Informatie over Personal Fitness Center Zaandam

Cello 3
1507 TX, Zaandam
+31 6 19147432


  • maandag: 07:00–22:00
  • dinsdag: 08:00–22:00
  • woensdag: 07:00–22:00
  • donderdag: 08:00–22:00
  • vrijdag: 07:00–21:00
  • zaterdag: 08:45–14:00
  • zondag: 08:45–14:00

Personal Fitness Center - Westerwatering Zaandam - Personal Fitness, groeps lessen, yoga, kickboksen, pump, spinning, senioren fitness, en nog veel meer.

– Persoonlijke begeleiding op de fitnessvloer – Altijd instructeurs aanwezig in de fitness – Op maat gemaakte persoonlijke trainingsprogramma’s – Corrigeren op techniek indien nodig – Live groepslessen – Gemoedelijke sfeer

Personal Trainer Zaandam op zijn best! Met de personal training bij Personal Fitness Center in Zaandam (Westerwatering) krijgt u de ‘echte’ 1 op 1 begeleiding tijdens de training maar ook op het gebied van voeding en mental coaching.

Wij onderscheiden ons met professionele fitness begeleiding op de vloer van hoog opgeleide instructeurs/personal trainers waar u een trainingsprogramma op maat krijgt, gecorrigeerd en gemotiveerd wordt, meer kennis krijgt over fitness en de kans op uw gewenste resultaat groter is dan ooit!

Wij bieden u tijdens de groepslessen persoonlijke aandacht waardoor u niet alleen gemotiveerd, maar ook gecorrigeerd wordt. Personal Fitness Center is de sportschool in Zaandam (Wijk Westerwatering) die staat voor groepslessen van kwaliteit!

Bent u op zoek naar een sportschool in Zaandam met persoonlijke begeleiding? Bij Personal Fitness Center in Zaandam kunt u terecht voor fitness en groepslessen zoals:

U kunt naast de fitness en groepslessen ook terecht voor Personal Training. Voor de senioren die graag met begeleiding willen sporten zijn er speciale groepslessen en de personal trainers hebben ook extra aandacht voor ouderen die hun lichaam graag zo vitaal mogelijk willen houden.

Tot slot kunt u ook altijd terecht bij de fitness instructeurs / personal trainers voor een trainingsschema op maat en eventueel ook in combinatie met een persoonlijk voedingsadvies.

Na afloop van een training kunt u bovendien gebruik maken van onze sauna en zijn er voldoende douches aanwezig om uzelf op te frissen na een lekkere workout!

Bij deze sportschool Zaandam zijn meerdere ervaren personal trainers aanwezig die naast Personal Training ook fitnessdiensten draaien en groepslessen begeleiden. Elke personal trainer heeft zijn eigen specialisatie. Persoonlijke aandacht staat voorop bij Personal Fitness Center Zaandam!

Mocht u interesse hebben om uzelf in te schrijven bij Personal Fitness Center dan bent u altijd welkom om even te komen kijken in onze sportschool voor een vrijblijvende introductie. Ondanks het groeiende aantal leden zijn de groepslessen die gegeven worden persoonlijk, zorgen de instructeurs voor een op maat gemaakt trainingsprogramma en corrigeren ze de mensen in de fitness!

Natuurlijk willen we dit in de toekomst ook zo houden en daarom gaan we het aanbod van de diverse groepslessen bij succes uitbreiden en meerdere persoonlijke instructeurs inzetten om ervoor te zorgen dat de begeleiding altijd met echte persoonlijke aandacht gegeven kan worden.

We hebben een mooie locatie in Zaandam Westerwatering waar we u graag kennis laten maken met onze manier van Persoonlijke Fitness met begeleiding door onze vaardige fitness instructeurs, personal trainers en persoonlijke groepsfitness instructeurs!

Blijf op de hoogte van onze speciale aanbiedingen, wil je als eerste weten wanneer er nieuwe lessen worden gelanceerd? Schrijf je dan nu in op onze nieuwsbrief!

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Heb je een doel voor ogen? Ben je er klaar voor en wil je er voor gaan? Kies voor onze fitness met begeleiding, groepslessen in Zaandam met persoonlijke aandacht of ga voor Personal Training! Personal Fitness Center Zaandam - als je klaar bent voor een gezond leven!

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Personal Fitness Center Zaandam heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Personal Fitness Center Zaandam: Meningen

4.9/5 (42 Meningen)
Lex van Dijl 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice training this morning

Shelly Harrison Bramma 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym, rarely busy and good engaging fitness trainers.

raimond lutke schpholt 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Last Wednesday a lesson as an rpm instructor cycled with Shirley. Nice people and relaxed atmosphere. Highly recommended and where necessary good guidance and support with sports.

