Informatie over Fight Gym Choy-Bo

Zeewinde 3-2
9738 AM, Groningen
+31 50 211 0133


  • maandag: 17:30–21:30
  • dinsdag: Gesloten
  • woensdag: 17:30–21:30
  • donderdag: Gesloten
  • vrijdag: 18:30–21:30
  • zaterdag: Gesloten
  • zondag: Gesloten

Kickboksen door middel van Personal Training, Small Group Training of groepslessen? Choy-Bo is dé kickboksschool in Groningen om jouw conditie te verbeteren!

Kickboksen in Groningen? Bij Fight Gym Choy-Bo ben je op de juiste plek! In onze dojo werken we aan je conditie, bouwen we je zelfvertrouwen op, maken we je elke week sterker en flexibeler en verleggen we jouw grenzen.

Wil jij ook leren kickboksen en heb je zin om hard te trainen? Onze kickbokslessen zijn voor iedereen in en om Groningen toegankelijk! Meld je dan aan voor een proefles of plan een personal training en start deze week nog. OSU!

Hierbij wil ik mijn dank uitspreken voor mijn trainer Peter Aerts! In 2006/2007 begon ik met trainen bij “Team Aerts”, dat onder leiding stond van Peter Aerts. Daar werkte ik met trainers Jan Plas (R.I.P.) Henri Hooft, Thommie Harinck (R.I.P.) en natuurlijk Peter zelf. Met dit team trainden we bij sportcentrum Kops (Bert Kops), Team Spirit Beverwijk (Dick Vrij en Hans Nijman), Ron Rovers (boksen)in Eindhoven, Peter Koopmans Sportschool Afafa in Zandvoort en Chakuriki in Amsterdam (Thom Harinck). En ik train nog steeds bij hem, nu bij zijn eigen dojo: Fight Institute by Peter Aerts. Zo blijf ik mijn kennis verbreden. Door jarenlang te trainen en te vechten onder zijn leiding heb ik heel veel kennis opgedaan en is ook een vriendschap ontstaan. Ook mijn kinderen, Gwenn en Calvin, trainen daar veelvuldig. Omdat Peter altijd klaarstond om mij te helpen, wil ik hem bedanken voor alles wat hij mij heeft geleerd. Voor de tijd die hij voor mij nam en voor de energie die hij in m’n kinderen blijft steken. Osu Sensei Aerts!”


Fight Gym Choy-Bo heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Fight Gym Choy-Bo: Meningen

5/5 (22 Meningen)
Nicoradja van der Kraan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A very good gym! The trainer (Pim) has a lot of experience and is very knowledgeable, everything is clearly explained. People of many different levels and ages train there, so there is something for everyone. Moreover, there is always a nice atmosphere.

Ivie 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good atmosphere, varied training, accessible to all target groups & training by pros

Danny Fisher 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Get lessons here for more than 15 years. Still great!

Lin Deelstra 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: More than 7 years of kickboxing lessons. Always well trained at Pim. Good explanation and attention.

Yo Yo 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: When 50+ started with group training and soon expanded with personal training. Great in one word. You work under expert guidance on your fitness, self-confidence and you learn to kickbox at your level.

Sophie Huisman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Both personal training and group lessons followed at Pim. He is passionate and knows how to convey that. Never thought that kickboxing would suit me, but he makes room for every level and knows how to motivate you well: D

Daniel H 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym and trainer!

Anniek Doesburg 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional trainer! Very nice to follow my lessons there. A good look is taken at what each individual person can cope with and so the training remains suitable for each person. Also a very motivating trainer!

Mark Heinen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After years of having had group lessons to my complete satisfaction, I currently have Personal Training. I also like this very much. Pim is very professional, masters the technique well and is very driven and knows exactly where your limits lie with the aim of promoting your fitness, speed, technique and health. I recommend both the group lessons and PT!

Nathalie Boom 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very professional kickboxing gym. Pim is an experienced and committed teacher, with a great deal of knowledge and expertise about the subject. He knows how to convey this clearly and enthusiastically to his pupils. There are different levels, there are both lessons for beginners and advanced. You are in good hands with both groups. At Pim you learn to safely turn techniques and spar at all levels. Very nice.

Eddy Van Gelder 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super trainer, good training and techniques. Also a top Gym for competitions. Has its own ring good to gain experiences before you fight a match.

Nil Domènech 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best gym in the north were you learn techniques and gain knowledge that you can‘t get anywhere else around here... If you wanna learn kickboxing, improve condition and/or become a fighter, this is the place. Osu!

Night Walker 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good gym, also for suitable personal training! Everything in consultation, and all the time for you!

N 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Topgym

Walter van Es 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Choy-Bo (Pim) feels great in a group training or on a personal basis to what you are capable of at that moment. He knows how to motivate you physically and mentally.

lekker akkeren 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top gym ....... trainer is top they are private as a trainer

adriaan waalboer 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A fight gym that is accessible to everyone by the novice or advanced kickboxer. The lessons are given by an experienced and expert teacher who has trained for years at renowned gyms and has also boxed the necessary kickbox games. In short, a great fight gym for the recreational or competitive fighter.

Joram van de belt 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Choy-Bo is the oldest gym in Groningen. I've been training here for years. You can see that Pim is a student of Peter Aerts, good foundation, technical, good motivator and knows how to explain everything very well, down to the last detail. No roosters but a very nice group to train in. Arranged Peter Aerts / Ernesto Hoost / Andy Souwer and Hesdy Gerges and Denise Kielholtz who then provided the training. In the training you can see that there are small differences in technology and tactics, among other things, which can make a big difference .... not just stomping a game .... in other words, a top gym! Osu

Nawid Jahanyar 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym where respect and discipline are of paramount importance. You can go as a beginner, intermediate or game fighter with Choy Bo. Pim is a very experienced trainer who knows what he is talking about. I myself have been training at Pim since I was 15, where we had great times together during training sessions and competitions. There is no better gym that is technical as well as Choy Bo for me. Osu

Merlijn Broersma 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best kickbox gym in the north! Pim has a dojo where as a beginner you can learn the basics and as an advanced student you can sharpen your techniques and insight. Once you have mastered the basics, you get the opportunity to spar safely and yet hard. Pim challenges you, but always ensures that everything is done with respect to each other. At Choy-Bo you become fitter, more self-assured, you learn kickboxing at a high level and you will ultimately transcend yourself!

Arjen Pijlman 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Pim (Choy-Bo) is a top trainer who has an enormous passion for his profession. From his years of experience, he knows what he is talking about and knows how to convey this knowledge well. Pim places a lot of emphasis on technology. This has caused me to grow enormously in a short time. Not only as an athlete, but also as a person. Pim provides tailor-made solutions and looks at what each individual needs. He opts for a people-oriented approach. Pim gives you personal attention, offers a listening ear and puts you in your power. Respect and discipline are important core values ​​for him. This is combined with the necessary humor. You immediately see this in the students. Within the group there is mutual respect and there is a relaxed atmosphere. I am happy that I made the switch to this great sport. And especially under the guidance of such a good sensei!

Richard Molanus 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A gym for learning and fighting. Sensei is very skilled and trains himself with Peter Aerts. There is a nice atmosphere in the group, but there is serious training. I myself have been a member for 15 years. If you are looking for a good kickboxing school with Mauy Thai techniques, a Sensei who is still actively training and a training group with nice people (young and old), Choy-Bo is THE gym!

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