Informatie over Physical Training Club

Gorterplaats 6
6531 HZ, Nijmegen
+31 6 50835828


  • maandag: 07:00–22:00
  • dinsdag: 07:00–22:00
  • woensdag: 07:00–22:00
  • donderdag: 07:00–22:00
  • vrijdag: 07:00–22:00
  • zaterdag: 09:00–12:00
  • zondag: 09:00–12:00

Met een topsportachtergrond (voetbal) van ruim 10 jaar, weet Kenny als geen ander hoe is het om onder druk te moeten presteren. Het omgaan met tegenslagen en obstakels hebben hem als trainer & coach gevormd. Al deze aspecten komen voor in het (bedrijfs)leven, die hij meeneemt bij het opstellen van een persoonlijk plan. Hij kijkt naar het hele plaatje denk aan; hoe is de balans tussen werk en privé, gezinssituatie, (blessure)achtergrond, voeding en meer.

Volgens Kenny is een goed plan, een plan dat werkt voor jou als individu op dat moment onder de huidige omstandigheden. Een plan dat voor de lange termijn vol te houden is en het gewenste resultaat oplevert. Geen “quick-fixes”, maar consistentie om jouw doelen te behalen en behouden.

Inmiddels train ik bijna een jaar met Kenny samen. In de trainingen met Kenny leer ik mijn lichaam beter kennen. Door zijn kennis over het lichaam weet hij de oefeningen zo aan te passen, dat ik mijn lichaam op een veilige manier kan prikkelen. De professionele aanpak i.c.m. de informele band die ik in die tijd heb opgebouwd met Kenny ervaar ik als zeer prettig. Hierdoor blijf ik met plezier werken aan mijn gezonde lifestyle.

Kenny heeft mij een half jaar begeleid met personal training. In die periode heb ik veel progressie geboekt. Ik ben ruim 15kg afgevallen, sterker geworden en ook mijn conditie is sterk verbeterd. Daarnaast heb ik geleerd bewustere keuzes te maken rondom mijn voeding i.p.v. over te stappen op een voedingsschema. Zo kan ik zelf variëren binnen mijn eetmomenten. Wat ik prettig vind aan zijn begeleiding is dat hij naar het grotere geheel kijkt, meer dan alleen training en voeding. Nu Kenny gestart is met de Physical Training Club, ben ik gelijk begonnen met personalized group training!


Physical Training Club heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Physical Training Club: Meningen

5/5 (19 Meningen)
amy bos 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I trained weekly at PTC for a year after my knee surgery, I wanted to get fit for my switch to football in America. In one year we have achieved mega results with the functional training that we have done. All training sessions were personally made for me and prepared me for my football season in America.

Justin Moehamadsaleh 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have enjoyed training here. He was very professional and had a lot of knowledge and experience. He was strong in empowering and motivating. I have grown and developed a lot here in both muscle growth and condition. Really recommended!!

Robbie Correll 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: High quality professional training, and personal and friendly enough that I’ve kept training far longer than at another other gym or sport group.

Stefan Geenen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been training with Kenny for a while. Very nice gym. Training is challenging and varied. Every week I enjoy going to the best trainer there is!!!

Max Vermeer 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training with Kenny for two years now. In the training sessions with Kenny I get to know my body better. Because of his knowledge about the body, he knows how to adapt the exercises in such a way that I can stimulate my body in a safe way. The professional approach in combination with I experience the informal bond that I have built up with Kenny during that time as very pleasant. As a result, I continue to enjoy working on my healthy lifestyle.

Gabriel van Boekel 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A few times a year I visit Kenny to get adhesions out of my muscles. Because I often and a lot of sports, this happens regularly. He also gives me tips on exercises that I can do to keep my body flexible. Highly recommended!

Alan sanchez 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been training with a friend for over a month. Kenny takes the time and adapts the training well, even though we differ in level. The nutritional advice also goes a bit further than just a schedule, you notice that he is continuously developing in his field. Every week the progress is noticeable and what is nice about the training sessions he prepares is that they are at a level that I can handle and not like with my previous experiences with other trainers that you are pushed to perform as an athlete which results total dropouts and injuries.

Dide van den Berg 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Since September '21 I have been training twice a week at PTC with great pleasure. This year I'm going on a world trip with my boyfriend and for this I wanted to get in the best shape ever. I've been working out independently in the gym for years, but I always had the feeling that I was 'messing around'. This could be better! Kenny has tailored workouts, guided me through the right techniques, addressed my known problem areas (bye back pain!) and even fixed unknown issues (bye flabby forearms). Without Kenny I would never have been able to go the extra mile. I was constantly challenged to pick up a heavier weight and I went to the extreme. It was pleasant and I always felt at ease. In addition to these top training sessions, Kenny looks at the whole picture and also examined my nutrition, sleep rhythm and stress level. And a travel training program was even made for me, where I can always check in online & ask questions. I'm super comfortable in my skin and I feel fit & strong! Thanks Kenny, you are the best.

Jelle Janssen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very satisfied with the training and treatment as a person. Getting the most out of it together, but in a good and healthy way to find and push your limits. Kenny is a very nice person and a tailor-made trainer!

Dj Wefer 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional, the personal trainer knows very well what he is doing. Nice environment to reset your mind and go for it 100%.

Annabel Schellen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been training twice a week for a few months under the guidance of Kenny. During these training sessions my technique with regard to the exercises has improved greatly. In addition, I have become much fitter and stronger through the training. I would definitely recommend it!

Karina Novikova 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I would highly recommend Kenny to anyone looking for a change in the positive direction! If you are looking for someone who has knowledge, expertise and understanding of the body, Kenny is the right place for you. He has a clear passion and understands how to push and motivate you and bring out your best self. Driven, professional and one of the best trainers out there!

Kalombo Espirito 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Physical Training Club has a professional appearance and everything you need to achieve your goals. I experience Kenny's guidance as transparent, professional and tailor-made. I am making good steps towards my goals and I can always make adjustments to my training schedule in consultation with Kenny! All in all a nice and comfortable place to get fit and above all to stay.

Gio Winkels 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Personal guidance is great! Also in group lessons, attention is paid to each individual to improve his / her posture if this can be improved. Recommended!

Marianne Reijnen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Kenny has helped me to adopt a better posture during certain exercises through online coaching, so that my lower back is not or hardly burdened. Fast service, good communication, clear explanations and the result I was hoping for. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a professional coach.

Thomas de Boer 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Kenny is a good PT, with a lot of business knowledge. Here you have to be, for that little bit extra that you miss in small group fitness training or in circuit training without supervision. He ensures that the training sessions are tailor-made, so that you have a slightly faster result and in my case the motivation is maintained.

Maurice Janssen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Kenny is currently helping me through a very hectic time in my life! Because of the Corona I am in dire straits in several areas. By exercising with Kenny every week, I notice that I can clear my head ... Because of his professionalism in the field of sports, but especially on the mental level, I notice that I can handle it all better ...... A very nice hour a week ..... I can handle everything much better and feel much stronger both physically and mentally .....

Miranda de Vries 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful studio, good atmosphere and professional guidance.

Anique 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I recommend 100% Physical Training Club! Kenny differs for me from all other personal trainers, because he has qualities that you do not expect with a trainer. In this way, he not only supports you in the field of sports, but also with your personal development and everything related to sports. For me, for example, this was restlessness before sleeping, too little time for sports and difficulty with healthy snacks. After training with Kenny, I only started to see how much effect these kinds of little things have on the progress you make in the field of sports. It has helped me a lot and I would recommend it to everyone to give it a try and experience this added value for yourself!

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