Informatie over TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Singel 250
1016 AB, Amsterdam


  • maandag: 06:00–23:00
  • dinsdag: 06:00–23:00
  • woensdag: 06:00–23:00
  • donderdag: 06:00–23:00
  • vrijdag: 06:00–23:00
  • zaterdag: 07:00–23:00
  • zondag: 07:00–23:00
TrainMore Amsterdam Singel is jouw urban fitness playground aan de Amsterdamse grachten, gevestigd in een van de mooiste monumentale panden van de binnenstad. Hier kun je terecht voor een total fitness package!


  • Toegang tot alle Regular TrainMore clubs
  • Toegang tot BTY CLB Classes
  • Onbeperkt gratis protein shakes, health drinks, koffie & thee
  • Ruime openingstijden

Wij bieden niet alleen more energy, more workouts, more beats, more advice en more classes - we motiveren je ook om meer te trainen door je voor iedere workout te belonen met €1,- korting!

Onze opmerking van Sportscholen Fitness over TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label:

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label is een opmerkelijke sportschool die zich onderscheidt in het concurrerende fitnesslandschap van Amsterdam. Met een enorme variëteit aan modern apparatuur verspreid over meerdere verdiepingen, is het een ideale plek voor zowel ervaren sporters als beginners. De gym biedt tevens een schone en goed onderhouden omgeving, wat het een prettige plek maakt om te trainen.

De gastvrijheid van het personeel is een van de grootste pluspunten. Veel leden wijzen de medewerkers, zoals Thijmen en Sander, aan als zeer behulpzaam en vriendelijk. Ze zijn er om je te verwelkomen en uit te leggen hoe de apparatuur werkt, wat een onschatbare bijdrage levert aan de algehele ervaring.

De sfeer in de gym is energiek, met leuke muziek en zelfs een 'make your own shake' automaat waardoor het een unieke trainingsomgeving biedt. Daarnaast zijn er ook faciliteiten zoals gratis cappuccino en eiwitshakes, wat punten scoort bij bezoekers.

Echter, niet alles is perfect. Sommige bezoekers hebben opmerkingen gemaakt over de drukte en congestie, vooral tijdens piekuren. Er zijn ook zorgen geuit over de adequate hygiëne van de douches en het onvermogen om klachten over onderbroken service effectief af te handelen. De fitnessruimte kan soms druk zijn, en geluidsoverlast van muziek kan ook een probleem zijn voor diegenen die tijdens hun training willen focussen.

Al met al is TrainMore Amsterdam Singel een fantastische keuze voor iedereen die op zoek is naar een gym met topfaciliteiten, een uitnodigende sfeer en vriendelijk personeel, met enkele aandachtspunten dacht voor een nóg betere ervaring.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label: Meningen

4.5/5 (227 Meningen)
Alex K 3 weeks ago

Fantastische ervaring: Huge, as many machines as u want

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Alex, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

XRAYS ‘XRAYS’ 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: It is a great environment and I can always find availability for the machines I use in the mornings.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Arthur Davis 1 month ago

Negatieve ervaring: Reception desk left unattended and gym staff not readily available. Super weird vibe from other gym-goers, some of whom refused to even share the machines they were using

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Arthur, thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear about your experience and understand how frustrating it can be when the reception desk is unattended and staff are not readily available. We also take your concerns about the atmosphere seriously and will address this with the team. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and if you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us via We hope to improve your experience in the future!

vj vj 1 month ago

Negatieve ervaring: Why can’t they fix the cold showers? I and many others have been complaining for months and months and months but the situation is not improving. The water is lukewarm if you’re lucky and cold way too often. At another Trainmore, Oost, the showers are always perfectly warm. Why can’t they do it here? Why??

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi there, thank you for your feedback. We truly understand your frustration and sincerely apologize for the ongoing issue with the cold showers. We are actively working on resolving this as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience. We know how important it is to have a comfortable shower experience, and we’re doing everything we can to fix this issue. We apologize again for the inconvenience and hope to have it resolved soon. Thank you for your understanding!

bf vg 1 month ago

Negatieve ervaring: Ik train al jaren bij train-more maar hun klantenservice is echt waardeloos. Ze hebben geen mobiel nummer en ze reageren niet of veel te laat op contactformulieren. Mijn abonnement was afgelopen, toch is er nog 4 maanden contributie afgeschreven. Jammer dit

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Bf, bedankt voor je feedback. Het spijt ons te horen dat je een negatieve ervaring hebt gehad met onze klantenservice. We begrijpen je frustratie en willen dit graag voor je oplossen. Heb je al geprobeerd om contact met ons op te nemen via de livechat? Als dit nog niet het geval is, willen we je graag vragen om via deze link: contact met ons op te nemen, zodat we je snel verder kunnen helpen. We hopen dit probleem zo snel mogelijk voor je op te lossen.