Wanderlust 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: this gym has deteriorated badly due to the loss of their location. Besides the fact that the new location is a farce, the offer has also more than shrunk. No more sauna, 1 group class room, so the "hopping classes" are often given in the room with equipment. A surplus of PT ers who like to be the director of the gym himself. And all for the same price. Too bad

Sandra Zuidam 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fresh new sports center in Zaandam with fun group lessons and great fitness plans for the future with personal guidance.

Danielle Morsman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This intimate gym stands out very positively due to the degree of involvement of the coaches present. The friendly atmosphere makes it easy to train and ask questions about the exercises. The unsolicited coaching you receive is very welcome and reinforces the "we" feeling that this gym excels in!

Joyce Raats 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Started Personal Training at Alex Delgado over a year ago. The reason I started this is that I lost my motivation due to a lack of results. Alex has taught and motivated me so much that I have achieved results and started to really enjoy training! As soon as the personal fitness center opened, I also became a member here. I have been a member of at least seven gyms, but this is certainly the nicest. It is nice and quiet and cozy! The biggest plus I think is that there is always an instructor to whom you can ask questions. There are also many fun group lessons.

Maarten van Heek 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Strangely enough, this gym is not on the map, and the name was chosen a bit unluckily. We thought that PFC would only offer personal training, but it turns out to be just a small-scale gym. But then with active customers, and there is always at least 1 instructor in the room, so not only someone at the desk to check in, but active advice is given or just a chat. There is a wide range of group lessons. Very affordable too.

Bjorn Zwier 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: It is a quiet fitness area, plenty of parking space. No pots of viewers. You will receive good help and advice. Recommended to go.

max Steenbergen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Always a great atmosphere in combination with top quality group lessons with personal guidance!

Gabriel Calvo Nencel 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great lessons! Good instructors who know what they are doing. Martijn, one of the personal trainers, is also a real winner. You will be well motivated, and they will help you achieve your goal, whether it's getting in shape or losing weight. There is plenty of choice in the group lessons with good times.

Helen Koenders 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: A wonderful, easily accessible center for training, where the trainers actually have an eye for the customer. You are guaranteed to reach your goal. And the staff pay close attention to how the exercises are performed, so you have less chance of injury. In short: success guaranteed, so come quickly. I have been training here for a while and am very satisfied.

Frank Post 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A fitness center with personal attention.

Tom H 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been taking kickboxing classes here for a while, both personally and in groups to improve my fitness, so far I'm really enjoying it!

Merlijn Krijntjes 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice new fitness Center in Zaandam. Good challenging classes and the trainers are friendly and engaged. Atmosphere is great, parking free .... definitely recommended.

Mariska Speekhoudt 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Personal Fitness Center is a perfect place to work on yourself. I came here in November 2018 to make myself feel fit again, with the help of Martijn van Braam I certainly succeeded! In a process of 4 months I have certainly achieved this and we are currently working on maintaining it. Personal Fitness Center is the place where you receive personal guidance in an intimate setting, where you actually achieve results.

Paul Reijnders 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been taking Personal Training here for a while now. Now with the group lessons and the sauna, this completes the picture! Super guidance and very effective sports!

Frank van der Horst 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good guidance with good, experienced and also pleasant instructors. I really like it :-)

Veronica 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great variety of lessons with excellent guidance by highly professional trainers. Clean dressing rooms and showers. There is also a sauna where you can relax after workout. Highly recommend to everybody who would like to get and stay in shape!

judith vethaak 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Why Personal Fitness? If, like me, you really need someone who stimulates you and gives you the confidence that you are doing well. I have lost 23 pounds, so definitely reached my goal. Martijn, or Wendy or Alex, are always there for you with advice about your exercises or your diet. Don't hesitate, just go inside and you don't want to leave success!

Albert Nijmeijer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: pleasant atmosphere, nice people who can motivate you to move very well. I have now lost 28 kilos. I now really enjoy sports and exercise. So much fun that I will continue to train.

Martijn van Braam 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Atmospheric gym where personal guidance is at the top. All group lessons are taught by experienced instructors.

Pen-men Yeung 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym where personal attention is of paramount importance. The fitness room is equipped with the latest equipment and the staff is incredibly friendly and helpful. In short, I am very satisfied!

Saskia Schaar 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Enthusiastic teachers with attention to the participants. Afterwards, a well-earned cup of coffee in the cozy lounge and relax in the sauna.

