Informatie over Beach Fitness

Strandweg 2
2508 EG, Den Haag


  • maandag: 24 uur geopend
  • dinsdag: 24 uur geopend
  • woensdag: 24 uur geopend
  • donderdag: 24 uur geopend
  • vrijdag: 24 uur geopend
  • zaterdag: 24 uur geopend
  • zondag: 24 uur geopend


Beach Fitness heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Beach Fitness: Meningen

4.3/5 (10 Meningen)
Ela Schmidt 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Great location right on the beach

Arash Sohrabie 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The bars have been renovated so it feels smooth again

vincent schuurman 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Average

Ola LiliMili 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Gym on the beach - a lot of bars, ladders, barbells with weights, a bench for crunches, a climbing wall, a large and spacious facility.

Mariusz Mar 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very nice place to exercise

Marek Špirka 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super can be practiced here. As a bonus fresh sea air and nice sea view

E S 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful location for fitness and fresh air by the sea

Stefan Koenen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Outstanding location. Excellent calistenics park for the summer!

Pavel Kucherbaev 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best calisthenics location in the Hague

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1 = Slecht 5 = Uitstekend

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