Heeds Reviews 1 month ago

Negatieve ervaring: If you’re a tourist don’t even bother. Their practices are unjust and down right thieving, a free day trial doesn’t apply if you’re not from the Netherlands, and on top is some extravagant tourist fee, making a day pass €30. I will say the staff are polite and helpful, even with these outrageous policies. There are much better gyms such as basic-fit, which is 24/7 and €10 for a day pass or €24 for 3 days.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Heeds, thank you for your feedback. We understand your frustration with the tourist fee and the trial policy.  While we aim to offer a great experience for both locals and visitors, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.  We appreciate your positive comments about our staff, and we’re sorry to hear that our pricing didn’t meet your expectations.  Your feedback will be shared internally as we continuously work to improve our services.

Franck Mathis 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very very good GYM !

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Franck, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Lucas Foell 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best club I've ever tried in Amsterdam! Very pleasant! I'd recommend it

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Lucas, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Luis Rempel 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Luis, thank you for your review! We’re glad you like the gym. See you soon!

Leo Trox 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Really nice Gym the People are very Kind

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Leo, thank you for your great review! We're happy to hear you enjoyed the gym and our friendly team. Hope to see you again soon!

Beth Hellens 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Amazing staff !!!! Clean and friendly

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Beth, thank you for your review! We're happy to hear you enjoyed the club and our friendly team. Hope to see you again soon!

Danny Chambers 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Brilliant gym and staff will definitely return hear on my next trip to Amsterdam

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Danny, thank you for your review! We're so glad you enjoyed the gym and our staff. We look forward to welcoming you again on your next trip to Amsterdam!

Raim Abbasli 1 month ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great staff. Very helpful, especially Sander. The service makes up for all the cons. Pros. Good amenities and spacious. Has almost all equipment needed. The weights go up to 50kg (110lb) on dumbbells. Cons. Gets too crowded, change room lockers are limited and small. No sauna.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Raim, thank you for your review! We're happy to hear that Sander and the team have been helpful, and we appreciate your feedback. We’re working on addressing the cons, such as the crowdedness and locker space. Hope to see you soon!

Anya Limbert 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: I trained here twice while I was in Amsterdam for a bodybuilding competition and all of the staff are super friendly and helpful and the equipment is immaculate !!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Anya, thanks so much for your positive review. See you soon at the club again!

Matěj Pánik 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Visiting Amsterdam after a bodybuilding competition. Right at the front you are met with a beautiful blue-eyed staff member who is very kind and gives a one of a kind tour around the gym.This is the best gym we've come across so far. Very clean, very good vibes, two floors with equipment from two different brands. A lot of space not only for weights and machines but also for stretching and it also includes a very nice recovery area. The safe-looking lockers are definitely one of a kind. Will definitely come back again when we visit Amsterdam. 10/10

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Matěj, thank you for your review. We are glad you enjoyed the TrainMore vibes during your stay here in Amsterdam.  Hopefully we will see you again in the future!

Charlie Gibbon 2 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: I am very disappointed with Trainmore’s practices. I had to move country for a new job, I let Trainmore know and proved to them with a job contract, I had a few emails back and forth and then I recently discovered that they charged €231 from my account without my permission. This was in addition to €61.60 they took less than a week prior, also without my authorization. To make matters worse, they canceled the sign-up offer I initially agreed to and charged me the difference without notifying me. This is completely unacceptable and feels deceptive. I have reached out to request a refund, but this experience has left me feeling let down and frustrated. I expected better transparency and fairness from Trainmore. I strongly urge anyone considering joining to double-check all terms and keep a close eye on their charges.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Charlie, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We understand your concerns and appreciate your feedback.  Our Customer Care department will review your email and account details thoroughly to address the issue. We’ll also take this opportunity to ensure clarity regarding our policies and Terms & Conditions for full transparency.  Our Customer Care team will be in touch shortly with a detailed response. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this matter.

