag: 08:00–22:00
  • zaterdag: 09:00–17:00
  • zondag: Gesloten

Word fitter en sterker met de trainingen en voedingsadviezen van Food and Motion | Privé en Groepstrainingen vanuit eigen locatie | Persoonlijke aanpak |

Als personal trainer in Groningen zorg ik samen met mijn team ervoor dat jij precies doet wat nodig is om jouw doelen te verwezenlijken en je niet meer doelloos van apparaat naar apparaat gaat in de sportschool. Zo weet je zeker dat jouw kracht, conditie en spiermassa toenemen zodat jij je weer fit en zelfverzekerd voelt.Krachttraining met vrije gewichten is de meest effectieve manier om af te vallen en een fantastisch lichaam te krijgen zoals ij die wilt. Daarom heb ik mij gespecialiseerd in krachttraining als personal trainer en bestaat de training door mij en mijn trainers wordt gegeven voornamelijk uit krachttraining op een relatief hoog tempo.Zoek jij een personal trainer in Groningen die een voorbeeldrol heeft en jou telkens weer zal uitdagen om jezelf naar een hoger niveau te krijgen, dan zit je bij ons aan het goede adres!

Voeding en een slank, sterk en gespierd lichaam zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Zoek jij niet zomaar een diëtist in Groningen maar de sportdiëtist die specialist is in afvallen en lichamelijke transformaties en daarnaast ervaringsdeskundige? Dankzij mijn kennis en passie voor voeding heb ik mijzelf en vele andere geholpen om vet te verliezen, spier op te bouwen, van fysieke klachten af te komen en optimaal te presteren onder alle omstandigheden.

Een eetpatoorn dat jou ondersteunt om af te vallen, spier op te bouwen en krachtig en energiek de dag door te komen is mijn specialisatie. Daarmee kan ik jou als diëtist helpen begrijpen wat voeding doet in jouw lichaam en hoe jij dit in kunt zetten om jouw fysieke doelen te bereiken. Dat allemaal zonder te verzanden in hypes en crashdiëten met het bijbehorende jarenlange gejojo.Bij mij voer je geen stoffige gesprekken over de schijf van vijf maar krijg je echt inzicht in de werking van voeding en de invloed van voeding op jouw lichaamssamenstelling. Met de verkregen kennis ben je zelf in staat om de voedingskeuzes te maken die jouw fysieke doelen en gezondheid ondersteunen voor de rest van jouw leven.

Leefstijlcoaching is een zeer belangrijk aspect van mijn werk als dietist en personal trainer. Hoe jij naar het leven kijkt, bepaalt voor een groot deel hoe jij je gedraagt. Jouw lichaam is hier een weerspiegeling van en laat zien of jij sport of niet, hoe jij eet en rust, of jij rookt en alcohol drinkt of juist niet. Door jou te begeleiden in de manier waarop jij kijkt naar het leven en de eventuele knelpunten op te lossen, heeft dit een positief effect op jouw gedrag.Met de juiste mindset zal je levenslang een nieuwe leefstijl eigen maken en jouw doelen kunnen behouden. Dit zorg er voor dat er continuïteit is in de voeding een training. Hierdoor zijn zowel voeding als training veel effectiever en is de kans op terugval lager.

De groepstraining en bedrijfsfitness die wij bieden zijn gericht op afvallen, reductie van fysieke klachten en verbetering van kracht-en conditie. Deze begeleide en doelgerichte trainingen met maximaal 12 deelnemers zijn zo opgezet dat je jarenlang vooruitgang blijft boeken. Zelfs met slechts 1x45 minuten training per week.

Omdat je TIjdens de lunchpauze of direct na het werk trainen kunt trainen, nemen we drempels zoals de afterdinnerdip of geen tijd hebben na werk voor je weg. Neem vrijblijvend contact op om twee weken te komen proefdraaien en voor een offerte op maat voor de bedrijfsfitness.

Restart na de vakantie: verder afvallen naar een gezond gewicht 7 tips om makkelijk af te vallen na de vakantie Oké, je hebt de touwtjes even laten vieren. Geen probleem, want als het goed is heb jij...

Hoe bepaal je de voedingswaarde van je voedsel? Wil je afvallen, heb je een te hoge bloeddruk, is je lipidenprofiel uit balans (bijv. te hoog cholesterol), heb je diabetes of heb je bijvoorbeeld vaak...


