CrossFit® Scheveningen
Het centrum is een officiële CrossFit®-affiliate. Laatst gecontroleerd: 15/02/2025
CrossFit is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van CrossFit, LLC, dat geen verband houdt met Sportscholen Fitness.

Informatie over CrossFit® Scheveningen
2583 DM, Den Haag
- maandag: 07:00–21:00
- dinsdag: 07:00–21:00
- woensdag: 07:00–21:00
- donderdag: 07:00–21:00
- vrijdag: 07:00–19:00
- zaterdag: 09:00–16:00
- zondag: 09:00–14:00
Onze opmerking van Sportscholen Fitness over Crossfit Scheveningen:
Welkom bij Crossfit Scheveningen, een centrum dat bekend staat om zijn geweldige faciliteiten en warme community. Gelegen nabij het strand, biedt deze box een breed scala aan trainingen, waaronder metcon WODs, gewichtheffen, en krachttraining. Bezoekers prijzen de professionele coaches die niet alleen deskundig zijn, maar ook een prettige en ondersteunende sfeer creëren.
Hier zijn enkele van de beste kenmerken volgens de bezoekers:
- Geweldige ligging vlakbij de zee, perfect voor een post-workout ontspanning.
- Prachtige, ruime faciliteit met hoogwaardige apparatuur, voornamelijk van Rogue.
- Uitgebreide begeleiding voor deelnemers van elk niveau, inclusief aangepaste lessen en voedingsadvies.
- Ongelooflijke community die nieuwkomers verwelkomt en vriendschappen bevordert.
- Flexibiliteit in training met open gym-tijden en de mogelijkheid om verschillende disciplines te combineren.
Het lijkt een geweldige plek voor iedereen die zijn grenzen wil verleggen, nieuwe vaardigheden wil leren en met plezier wil trainen. De sfeer hier is niet alleen vriendelijk, maar ook motiverend. Crossfit Scheveningen is zeker een aanrader voor zowel beginners als ervaren sporters. We hopen je snel te mogen verwelkomen!
Diensten, machines en geleide klassen
CrossFit® Scheveningen: Meningen
Fantastische ervaring: We went for a long weekend to Scheveningen and as always when we are travelling we wanted to visit a box for a WOD. To get in touch was simple and the contact was nice. We booked 3 days in a row,2 metcon WODs and a weightlifting class. The coaches were great,so we felt safe and refreshed some skills. As I have currently problems with my shoulder it was no problem to find substitute movements. We were also warmly welcomed from the community. I would highly recorecommend to book a drop in at CF Scheveningen The box is super equipped and located near the sea. We will definitely come back for another session
Fantastische ervaring: So proud of this gym and amazing community! Always love coming home here
Fantastische ervaring: Good gym. Plenty of space. Coaches are knowledgeable and fun to be around. New location. 200ms down the road from ole gym.
Fantastische ervaring: Great community and coaches. Nice and raw box near the sea with mainly Rogue equipment. Been training here for 3 years now and wouldn’t wanna go anywhere else.
Fantastische ervaring: ziet er mooi uit
Fantastische ervaring: Goede instructeurs en een fijne sfeer. Ik wissel CrossFit, Strength en Mobility met elkaar af. Tevens lessen in voeding en maatwerk mogelijk. Denk niet dat het te zwaar is want je kunt op ieder niveau meedoen (scalen).
Fantastische ervaring: Best box! Great coaching staff community is unreal and that place just breathes fitness. Always open gym during lessons, all the best equipment is there. Very very professional and the owners vincent and iris are lovely. If you like crossfit or you want to start this box is amazing! Have a trial lessons and feel the vibe!
Fantastische ervaring: My favorite place ❤️
Fantastische ervaring: Aanrader ! Ik train er nu twee maanden en vier super coachen! Deskundig en op ieder niveau zeer goede persoonlijke begeleiding. Erg leuke club met leuke mensen.
Fantastische ervaring: You want to be fit or you just drop in it doesn’t matter you get coaches for real here! The team has such a high standard and they coach with passion. The community is amazing and absolutely open and welcoming. On top of all that you get to train right behind the beach.
Fantastische ervaring: Super
Fantastische ervaring: The place to be if you like good workouts, nice company and dedicated trainers!