Roelof 2 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: De Trainmore is een sportschool in schaapskleren. Het is een bedrijf geleid door slimme zakenmensen. Sinds 2017 sport ik hier, door de jaren heen heb ik de bezuinigingen en enorme prijsverhogingen van abonnementen meegemaakt. Enkele voorbeelden: Zo meldden ze na de periode van corona waarin de sportscholen van tijd tot tijd gesloten waren, maar men moest blijven betalen, een abonnementsverhoging van ongeveer 400% (van 21€ naar 83€)… Na ophef bij de leden en dreigingen met rechtszaken is dit niet direct doorgezet, maar zijn ze stapsgewijs aan deze prijsverhogingen begonnen. Zo wordt mijn studentenabonnement verhoogd van 40€ naar 54,50€, terwijl er een huidige deal is waarbij nieuwe (niet student-)leden een goedkoper abonnement kunnen afsluiten. Er was altijd een gezellige bar waaraan men vaak zat en een shake bestelde of lekker kletsten met het personeel. Nu staat er een mini receptie waaraan geen ruimte is voor een gesprekje. Er was een sparuimte, die is wegbezuinigd (alleen bij de mannen). Er waren kluisjes met codesysteem, nu moet je een slotje kopen in hun eigen vending machine. Er was een zonnebank, die is weg. Er waren goede trainers die rondliepen en mensen af en toe een tip gaven over oefeningen, die zijn er niet meer. Zo zijn er nog veel meer van dit soort voorbeelden. Daartegenover wordt gesteld dat de kosten hoger worden en dat er wordt uitgebreid, etc. Maar deze met uitbreiding gepaarde kosten, wordt direct getrokken uit de portemonnee van de leden. Ook zullen ze zeggen dat ze meer services bieden, zoals bijvoorbeeld een slimme sponsoringsdeal van nieuwe Nike-gewichten of de Hyrox producten. De laatste tijd is het ook steeds drukker en drukker in de gym. Samengenomen met de “prijsverhogingentrend” en de bezuinigingen, heb ik daarom vandaag besloten mijn abonnement op te zeggen. Achteraf heb ik enorme spijt dat ik aan dit bedrijf mijn geld heb gespendeerd, ik had het veel liever in de handen van een andere eerlijke ondernemer willen zien.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Roeloef, bedankt voor het delen van je feedback en het beschrijven van je ervaringen bij Trainmore. Het spijt ons te horen dat je in de loop der jaren teleurgesteld bent over de veranderingen binnen de sportschool. We begrijpen je frustratie en respecteren je besluit om je membership op te zeggen. We willen je bedanken voor je jarenlange membership en hopen dat je in de toekomst misschien alsnog weer een positieve ervaring bij ons zult hebben. Als je specifieke vragen of opmerkingen hebt over je opzegging of mogelijke opties met ons wilt bespreken rondom deze kwestie, kun je altijd contact met ons opnemen via onze contactpagina. We staan klaar om je verder te helpen.

Julien Lauret 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Julien, thank you for your review! We're happy to hear you enjoy our club. See you soon!

damien thomas 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good gym

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Damien, thank you for your review! We're glad to hear you’re enjoying the gym. See you soon!

riccardo mari 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Well equipped, everyone can train here, from bodybuilder to fitness influencer. kind staff, especially Giada.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Riccardo, thank you for your positive review! We're glad to hear you're enjoying the gym and appreciate the kind words about our staff, especially Giada. We hope to see you soon again!

Cristina De La Puente 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: New machines, good environment, good music to workout, nice team

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Cristina, thank you for your positive review! We’re thrilled to hear you’re enjoying the new machines, the environment, and the music. We truly appreciate your feedback!

Lukas Gruber 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Really nice gym with great equipment!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Lukas, thank you for your positive review! We're glad to hear you like the gym and the equipment. We hope to see you soon!

Valentin 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: very good gym

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Valentin, thank you for your positive review! We truly appreciate it! 

Liliana Mansfeld 2 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Angenehmes Gym mit schöner Atmosphäre:) Gute Geräteauswahl und freundliches Personal.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi, thanks so much for your positive review. See you soon at the club again!

Gabriel Nunes 3 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: I had the best experience coming over to the gym a couple days during my Amsterdam trip. Best gym in the city

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Gabriel, Thank you for your review, we are happy to hear that you enjoyed the TrainMore vibes during your stay in Amsterdam. See you next time! 

Aarón Sánchez Rodríguez 3 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: The gym is really awesome, i wil come back for suer. Rosita is the best one!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Aarón, Thank you for your positive review. We are glad to hear that you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes! See you soon in the club again. 

