Informatie over Continuous Improvement Fitness

Generaal Joubertstraat 66
2021 XD, Haarlem
+31 6 24205515


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Continuous Improvement Fitness is offering Online Personal Training to help you achieve your goals. Train when and where it suits you most!

You want to get more energy? Improve your confidence? Or simply fit in some favourite clothes again? But you are busy and feel you just do not have the time to go to a gym? I can help you achieve your goals with customized and efficient programs. That way you can and will work towards your goals when and wherever it suits you best with brief and effective sessions through Continuous Improvement Fitness.

Welcome to the site of Continuous Improvement Fitness. I offer online personal training to make you reach your goals. I strive to continuously improve you, my programs and my knowledge.

Continuous Improvement Fitness is operated from Haarlem, The Netherlands, but serving worldwide with current and past clients in: Lebanon, The Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Certifications held are the National Strength and Conditioning Association – Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT), StrongFirst® Kettlebell Instructor (SFG1), Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutritional Coach, Certified Online Trainer through the Online Trainer Academy.

One of the first benefits of online training is the affordability. The programs are more cost effective in comparison to a personal trainer for €60 – €100 per hour at a gym. With online training you can still use the gym you are used to or even train at home. You nevertheless will receive personalized and customized program and coaching. This will help you to reach your goals more effectively and efficiently. It is not always better to work harder, sometimes it is better to work smarter.

I make use of the application “Trainerize” which will be the centre of the training program. You will receive the customized training plan in the application and during the exercise you can log your progress, results and add additional comments.

All of us know that it is important to live a healthy life. Even if that is not always on the top of your mind. Or when you feel your approach is not really reflecting this. Understanding that something is important, does not make it easier to implement. So how to improve your routine to … More 5 Tips to Improve Your Routine

It can be quite challenging to train with young kids at home. While I am writing this, we have a 3 year old son and we have a new born daughter of just one week old. There are a few ways to adjust your training. … More Train with Young Kids at Home

During these times of the Covid-19 pandemic many people have the only option for exercise at home. Nevertheless there are some clear benefits of training at home. These benefits are just as applicable once the Covid-19 pandemic is over and gyms are re-opening. … More 5 Benefits of Training at Home


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Continuous Improvement Fitness: Meningen

5/5 (7 Meningen)
Sabir Akhadov 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I've been working with Niek for a couple of months and I really appreciate the flexibility of the schedule and training. There is no cookie-cutter training plans, you get a personalised program tailored to your personal goals, availability and free time. I am always able to change things up if life happens and still be able to have some physical training done. Oh and you only need minimal equipment that you already have or nothing at all if you don't want to commit to a home gym yet.

Ninna B 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I am a very lazy person when it comes to fitness. I have tried to get into fitness for years but it never worked out. I would give up after few days. Also I never liked going to a gym. CIF has been a life changing experience for me. The Trainerize app is easy to use and thanks to Niek for the customized exercises and his continuous support and follow-up I have been able to keep up with the sessions. I have never felt so good about myself. In just 2 months I feel healthier and for the first time in my life I feel toned and I have wee muscles :) I look forward to the sessions which are no more than 30 min a day and 4 days a week for me. Videos are available for each of the exercises which makes it easy to follow. The schedule is flexible so if you miss a session you can reschedule it to the next day. Overall I am very happy with the CIF program which makes me look forward to the training rather than obligated. Thank you Trainerize and thank you so much Niek.

Irfana Banoo 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Ik ben een erg lui persoon als het om fitness gaat. Ik probeer al jaren fit te worden, maar het is nooit gelukt. Ik zou het na een paar dagen opgeven. Ook ging ik nooit graag naar een sportschool. CIF is voor mij een levensveranderende ervaring geweest. De Trainerize app is eenvoudig in gebruik en dankzij Niek voor de op maat gemaakte oefeningen en zijn continue ondersteuning en opvolging heb ik de sessies kunnen bijhouden. Ik heb me nog nooit zo goed gevoeld over mezelf. In slechts 2 maanden voel ik me gezonder en voor het eerst in mijn leven voel ik me strakker en heb ik kleine spieren :) Ik kijk uit naar de sessies die voor mij niet meer dan 30 minuten per dag en 4 dagen per week duren. Voor elk van de oefeningen zijn video's beschikbaar, waardoor het gemakkelijk te volgen is. Het schema is flexibel, dus als u een sessie mist, kunt u deze verplaatsen naar de volgende dag. Over het algemeen ben ik erg blij met het CIF-programma, waardoor ik eerder uitkijk naar de training dan dat ik verplicht ben. Bedankt Trainerize en heel erg bedankt Niek.