Food and Motion - Fitness - Personal Training - Bedrijfsfitness - Diëtist heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Food and Motion - Fitness - Personal Training - Bedrijfsfitness - Diëtist: Meningen

4.9/5 (33 Meningen)
Roland van Z 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good company / top gym. Here you have a personal trainer with real knowledge. And a corona proof gym. Sorry I'm moving. Recommended for everyone in Groningen!

Sarabrina 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I dare to say that because of my orthomolecular education I know a lot about nutrition. I have always been convinced that if I had even more knowledge, I would always make the best choice. In practice, unfortunately, this turned out differently, because of my impatient nature I continued to fall into all or nothing. This made it impossible to lose weight in a constructive healthy way. With Gustaw I made an agreement to commit myself to a year of coaching. Really taking the time to integrate and perpetuate new habits. He gave me a login for a very thorough food tracker app, the values ​​were entered on my body and goal and it has become a sport to obtain an optimal KH, Protein and Fat consumption every day. Ketogenic eating has turned out to be a huge benefit for me. Gustaw also advises me which exercise ensures that I am optimally burned and do not get cravings because I train too hard again. He slows me down when I go too fast and pushes me in the back when things don't go well. We are now a few months further and I am very happy that Gustaw has come my way. I have now lost 14 kg. A few more kg and then we will consolidate. I have every confidence in that too. Thank you!

W De wilde 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Communication , Professionalism , Quality

Izaline Calister 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In September it will be 2 years that I started working at Food and Motion. After years of dieting, sports, being tired, I wanted to change tack, because nothing helped. I was chronically dissatisfied with the way I looked and how I felt. At first I was quite angry about the annual contract that I had to sign, but it went exactly as I said: 'after 3 months you want to stop because you can't see anything and after 6 months you don't want anything else'. That was right like a bus. I started to feel so much better after 6 months that I didn't care that I couldn't see so much. After 3/4 years I really started to see changes in my body. I got stronger, my clothes fit better, I started to see my muscles, but the most important thing was: I was more energetic, happier and all my aches and pains disappeared. Then Gustaw also started talking to me about my diet and about training a little longer at a time. I started to eat better and really lose weight and now I can't help but take great care of my body and keep challenging it to be able to do more. Even for my singing career it does wonders because I use my body much better when singing. In addition, due to nutritional advice from Gustaw and by exercising a lot, I can deal with stress much better. I say do it, a world will open up for you!

Elena Dets 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place, amazing trainers and realistic results! Highly recommend it!

Tim Bijker 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A year and a half ago I walked in here for a meeting of the business association. Although I had no interest in a gym, I went to see the company and hear the story behind it. Knowing that many other dancers do strength training, I didn't feel like it. "Showers" I thought. During a very interesting story from Gustaw, the owner, where he told that his training is only part of the company and was mainly combined with his skills as a dietitian and livestyle coach, my curiosity was already a bit tickled. Not a standard gym, there are already enough. He wants to help people further. "Everything is connected," he said. I continued to listen a little skeptically. After the presentation there was a nice drink where I was persuaded by an employee to participate in a trial lesson in a small group of about 5 to 6 people. No mega poor or posers who wanted to show themselves, but a few people who wanted to feel better. Despite the fact that I could hardly walk for a week because of the muscle pain, I kept doing this every week. Chat here, chat there and before I knew it, things like a vitamin D deficiency, eating too little while I am overweight, blood pressure problems and a load of insight into nutrition and energy passed by. As I picked up on these issues, I broke one personal record to another. The fact that I was deadlifting while I used to have a hernia was difficult at first, but now Gustaw and I are talking about the next record without my head saying "that is not possible". The doctor prescribed a pill to reduce the complaints, but with this coach I am better than my old me. At home I got off the couch and suddenly started doing odd jobs, dragging, walking, climbing, cycling ... I have energy, confidence, and feel like doing things. And this while not all complaints have disappeared. Where is it going? Who would have thought that. Why haven't I been introduced to this company before? 5 stars from me. Too bad I can not lose more.

maarten tromp 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At Food and Motion, all expertise can be found under one roof, for each purpose (medical and non-medical) a process is determined to promote recovery in a natural way. Knowledge of physiotherapy, nutrition / dietetics and personal training is available. On the basis of an intake, you will be fully screened and a tailor-made plan is formed, this will become more intensive step by step based on progress. I myself came here with the goal of losing the weak back and weight. The first step was to balance the body and strengthen the back. After 1 to 2 months the back was noticeably stronger and I was pain free in the back. We then started a diet program, very basic in which knowledge about nutrition was made clear. With the diet, I had the feeling that I was eating too much rather than too little, but soon showed results. After 3 months I lost 16 kg and the following months the weight also remained stable and, thanks to the knowledge gained, I could also eat out without guilt. After a good long time I contracted a hernia due to intensive odd jobs and a lot of sitting work, this was also due to a familial abnormality in the lower vertebrae. Here the guidance was very good from food and motion. After a program in the hospital, the only options were surgery or a syringe in the back. With good techniques and loads I could still do a lot and with the right supplements for recovery, all through food and motion, recovery was speeded up and no intervention was required via the hospital. I advise everyone to at least get acquainted with food and motion and submit your complaints / goals and see what unique option they offer you here.