Dommy Dagger 3 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Friendly staff, clean facilities, awesome variety of equipment

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Dommy, Thank you so much for your positive review.  We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Jacky Zheng 5 months ago

Positieve ervaring: Laatste tijd is het erg druk. Daarnaast is het op de verdieping beneden erg warm. Verder is het een hele fijne gym met veel equipment en vriendelijk personeel!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Jacky, bedankt voor je review. Het spijt ons dat je niet tevreden bent over de huidige omstandigheden in jouw club. Achter de schermen wordt hard gewerkt om onze faciliteiten te verbeteren. We zullen dit probleem op de kortst mogelijke termijn voor je oplossen. Bedankt voor je geduld.

Samuel Ballenger 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Visiting for the week. This is one of the nicest gyms I’ve ever been in. The equipment is top of the line, facility is clean, and everyone is very friendly.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Samuel, thank you for your positive review. We are glad you have enjoyed the TrainMore vibes, during your stay. We hope to see you soon again!

Ben Koenigsberg (Rain City Fit) 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Amazing gym with incredible equipment and facilities. Came here for a few days passes while visiting. Would definitely come back!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Ben, thank you for your review. We are glad you have enjoyed our club, during your stay. We hope to see you soon again!

Sophie Evans 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: This gym is super cool, really big, lots of amenities, and the staff is really amazing and accommodating! We’ll definitely be back while we’re visit.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Sophie, thank you for your positive review. We are glad you have enjoyed the TrainMore vibes, during your stay. We hope to see you soon again!

Jordana Najjar 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: I recently had the pleasure of visiting TrainMore, a remarkable multi-level gym that truly sets itself apart in Amsterdam's fitness landscape. From the moment I entered, I was impressed by the vibrant energy and comprehensive layout that this facility offers. Spanning multiple levels, TrainMore is meticulously designed to cater to all fitness needs, whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newcomer to the gym environment. One of the standout aspects of my experience was the exceptional service provided by the staff, particularly Sander. His intelligent and helpful approach left a lasting impression on me. Not only did he take the time to warmly welcome me, but he also went above and beyond in explaining how to use certain pieces of equipment. His detailed guidance was invaluable, demonstrating both his deep knowledge of fitness and his commitment to ensuring that members make the most out of their workout sessions. It is rare to encounter someone who combines such technical expertise with genuine attentiveness, and Sander embodies this balance perfectly. Beyond the exemplary staff, TrainMore offers a dynamic atmosphere that is both motivating and engaging. The gym is equipped with state-of-the-art machines, free weights, and functional training areas, allowing for a diverse range of workout styles. What particularly adds to the unique experience is the inclusion of a live dj infusing the space with an upbeat and energetic vibe that keeps you motivated throughout your workout. Overall, TrainMore has everything one could possibly need for an exceptional fitness experience, all wrapped in a vibrant and welcoming environment. It is a place where professionalism meets passion, and where the staff, like Sander, play a pivotal role in making each visit memorable. Highly recommended for anyone looking to elevate their fitness journey in Amsterdam.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your kind and positive words, we are really glad you took the time to write this. We hope to see you really soon again to enjoy the TrainMore vibes at our club.

Roos Nijzink 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sander gave some incredible service! He was very considerate of our needs and wouldn’t recommend any one any better to go to!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your kind review. We are really glad you enjoyed the TrainMore vibes, and we will make sure to pass on your words to Sander!

Raphael Fuhrer 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: We were here on vacation. It was a very clean and aesthetic gym with very friendly satff.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your kind review! Highly appreciated!

Sina Fuhrer 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice an clean place:) Has all the equipment you need and very nice staff. Has a lot of space and good music!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your feedback, we are really glad you enjoyed the TrainMore vibes!

Eva Mataraso 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: The staff here is so helpful and friendly. The gym is very nice and clean!! 10/10 would recommend.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for you feedback, we are really glad to hear you loved the TrainMore Vibes, do we see you soon?

Santiago Juanche 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Ik ben deze week begonnen en ik kon er niet gelukkiger mee zijn. Naast de geweldige uitrusting die ze hebben, was het meest waardevolle de bereidheid en de ongelooflijke wil om te helpen van het personeel, wat niet gebruikelijk is in de meeste sportscholen; vooral de aandacht en hulp van Sander en Kariem. Ik zou het absoluut aanbevelen

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you so much for your kind review, we are really glad to hear you loved the TrainMore vibes! We really hope to see you soon again at our club.