Rich H 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After two months of training with CIF, I have achieved a significant increase in my strength and muscular endurance. The app is the ideal tool to plan workouts and capture data to monitor progress. It helps you stay on track to achieving your fitness goals. Having the ability to contact the trainer through the app and provide feedback and request advice differentiates the program from downloadable fitness apps and creates a seamless, interactive experience. The sessions were designed to target my goals while fitting into a busy work schedule. I was able to complete most sessions in 45 - 50 minutes including warm-up and stretching - a duration which I was able to assimilate into my calendar with ease. Highly recommend CIF!

Carlos Castillo (Captain Schwilly) 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Niek and the Trainerize APP have changed my life! I used to be a world class athlete. But after retiring from diving I got lazy. I just couldn't manage to push myself to get to the gym, or do anything when I did go, without the team trainers that had been assigned during my athletic days to me to push me along. And before I realized it, 15 years had gone by, and I'd gained 50 pounds. Then Niek came into my life and got me back on track. It's not just that the APP is so handy to have in the gym to tell me what to do. It's the personal attention I get from Niek, putting together exercises that meet my needs, and checking in regularly to encourage me along that makes me REALLY stick to it. Within a month I was reliving my glory days and looking at getting back into competitive sports. Spending an hour 3 times a week doing his workouts has lead to running on my off days to train for my first 10k, and cravings for food that actually nourishes my body. I got off junk food without even trying! And getting in shape has led to having more energy than I've had in well over a decade. Not to mention what it's done for my mood! Thanks Niek and Trainerize!

Rich Huse 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Na twee maanden trainen met CIF heb ik een aanzienlijke toename van mijn kracht en spieruithoudingsvermogen bereikt. De app is het ideale hulpmiddel om workouts te plannen en gegevens vast te leggen om de voortgang te volgen. Het helpt u op koers te blijven om uw fitnessdoelen te bereiken. De mogelijkheid om via de app contact op te nemen met de trainer en feedback en advies te vragen, onderscheidt het programma van downloadbare fitness-apps en creëert een naadloze, interactieve ervaring. De sessies zijn ontworpen om mijn doelen te bereiken en passen in een druk werkschema. Ik was in staat om de meeste sessies in 45 - 50 minuten te voltooien, inclusief opwarmen en stretchen - een duur die ik gemakkelijk in mijn agenda kon verwerken. CIF ten zeerste aanbevelen!

pobrecita umojita 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been a regular gym-goer for a few years but then made a long break and just when I started with Bodypump fitness classes again, I realised I was pregnant. The next nine months were devoid of any interest in exercise on my part except some home video low intensity Pilates and walking. First-time mommies will relate when I reveal that I was absolutely clueless about what was coming so I was up for a surprise after the delivery: my muscular system completely shut down on me and the recovery process took much longer than I thought it would. It was at this time that I was referred to Continuous Improvement Fitness. Their customized version of the ‘Trainerize’ application unreservedly changed my life. I was given a few sets of seemingly simple exercises that proved to be tremendously challenging but highly effective over time. It was rather handy doing them at home with as much as my bodyweight and just a few other bits and bobs (e.g. a Swiss ball). Though I felt that I was being pushed beyond my limits at times, results became evident within a short period of time and I was encouraged to continue working out at my own pace. Their tips on how to improve my nutrition were priceless too. I regained strength and was back in shape within three months of exercising no longer than a few minutes per day. However, I think it is important to do a bit every day and I tried to keep it at that. I would definitely recommend their services!

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