Anke de Vries 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After my vitamin D value thanks to Gustaw his advice went from a shockingly low 22 to 115 within 4 weeks and even the doctor was surprised at this result, I decided after years of neck and back pain that it was really time to go. sports. After having sponsored a gym for years without ever having set foot on it, it was of course perfect that Food and Motion is just around the corner from my work, a very good stick that I apparently needed. It became the Afterwork out. I, kind of lazy rather than tired when it comes to sports, started my first trial lesson in good spirits. After the first training I was up. Totally broken, but over. Especially when I started noticing the first results of the training. Where I already used to strain a muscle when yawning, it shot my neck almost every month and every year I used the maximum number of treatments for my neck and back with ease with the physiotherapist, these complaints disappeared after a few months Afterworkout like snow in the sun. Admittedly, it still hits my neck sometimes, but the last time it happened it was over the next day! Previously it was physiotherapy after a few weeks. My muscles are stronger now and know how to handle the blows better. In addition to having never felt so good physically, I never expected it to be possible to exercise with so much pleasure!

Caroline de Boer 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: At the end of September I had my acquaintance with Gustaw. This is now more than 1.5 months ago and how much has changed for me in such a short time! I had been on and off a subscription to a gym for years. When I was here once a month, it was already a lot .. I could never find the discipline to go and when I finally did I had no idea what I was doing exactly. Probably recognizable to more people .. I often felt very tired and had little energy, this had to change. I decided to look for a personal trainer. Someone who could guide me during exercise, but also with my nutrition. I soon came to the Food and Motion site and the story really appealed to me. In addition, I had already heard enthusiastic stories about Food and Motion through via. I decided to plan an introduction and trial lesson and I am very happy that I took this step! We have drawn up an action plan and I have also learned a lot about nutrition. After a week or two of getting used to a new way of eating, I was so much more energetic and I no longer felt so lethargic. In addition, the training courses are challenging, fun and varied. In a month and a half I have already become a lot stronger and my stamina is many times better. Again, I am very happy that I took this step and I would definitely recommend it to everyone!

Wiebe Dijkstra 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My name is Rian Dijkstra and I have been working out at Food and Motion under the guidance of Gustaw Kurkowski since May 2018. After an unpleasant period of illness I decided that I had to change course and together with Gustaw I started working on my fitness and therefore also on my general health. I too was amazed at the changes that took place, both physically and mentally. I am not very sporty, but because of Gustaw's explanation, motivation and inspiration I have become very enthusiastic and I am always looking forward to taking on the challenge with myself and pushing boundaries.

Henk Kramer 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I am 59 years old and started training with Gustaw and Thijs in January 2018, two stents were placed with me in April 2017, I have always been sporty cycling and running but my self-confidence had been severely damaged. I might have thought something for me via Klaas Jan Dijkman's enthusiastic story and the positive messages I saw on Facebook. And that's for sure I started training twice a week now and then heavy but I feel very good about it. My confidence is also back. I have now registered for 3 training sessions a week, it is addictive. The nutritional advice is also very inspiring. I always just messed with food. If only it were easy to make. I am now much more conscious about food and feel very good about it. Learned a lot in recent months.

T.M. Woerkom, van 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Very satisfied. Achieved my goals through explanation and tools from Gustav. After months of struggling and drastically changing my eating habits, it has been worthwhile afterwards.

Barber van der Laan 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I can recommend Gustaw's training and (nutritional) guidance to everyone. Since two months I have been exercising with Gustaw every week. After years of back and shoulder complaints, I wanted to try a different treatment. However, I was not sure what to expect. What could Gustaw do differently from other physiotherapists I had already undergone? Gustaw turned out to be an observing and motivating trainer, but above all an inspiring personality. He works in a targeted manner without losing sight of my personal situation, and knows how to offer me different insights every training. I am very surprised by the speed with which I have achieved results under his guidance, and that by training with Gustaw for only half an hour a week. I have less back problems, more energy, and especially more strength. I hope to continue with the personal training!