Fiona Betts 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Went today, staying in Amsterdam for a few days and my son and I needed a gym to work out in - facilities superb and staff really friendly. Intending to go back. Thanks so much.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for coming by together! We are happy you enjoyed your stay with us. We hope to welcome you again in the near future!

Brian Holowecky 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: On my trip to Amsterdam I found this dope fitness factory. The place is for serious lifters, fitness gurus, and all kinds. The lighting is among the best I’ve seen in any gym *anywhere.* more equipment than you can ever need. Sander hooked me up and showed me all the spots I never would have seen. The place is massive. Well worth a visit. If and when I live here in Amsterdam this is THE GYM for me. Thanks Sander

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Brian, thank you for your positive review. We are glad you have enjoyed our club and the TrainMore vibes during your stay. Happy to hear Sander could help you out! Hope to see you soon at the club again!

Sean Brady 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Rosita was amazing! I plan on moving to the city so I wanted to check out this gym. Well they do offer a day pass it does cost $. But this gym is extremely well worth it. Have a free cappuccino and protein shake machine alone with 2 levels of equipment. Everything is extremely clean and all the equipment is practically brand new. I would highly recommend this Jim to anyone at any cost

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you so much for your kind words, we are glad you enjoyed your visit. Hope to welcome you soon!

rowan Lodge 5 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: This morning we visited the fantastic Train More Gym in Singel Amsterdam, and had an incredible experience. The staff, especially Thijmen, was exceptionally welcoming and provided us with a great tour of the gym's vast and well-equipped spaces. The gym is immaculate, featuring top-notch equipment and a unique architectural design that hints at its former life as a bank, with former vaults and a banking chamber beautifully integrated into the space. We had an amazing workout and would definitely return whenever we're in Amsterdam. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great gym experience. We only wish we had something like this in our neighborhood in Melbourne, Australia!"

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

We are so happy to hear you enjoyed the TrainMore vibes! Thank you so much for your review.

Bruno Maugery 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super salle, spacieuse et super bien équipée ! #TrainMore

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Bruno, thank you so much for your positive review. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Warner Veenstra 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mooie gym, veel apparaten

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Warner, heel erg bedankt voor je positieve review. We zien je graag snel weer in de club!

Dayton 6 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: While the equipment is generally good, there is many issues. Update: The final nail in the coffin ⚰️… Some staff at this gym are complacent in the harassment of members… I was aggressively harassed and it was witnessed by Casper and another new employee.. but they chose to take no action… the harassment included a member literally asking to meet me outside to fight (right in front of two staff members!). The ‘catch me outside’ member was mad because I confronted him, I told him he left 6 10kg plates on a bench press for a brand new member to put away and that it seems his ego is stronger than him. (I previously got him to take off his weights he left from a squat rack I was waiting to use) I was once friendly, but I stood up for everyone. Now Trainmore, you lost a member who actually cares about gym etiquette, and you remain with an abuser. And some complacently abusive staff! 1. All classes for men have been removed. 2. The men’s sauna has been removed. Upon asking the manager, I have been told I am free to use the Woman’s. *No… I am not kidding… while in all likelihood it was sarcastic, this stands as number 3. 4. Lack of gym etiquette among members (and worsening). 5. Understaffed due to greed. 6. At times, very crowded. 7. Sometimes, even 5 minutes before closing, staff will switch off the lights in the change rooms (even in the showers) this is concerning, especially considering upon exiting the shower, there is a step down. I think it’s a good gym for women. There is barely any hetero men, you get access to the sauna, all classes are for women (in your own space) , and you’ll pay the same as the guys. If you are an influencer, you can come for free.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear you had a negative experience at our club, this is definitely not the way we want our members to feel. We have forwarded your feedback to the Club Manager directly. Thank you again for your feedback and helping us to improve.

Max Goring 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym! Large variety and quantity of equipment, very clean.

Mikiwi 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best gym in Amsterdam. They have day passes you can use if you are visiting and friendly community.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Mikiwi, thanks for your positive review, we appreciate it! We are happy to hear you are enjoying our club. See you soon!

Shane Sager 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Mooie ruimte, zeer deskundig en vriendelijk personeel. Maakte mijn verblijf bij mijn vriend zeer aangenaam en brak goed zweet! Een echte aanrader als je Amsterdam bezoekt!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Shane, thanks so much for your lovely review. We are glad you are enjoying the club! See you soon

Shane Jenek 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym. Three floors of equipment. Great quality. Clean. Mood lighting.

