Informatie over Gym Rebel

Hunnenweg 4
6224 JP, Maastricht


Gym Rebel heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.


Hunnenweg 4 6224 JP Maastricht Algemene voorwaarden Contact opnemen


Gym Rebel heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Gym Rebel: Meningen

5/5 (8 Meningen)
Manon Thijssen 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Olaf's enthusiasm and the variety in the training sessions mean that it is never boring and every week is different. Training is done in small groups and only with women. Olaf knows how to give the training sessions in such a way that you get enormous energy! great gym!

Sandra H 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Because I had doubts whether I could handle the tough exercises, I first received personal training from Olaf. Olaf's enthusiasm and drive made me progress quickly. He ensures that all exercises are and remain a sporting challenge. Never thought I would enjoy boxing so much. The group lessons are always varied and tailored to each individual. Olaf also made every effort during the Corona period, so that we could still keep active

Sandra Horssels 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Omdat ik twijfels had, of ik de pittige oefeningen wel aan zou kunnen, heb ik eerst personal training gehad van Olaf. Door Olaf zijn enthousiasme en gedrevenheid ging ik snel vooruit. Hij zorgt ervoor dat alle oefeningen een sportieve uitdaging zijn en blijven. Nooit gedacht dat ik boksen zo leuk zou vinden. De groepslessen zijn altijd gevarieerd en op ieder persoonlijk ingesteld. Ook tijdens de Coronatijd deed Olaf zich alle moeite, zodat wij toch sportief bezig konden blijven.Topper????????

G T 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good

Sarah Veenhof 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Professional and fun way of training. His personal way of working inspires and makes it fun to train! Boxing class or power training, everything is possible. Only women are allowed, this creates a safe and calm environment. What's new to me in the training world is the way Olaf keeps an eye on your heart beat while training, which is very important to achieve a succesfull training! Would definetely recommend this gym to women who are searching a new way to become and stay healthy!

Anja Jansen 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: If you realize, not for the first time, that the button has to be changed, you realize that you not only achieve your goals: working full time, staying fit and vital, coping with stress and keeping your weight up ... .With sports twice a week and some yoga I did not progress. With Olaf, yes. Olaf realizes your goals with you. Especially not by exercising or demanding more, but by very specifically increasing your physical and mental capacity. Instead of taking your holiday exhausted, have energy left. Cool!

Annette Schaafsma 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Olaf's working method is professional, careful, knowledgeable and warm. He creates a nice and safe atmosphere in his cozy gym, and listens well! A lot of knowledge, which he uses professionally, to offer his customers the best, not only in a movement-oriented way, but also in terms of health, nutrition, patterns, psyche, etc. Top coach

Puck Van Lier 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Olaf from Gym Rebel is truly the best trainer and coach you could wish for. Every week I enjoy exercising. Gym Rebel has rightly been voted the best in the province of Limburg!

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