Florence van Heuvelen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a somewhat too long summer break, the threshold was high to go back to the gym. Personal trainer Martijn managed to make me enthusiastic with training sessions in which the exercises are varied, all muscle groups are addressed, and attention is paid to good technical execution. I am also challenged to push my limits, to be able to give that little bit extra every time. Due to the professional approach of his training, I am not only physically better in my own skin, but I am also a lot stronger in my shoes. In addition to the personal training, the group lessons are also great to do. They are taught by enthusiastic and experienced teachers, who really make you sweat. But then take a refreshing shower, go into the sauna, and you will feel reborn again. The atmosphere between the athletes is also very good and we motivate and support each other. In short, a gym where personal guidance is central, but also the contact and the atmosphere between them is good.

mary nuver 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Joined Personal fitness center in combination with Personal training with Martijn and Wendy since last year. After I had sponsored the umpteenth gym and started looking for another one, I ended up here and I immediately felt at home. I was warmly welcomed by the "crew" and received the right personal guidance to resume sports, both during my personal training sessions and at the fitness. What now results in that I enjoy the personal training sessions with Wendy and the group lessons that are given in a professional manner. Definitely recommended if you are looking for a gym where you just get a little more personal guidance !!

Ilona Hutzezon 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Atmospheric gym, Good Guidance, Variable exercises. Definitely recommended for anyone who wants to exercise under supervision!

Sjariefa Kartodimedjo 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Perfect place to work on yourself! Together with my partner I started personal training and then started working in the gym myself. The PT people and employees are super customer-friendly and are happy to help you! PFC is smaller than the large well-known fitness schools but that is why the PT people have enough time for you to help you where possible !!

Tonny Roorda 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been exercising for 20 years because it is healthy. Since I exercise at this gym, I also enjoy it a lot. The lessons are varied and guided by very expert instructors.

Mark Bos 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: cozy gym with fun group lessons! The personal attention is very pleasant!

Anne Vrieze 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: My husband and I are currently doing personal training with Martijn van Braam. He is tough on you and demands the utmost from you. The result is satisfactory: The body becomes tighter and the pounds are slowly but surely coming off. We bought a half-year package and expect to continue with it afterwards to keep our fitness and weight optimal. The fitness program and nutritional advice via the app support the training well. We also get massages from Wendy, Martijn's partner, for the muscles it is needed for. They are also supportive in our process.

Ronald de Boer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Gym of this time! Distinguished by personal attention to each individual. Recommended for anyone who wants to exercise under supervision!

Rob Kleingeld 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Personal attention and very motivating. Enjoy exercising.

Inge Blom 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very nice gym where you are expertly guided. It is well thought out if, for example, you have an injury. The approach is always positive: looking at what you can do. You are also challenged to go that extra mile. Everything in a fun and positive atmosphere. It's exactly the gym I'm looking for.

Nynke Drost 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Not only good guidance from personal trainers, but also the group lessons are done by good personal. Really recommended to do sports here.

A. Vonk Schilders Amsterdam 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good guidance, professional approach .. very motivating trainers and they ensure that you always go back to the gym with pleasure and enthusiasm ... in my opinion highly recommended.

ard hopstaken 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This will make you happy! Easily accessible location, free parking, strict guidance with a smile. After an hour of guided suffering, you walk out happily. It is also nice that there are no moaning bodybuilders next to you and you train privately. I believe they now also do group lessons in a separate room. All in all, completely contemporary, tailor-made, with expert guidance. You can also train well for physical complaints or extra attention. Oh yes, feel free to put on your ajax shirt!

Yvonne Romkes 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Small-scale sports school with personal attention. The circuit training is my favorite, different exercises every time so it doesn't get boring.

Tirsa Hooft 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Pfc is a friendly gym. The personal approach, nice atmosphere and nice people make me feel very welcome as a customer. The trainers are driven and highly knowledgeable. They challenge you to push boundaries, but ensure that you do this in a good, healthy way. The trainings that I do (in particular circuit training and yoga) are varied and never the same. Every lesson there are new challenging exercises that can be performed at every level. So if you are looking for a fun gym where people work who enjoy their profession immensely, where you are motivated to improve yourself and where you train with fun, like-minded people, I definitely recommend your PFC.

Annelies K 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I just had to cross a threshold when I registered - I have always had great resistance to gyms, but I really had to do something about my fitness and the varied range of group lessons (including yoga and pilates) at Personal Fitness Center attracted me across the line. I started with bodyshape and circuit lessons - challenging lessons led by nice fanatic instructors and after an intake I also received a training program that I can do individually in the hall with beautiful new devices. There is always someone there to help you, advise you or correct if necessary, very nice. After the training you can enjoy the sauna. Friendly staff and the atmosphere is very pleasant - I like to come there!

Winnie Leek 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice place where good guidance and sportsmanship are central! Friendly staff who correct where necessary.

Tom Nijdam 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: nice small-scale fitness with very good guidance, all necessary new equipment. group lessons and very nice a sauna (separate for men and women.) so that you can relax after training.

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