Jeremy James 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Happened upon this gym when visiting Amsterdam - full service gym with top quality equipment. Thiman at the front desk was super courteous

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Jeremy, thank you for your review. We are glad that you are happy with the TrainMore crew and the club! See you soon at the club again!

Alex Golder 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Excellent gym. Bonus free coffee, flavored water and protein shake refills. Enough machines even at busy times!

Pedro Filipe 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and modern open gym, with 2 floors. The equipments are a separated in different rooms, which make a bit confusing in the beginning, but I definitely recommend it

Abdullah F 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: With no doubt it’s one of the best gyms I’ve been to, best quality machines, super nice staff specially Thijmen he was very welcoming and helpful…. One more important thing it’s the cleanest gym I’ve been to so far

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Abdullah, thank you so much for your kind review. We highly appreciated it. Hope to welcome you back soon.

James 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: A great gym with very high quality equipment. Cannot imagine there to be much better in Amsterdam. Also thanks to Thijmen at the gym for the warm welcome and tour.

Christopher Jarosz 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Such an awesome gym! I’m from the states and needed a gym that has everything and this gym really has it all. Extremely helpful staff as well, especially Thijmen!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your feedback. We are really happy to see you are enjoyed our gym. Hope to welcome you soon again.

Jaden Mobley 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful gym in Single. Very nice staff and had plenty of equipment. Will come back every time I visit AMS.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Jaden, thanks so much for your positive review. We are glad you are enjoying the club! See you soon!

Julia Norman 6 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: At 30 euros for a one-visit pass, then simply extortionate. There are plenty of great, large gyms (i.e. Sportcity) who charge 20 euros for 24 hours, so possible to time it to have a workout for only 10 euros per visit.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Julia, thank you for your review. We are sorry you had a disappointing experience at one of our clubs. Your feedback helps us provide a better member experience in the future.

Anthony Little 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Have come to this gym a few times when I travel to Amsterdam. The gym is always very clean, equipment is high quality and there is a lot of it. Location is also very central. Would highly recommend.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Anthony, thank you so much for your positive review and recommendation! We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Fallon Breen 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Visiting from Scotland and found this gym from Google. Guy at the front desk was really lovely and let us do a free trial here. Gym is unreal, definitely one of the best we’ve ever been to.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Fallon, thank you so much for your positive review. We are glad you enjoyed the club and the TrainMore vibes. Hope to see you soon!

Jessica Ingham 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Absolutely amazing gym, clean, great facilities and plenty of room, every machine you could imagine Thijmen helped me out in finding everything I needed and was lovely and welcoming! Highly recommend

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your message, we are so happy to hear you enjoyed our TrainMore vibes!

Simon Noveski 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great facility with even better equipment. Everything is clean and well maintained. The staff are super friendly. Thijmen was super helpful and signed me up within minutes. My go to place when in Amsterdam from now on!

Patrick McLoughlin 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: In town for a week and was very happy to find this gym! It is in an old bank building, and frankly this is a way better use of the space because who cares about money when you have fitness. The gym has two floors with tons of high quality equipment, including TechnoGym, and Eleiko bars and plates. There is also a large room dedicated to stretching and floor, which is a nice addition. Great vibe in the gym too, with people getting down to working out. Love it!

Becka Simon 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: 10/10 would reccomend! I wish I could go to this gym all the time. The machines are new and well maintained, the gym is clean, and there's fantastic music. It has all the machines you'd want and a decent free weight area. Staff is friendly and helpful. The lockers in the women's locker room has locks, men should bring a lock if you wish to lock up your things. Also, it's in an old bank and a few reminders of its past are left which is an awesome touch.

David Dooley 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Staff were very helpful. Gym was well equipped and very clean. Anything from recovery to bodybuilding to cardio and functional fitness can be achieved here. Free coffee, water and protein shakes too!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi David, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Ben Bosworth 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: One of the best gyms I’ve ever been too! Huge space, top quality equipment, and a great vibe. The staff are also amazing (special shout out to Thiman)!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Ben, thank you for your positive review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore crew and vibes. See you soon at the club again!

TD Lomeli 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: This is a great gym!!! Huge! You can definitely get your pump on. Multi level gym, so look around. Very clean, friendly staff and great equipment. I would highly recommend it.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi TD, thanks for your positive review, we appreciate it! We are happy to hear you are enjoying our club and the TrainMore vibes! See you soon!