Jan Gjaltema 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: In recent years I was confronted with physical complaints, especially in the back, that bothered me at work (spit!) But also at my favorite hobby, playing drums in a rock band. I realized that, towards 50, I really had to do something to make myself fitter, so that I can earn my living as an independent entrepreneur for a long time and enjoy all the other things in life. Gustaw has been guiding me as a personal trainer for two months. I have trained on my own before, but with Gustaw's guidance it is a different story. In the training much and good attention is paid to measuring a different attitude, so that you no longer maintain your own complaints. The training itself is many times more effective than the 'round the gym', because you are constantly corrected in the way you do the exercises, are challenged to go one step further and there is continuous feedback to the things that you do (not always well) in daily life. It is also pleasant that your own circumstances (such as a sore back) are taken into account a lot; not exercise for the sake of exercise, but systematically working on strengthening your physical. In addition, we also include some weight loss in the targeted dietary advice (because some pounds may also be reduced). It is convenient that the advice does not pose major challenges in terms of menu; you can actually eat with the rest, you just have to think about the proportions in which you eat meals, you eat slightly more often and at a time smaller portions. All in all, very satisfied. It is an investment, but above all an investment in yourself. And in the end that is more than worth it.

Sjorrieg Nl 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I signed up because I wanted to feel better and physically fit. Gustaw knows how to help you just beyond your own limits. He knows how to motivate and helps you to achieve your goals. Nice teacher and pleasant cooperation. Giving up is not an option with him ...

Jetse Mooij 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been following Boot Camps at Food and Motion for some time now, and I am being guided perfectly by Gustaw. Gustaw is a trainer who knows what he is doing, can motivate you and has a lot of knowledge about both exercise and nutrition. I can recommend it to anyone.

Klaas Jan Dijkman 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since October last year, I have been working out at Food and Motion under the guidance of Gustaw Kurkowski. This was completely new to me. There have been times when I tried to pick up running, or fitness, or swimming, or ........ However, this never lasted longer than three months. Pretty soon I was amazed at the changes that were taking place, both physically and mentally. Again, resistance came into play after three months. Fortunately, I had signed a one-year contract with Gustaw, so I couldn't escape it. Could be, of course, but a shame about the money. I got through this through explanation, motivation and inspiration from Gustaw. Nice to see how after 8 months of sports the aversion has been converted into enthusiasm. All of this brings with it confidence, a sense of appreciation and love for myself. And apparently to feel that it was first important for me to go outside my comfort zone and push boundaries. On to the next ……………………………...

Robin Langezaal 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Started with personal training under the guidance of Gustaw. He has a good eye for your options and feels your limits. It pushes the last bit of power out of you so that you get the most out of yourself and the training! Also started to work on my diet and again only good experiences!

hubert moes 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I had been looking for a good trainer for a while. Eventually I ended up with Gustaw. After a trial lesson it immediately became clear to me that he was a good serious trainer who could help me achieve my goals. Not only with training but also with nutrition. Gustaw delivers the whole picture. After three months of training three times a month, the results are already visible and noticeable!

Victor Caldas 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place, structure and super qualified personnel.

Marije Wijnberg 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Every week I follow an intensive but fun workout by Gustaw in the gym. The nice consequence: the complaints in my shoulder and neck muscles are and stay away! With the professional guidance and encouragement from Gustaw I train much more effectively than when I am alone in the gym and I keep up the sport. I perform the exercises much better because I immediately get the correct instructions from Gustaw. He always listens carefully to your question or complaint, thinks along with you and adjusts the training to your wishes. Even as a dietician, Gustaw provides excellent advice and knows how to motivate you. In his practice he combines his knowledge of sport and diet very well with each other and shares this in an understandable way with me as a customer. Because of this I do not just do what he says, but I also understand why I do certain exercises or how I can make certain choices in nutrition. In addition to that, he is always ready to answer your questions by email or telephone after a training or conversation. I am very happy that I started at Food and Motion over a year ago and can recommend anyone to visit Gustaw!

Marieke Hoeksma 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Personal attention and encouragement without shouting. Exercises for all muscles. Always a good feeling (usually with muscle line ;-) afterwards.