Fantastische ervaring: The best place to be if you want to get fit. Friendly knowledgeable staff, lots of space and near the beach.
Fantastische ervaring: If you are looking for a place to push your limits, this is your place to be :)
Fantastische ervaring: Great box and very professional and friendly instructors.
Fantastische ervaring: Best gym I’ve been part of. Amazing facility with great coaches, great workouts and great vibes overall. Definitely will become a member again once I am back in Netherlands.
Fantastische ervaring: Nice environment and very good trainers. All the facilities are in a good conditions. Corona virus measures are strictly followed. I recommend this place for CrossFit.
Fantastische ervaring: Super gave box! Vriendelijke mensen. Een plek waar je je welkom voelt, om vrienden te maken en toch ook lekker je eigen gang kan gaan. Veel geleerd van de professionele coaches. Kortom mijn één van mijn favoriete plekken op Google maps ;-)
Positieve ervaring: Fijne gym alwaar ik mijn killer body onderhoud! Vriendelijk personeel die je echt willen helpen en niet al kauwgom kauwend achter de balie hangen.
Fantastische ervaring: Top plek met gezellige mensen en eigenaren die er alles aan doen om in deze rare tijd door te kunnen gaan met sporten. Simply love it
Fantastische ervaring: Fantastic box! Huge space, friendly members and amazing location for a post-workout fitaid at the beach!! Everyone speaks great English, the coaches even coached in English for the whole class so great place to drop in. We’ll be back for sure!
Fantastische ervaring: Like home
Fantastische ervaring: Great crew with a strong knowledge base and didactic approach! A positive challenge every time.
Fantastische ervaring: Like home
Fantastische ervaring: Great crew with a strong knowledge base and didactic approach! A positive challenge every time.
Negatieve ervaring: Completely shocked and DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE FOR FIGHTERS! We called in, to see if you could attend one of their trail classes. On there website there's no rooster or WoD mentioned so we wanted to know what to except. Somebody (forgot the name) called us for a chat. We explained that we do have a decent level of CrossFit, since we've been training in Lisboa, Helsinki and Barcelona before. We explained that we wanted to combine CrossFit with our fight sport, since we're convinced that CrossFit is the ultimate way to build strength, endurance and mobility, perfect for a striker and grappler couple who respect the sport a lot and train daily. We made clear we're more interested in learning Olympic Lifts, Strongman exercises, muscle ups etc. etc. Basically all that good stuff and that we do have a decent level of fitness. We just didn't wanted to waste times in doing low level exercises and movement we already master and do daily in our Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. The guy was having non of it. Made clear that ''CrossFit is a sport on it's own'' and that he would ''have to spend time on learning us the techniques'' and that we would just have to attend a class and be surprised. That it's not a ''cherry picking sport??'' Our time is value to us because when we don't practice our fighting skills we want to at least be challenged and learn something new. With all do respect, 5 row ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats for 15 amrap is just not worth the time for us. Since we both compete we want to get the maximum out of our trainings. This has never been a problem in other facilities across Europe... Basically the call ended with him saying we should try out other places... and that ''this box can't offer what you're looking for''. So here is this gym, declining two potential customers, long life sporters and martial artists who want to embrace the sport and try out their gym to become a member, just because we are not willing to spend our trail class on something we already know? When we asked, ''but it's not regarding the workout, we rather drop in on the days your teaching the Olympic Lifts etc., regardless of the intensity'' we got again, a big fat NO. Very surprising indeed but probably unlucky with the person we spoke to, because i still truly believe that a real ambassador of the sport would've fully embraced two cross disciplines and understand the wishes of their potential customer and with his or her experience as a professional be able provide with the best training possible for us. Also from a marketing point I don't seem to understand this approach. Since we're much more active and give much more importance to our physical activity then a average person, I just can't understand how somebody would deny to work with us, only because we made clear we would prefer a workout to remember rather then going to a place, waste a trail class and still don't know what it is like to be instructed in learning a new move or that our wishes are heard. So for fighters, with the same wishes, this is a big fat NO.
Fantastische ervaring: A+ Box
Fantastische ervaring: Heerlijke Box. Mooie mensen, heerlijke Wod's
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