Rich Wetzel 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Ik ben hier in Seattle Washington in Amsterdam en ik heb deze geweldige bodybuilding-sportschool gevonden. De sfeer is fantastisch, komische apparatuur is allemaal gloednieuw, state-of-the-art en het personeel is geweldig! Het was vroeger een bank, maar het is zeer goed ingericht met veel geweldige, gloednieuwe apparatuur. Heerlijke training gehad!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Rich, thank you so much for your positive review and experience! We are glad you enjoyed our club during your stay. Hope to see you soon!

Barton McGuckin 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: We were in town for 2 days & looking for a good quality gym and this did not disappoint. We were greeted by a big smiling face at the entry from one of the staff Thijmen. Thijmen made our registration experience very easy & user friendly. The gym is an old bank with the vault doors still in use. The equipment is next level good. 3 distinct training areas for all your needs and desires. I highly recommend this gym.

Casey McGuckin 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym for a holiday workout! This unique Amsterdam gym housed in an old bank was a perfect find during my travels. Their staff member Thijmen, was incredibly helpful and welcoming. TrainMore have a wide variety of equipment, ensuring you won't miss out on your regular workout routine. Highly recommend!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Casey, thank you so much for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Joel Powers 6 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Absolutely fantastic! The staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The gym is BIG. Take some time to explore the various rooms on the lower level where the locker rooms are. It was busy the Saturday morning of Pride, but still able to get on the equipment I wanted for my workout. Bring your shaker cup!!! They have a "make your own shake" vending machine. Highly recommended...

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Joel, thank you so much for your positive review and recommendation! We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Thiago 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Excelente academia e atendente Thijmen muito atencioso.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Thiago, thank you so much for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

한도윤 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: 여기는 제가 가본 곳중에 최고의 헬스장입니다. Daypass도 완벽하고 친절, 시설, 분위기 모든 게 최곱니다

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your review. We are really happy you enjoyed your daypass experience, we hope to welcome you back soon.

신영웅 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: 네덜란드 여행와서 들른 헬스장 런던,파리 다음으로 여행 왔는데 그동안의 센터중 최고로 시설 및 머신,스텝 등 모두 좋았습니다 여행 일정이 길면 매일 오고싶을 정도

Igor Milosevic 7 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: Ze doen de prijzen omhoog met 10% terwijl dit niet eens gelijk is aan de inflatie van afgelopen jaar? Daarnaast hebben ze digitale kluisjes vervangen voor lockers met een slot. Het gaat er alleen maar op achteruit. Nu heb ik opgezegd omdat je via een blackfriday deal eigenlijk voor 50% goedkoper kan sporten dan ik nu betaal. Echt belachelijk.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Igor, bedankt voor je feedback. We begrijpen je frustratie en nemen je opmerkingen serieus. We proberen altijd het beste voor onze leden te doen en je zorgen over de prijsverhoging en de veranderingen met de kluisjes worden meegenomen. Als je verdere vragen hebt, neem dan gerust contact met ons op via onze contactpagina: We hopen dat we je in de toekomst weer van dienst kunnen zijn.

bilal lammou 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Costumer service is heel goed en een hele grote gym voor in de stad!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Bedankt voor je review. Fijn dat de TrainMore vibes je goed bevallen. Tot snel

René van groesen 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fijne gym, goede equipment, vriendelijke staff

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Bedankt voor je review. Fijn dat de TrainMore vibes je goed bevallen. Tot snel!

Yasmine Klaver 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beste sportschool in omgeving ik voel me super veilig en ben perfect begeleid

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Yasmine, bedankt voor je feedback. We zijn erg blij om te horen dat je het naar je zin hebt, en je veilig voelt in onze club! Tot snel!

Victor Olsavszky 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best place to go to the gym when visiting the city. They have all equipments you can imagine!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Victor, thanks so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club! See you soon!

Andrew Arroyo 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym. Good area. Highly recommend!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Andrew, thank you so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club! See you soon!

julian hassan 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Its an Amaizing gym, i really recomend if you are living here in Amsterdam o if you are on trip to! Remy Its Great

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Julian, thank you for your positive review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

L vH 7 months ago

Positieve ervaring: Good gym, but it really lacks punching bags and boxing classes

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thanks so much for your feedback. We have forwarded your points so that we can become an even better club for our members!