Carmen Scholte Lubberink 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: With Food and Motion you do not go on a diet temporarily and you do not get a quick fix. Instead, you will receive nutritional advice that will benefit you for the rest of your life. You will be overloaded with motivational conversations and positive energy that will also benefit you in many other areas. The contact ensures that you learn to make more conscious choices, use your time more consciously and are generally more active in life. What I personally really like is that Gustaw leaves no doubt that you will achieve your goal, be it in diet, sport or on a personal level. Sometimes it takes longer than you expect and you come across new sides of yourself that you first have to face before you pursue your original goal. For me, that was recognizing the emotional charge that food has for me, the realization that I "have to" do a lot and put unnecessary pressure on myself and my black-and-white-all-or-nothing mentality. But that too is part of the development process. Anyway, you are assured of personal growth. A year ago I couldn't have imagined how much better I feel now. Asking for help with Food and Motion is the best move I have made in recent years. Gustaw, thanks!

Jessie Jongsma 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I feel stronger physically and mentally!

Rianne Papma 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The boot camp lessons are always fun, varied and stimulating! No lesson is the same. A must for young and old!

romy de zeeuw 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Balance sheet! That was the need that brought me to Gustaw. I had already visited a nutrition consultant in the past and had already lost 20 kg here. In the meantime this 20 kilo was already there again because the diet was not sustainable for me (too few calories). Gustaw helped me with a diet that works for me. Something I can follow every day without this really costing me any effort. The first 10 kilos were gone without me actually noticing. I did not and still do not feel that I am 'on a diet' .. something that I am very happy with! Gustaw is in his work with a lot of ready knowledge and an enormous drive to gain more knowledge / to investigate if this is necessary (such as when I decided that I wanted to eat vegetarian / vegan). There are many aspects in life that affect how you eat and vice versa (sleep, stress, school, work, relationships, etc.) and Gustaw is willing to discuss all these things and, if necessary, tackle or improve them. Something that is very important to me because my diet depends on all these things (and vice versa). I have not yet reached my desired weight but I am fully convinced that I will come there with Gustaw's help!

ineke raven 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice varied lessons. Especially the drinks, they are the best.

Kim 7 years ago

Positieve ervaring: First I played in the gym, which became a long routine. When I came in contact with gustaw through a friend and took a trial lesson, I found what I was looking for. Be motivated and motivated in group dynamics. Various subscriptions available, I am satisfied with a year contract.

Joyce Assen 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It has been six months since I first had a very inspiring conversation with Gustaw in the Big Gym in Groningen. The conversation came about through a spontaneous comment on my part. I will introduce myself. I am Joyce Assen, 30 years old and I am following the 'Sport, Health & Management' course at Hanze Hogeschool, Groningen. My passion for fitness is great. Coaching and inspiring people to pursue an active and healthy lifestyle is my future goal. As an athlete, I know how important the process is, regardless of the end goal. In the gym, you are busy pushing your limits every workout. And I can be very happy when I see Gustaw working with a customer. He is always busy with full focus and does not even notice that I am watching. Why does this make me so happy? I see a piece of recognition. What I see is the passion to motivate people in their process towards a healthy lifestyle. Gustaw takes a very professional attitude and exudes a certain calm. In our conversation it emerged how important the behavior is and this reflects your body. Starting the process in finding pleasure, eating healthy, exercising and being healthy for your body will get you in a positive flow. In my opinion, Gustaw is an expert by experience, who knows how to bring the right depth to the training and to translate this into other areas of life. The conversation with Gustaw helped me to further define my goals and act accordingly. It helped me to think in solutions. Gustaw is an inspiring person who crosses my path. I hope I can sincerely motivate other people to go through the process with Gustaw that will bring a big change in your life.

Eveline Vreeburg 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice bootcamp! The lessons are always very varied and because we do a lot of exercises with 2 and 3, it is always fun too :) I can find the motivation to pull myself off the couch every week!

Roland V 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The nicest group to take a boat camp with in Groningen! Trainer competent in both sports and diet advice. Recommended!

Frouke Leemhuis 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Gustav gives super fun, intensive and varied boot camp. You get fit and strong quickly.

Majbritt Zeevalkink 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Last summer I started a sports diet program with Gustaw. I really enjoyed this. During cycling and sports at school (Sport & Exercise training), I was terribly oppressed at one time and another. I had never had it before. We went to the doctor and he sent me to the pulmonologist. After a few months of investigations, nothing came out. The pulmonologist advised me to go to the physio for breathing exercises. And the physio learned that I actually ate too little in one day. That made me anxious. The physio sent me to Gustaw and together with him we made a feeding schedule for the sports days at school and the cycling courses. Since then I have never been stuffy again and cycling is going great again! It helped me a lot. I can still go to Gustaw for questions and advice. That is very nice.

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