Robertas Daunoravicius 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Welcoming atmosphere, very welcoming and nice staff. Loads of good equipment and areas to train in and best of all good music

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Robertas, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes, and the service of our hosts. See you soon at the club again!

Yanick Loher 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Really amazing gym, modern equipment, great atmosphere and music!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your review. We areglad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again.

Alexander H 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great facility!! Thijmen is great up front. Very welcoming for people just visiting Amsterdam!

Craig Roper 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym, excellent equipment and a super central location.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Craig, thank you for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Rohan M 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym, great equipment, good location and good price. Would totally recommend.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your positive review. We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club!

Ryan Kearns 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: The equipment is great and it’s in a great location. Highly recommend this gym!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Ryan, thank you for your review. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Elisabet García González 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place for a workout when you’re visiting! Friendly staff and nice atmosphere :)

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thanks so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club.

kate cohen 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Thijmen is the best! So kind and helpful, he made the experience perfect! Best gym in amsterdam!

Saadiq Effendi 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: One of the best gyms in Amsterdam! Also want to give a shout out to Thijman for the great service. Highly Recommend.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thanks so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club.

༺Legend༻ Gaming 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: De sportschool is zo ziek! Het is geweldig schoon, Ziet er cool uit, de sfeer is geweldig en je hebt zelfs een gratis eiwitmachine!!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear that you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Dylan Glase 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Hallo, bezoek uit Australië en zo Uitrusting is zo mooi, zou bezoekers en lokale bezoekers zeker aanraden om TrainMore eens te proberen, ook vriendelijk personeel?

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Dylan, thank you for your review and for visiting us! We are glad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Nathan Hoyt 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym! Popped in during vacation in Amsterdam. Has everything needed for lifting, cardio, classes, or DIY CrossFit.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thanks so much for your positive review. See you soon at the club again.

Rodrigo Otávio Moretti Pires 7 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: Unfortunately the service is poor for foreigners. I went to the gym this afternoon (07/26/2024) and the reception was clearly unprepared for an international approach. After trying to communicate with her several times, I ended up purchasing a day pass without any receipt. After that she informed me that she should train at that moment, and that it couldn't be at any other time. I had not previously been informed about this rule. When asking about the other days, she was rude to me and another member of staff was even ruder, saying "pay and training". Apparently the staff discriminates against non-Europeans. I lost 30 euros because I couldn't train at that time. There was no receipt for the purchase of the service, which is absurd.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Rodrigo, thank you for your feedback. We are sorry you had a disappointing experience at one of our clubs. We would be happy to review your case and discuss this with you. Please reach out to our Customer Care team using the following link (, if you have not already. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Matthew Lewis 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Amazing gym. Great equipment, clean and deluxe. Staff friendly and helpful. I recommend it!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Matthew, thanks so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club and the services of our staff. See you soon!

Liam Switala 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym. Was in Amsterdam for a couple of days and was able to get some great sessions in throughout the stay. Definitely recommend if you’re staying in the city.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Liam, thank you so much for your positive review. We are happy to hear that you have enjoyed our club and TrainMore vibes during your stay! See you soon!

Mohammed Kaakour 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym with new and clean equipment. Great staff at the reception, especially Thiman who helped me with sorting a casual entry. Will return everytime im in Amsterdam

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thanks so much for your feedback. We are glad you are enjoying the club.

Teemu Laurell 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: A really cozy gym. It makes you want to work out here. There's a wide variety of good equipment and free weights. The staff is friendly and helpful.

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Teemu, thanks so much for your feedback. We are happy to hear you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon!

Maxine Lutz 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Huge gym with all the modern equipment you could need! Staff is awesome and I highly recommend checking this out if you are visiting Amsterdam!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Maxine, thank you so much for your review. We are glad you are enjoying the club and the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again!

Leilani Foleti 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Awesome gym with great facilities! The staff were super helpful and friendly. I will definitely be back!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Thank you for your review. We areglad you are enjoying the TrainMore vibes. See you soon at the club again.

ioana b 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Lian from BTY Lift is such a gifted trainer. It's her energy, her kindness, her personalized support during the class, all of them are inspiring. I rarely get to see the right person in the right position at the right time performing so elegantly. Good job!

TrainMore Amsterdam Singel Black Label

Hi Ioana, thanks so much for your feedback. Great to hear you are happy with our trainer Lianne from BTY CLB! That's amazing to hear. We are glad you are enjoying the classes in our club. See you soon!

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