Informatie over Snap Fitness Breda

Tramsingel 23
4814 AB, Breda
+31 76 303 3956


Cerrado temporalmente
Snap Fitness Breda heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Snap Fitness, onderdeel van de groep Lift Brands, hecht veel waarde aan jouw privacy en probeert je zoveel mogelijk keuzes te geven. Als je akkoord gaat, willen we je via e-mail of sms op de hoogte houden van onze nieuwste producten, diensten en aanbiedingen. Vink hieronder aan wanneer je een van de volgende soorten e-mailcommunicatie van Snap Fitness of van de Club waar je lid bent, wilt ontvangen (je kunt je op elk moment afmelden door te klikken op de link 'Uitschrijven' onderaan elk e-mail bericht).

Snap Fitness, onderdeel van de groep Lift Brands, hecht veel waarde aan jouw privacy en probeert je zoveel mogelijk keuzes te geven. Als je akkoord gaat, willen we je via e-mail of sms op de hoogte houden van onze nieuwste producten, diensten en aanbiedingen. Vink hieronder aan wanneer je een van de volgende soorten e-mailcommunicatie van Snap Fitness of van de Club waar je lid bent, wilt ontvangen (je kunt je op elk moment afmelden door te klikken op de link 'Uitschrijven' onderaan elk e-mail bericht).

Welnu, voor de glimlach, voor het support, voor het team, voor het altijd welkom, voor de veilige sfeer, voor de weerstand, voor de uitdaging, voor de aanmoediging en ga zo maar door.

Je abonnement is all in dus inclusief virtuele Les Mills groepslessen, small group trainingen en onbeperkt drankjes (koffie thee en sportdrank). Eventueel kun je de upgrade zonnebank apart afsluiten.

Bij Snap Fitness kun je 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week terecht. Je sport bij ons al vanaf €8,50 per week, onbeperkt! ‘Geen tijd’ is nu dus geen excuus meer om niet naar de sportschool te komen. Je traint wanneer jij wilt, hoe je agenda er ook uit ziet. Ideaal voor mensen met een actief en onregelmatig leven. Maar ook wanneer jij iedere week op vaste tijdstippen wilt komen sporten, is Snap Fitness de sportschool voor jou.

Met ons 12 weken programma Fit with Food helpen wij jou naar een healthy lifestyle. 1 op 1 begeleiding van jouw voedingscoach, een persoonlijk weekmenu inclusief boodschappenlijstje en regelmatige weeg- en meetmomenten. Lees hier meer!

Met personal training ga je net een stapje verder. Heb jij meer uitdaging en verdieping in jouw training nodig? Kom je niet verder? Sta je stil met je resultaat? Of ben je herstellende van een blessure en wil je weten wat nu juist wel of niet kan? Vraag een gratis intake aan!

Het concept, het totaalplaatje, ik kan mij er volledig in vinden en ga mij dan ook 100% inzetten om Snap Fitness in Breda op de kaart te zetten. De dagelijkse leiding ligt in mijn handen.

Voor vragen of informatie kun je altijd bij mij terecht.

BodySculpting, mijn eigen programma wat ik met heel veel plezier en passie deel.. Iedere 2 maanden weer een nieuwe les om het lijf strak te houden en in vorm te brengen.


Snap Fitness Breda heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Snap Fitness Breda: Meningen

5/5 (50 Meningen)
Erin Lin 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Pretty nice fitness place, highly recommend!

Bas Wit 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Always nice sports here!

adam kotarski 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Quality , Value Great place to train

Przemysław Popis 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great personel, atmosphere and you can find whatever you need to complete your training 24/7. I can definetely recommend joining Snap family!

Abraham Gyamfi 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice , clean and good for all type of workout

Valentina Barros Clark 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: I have been in this gym since July 2020. The manager and the trainers are super nice and they explain to you everything when you come for first time. They offer you many options: personal training, free weights (the material is good quality), 2 squats racks and plenty of machines for leg training, upper body, core. There is a boxing bag and materials such as elastic bands, pilates balls. There are also group lessons on tuesdays and saturdays. Mondays and wesnesdays (depending on covid rules). Treadmills, eliptics and a stair stepper are available. So you have everything for a complete workout. The people at the gym are respectful and there is a good environment. I feel safer here than other gyms. Is 24 hours open which is amazing for people that have a bussy schedule with work or study students like me we get a discount! This is my Snap Family ! Gracias a este gym siempre me he sentido bienvenida y hace que mi tiempo en Holanda mientras estudio, sea mas llevadero.

Ольга Ольхова 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good choice of gym equipment, tasty coffee and nice staff

Michael Gort 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had many different gyms over the years. This is the first gym where the pressure feels controlled and I can do my workout undisturbed. Always a nice, friendly atmosphere.

Whitney Schuurbiers 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice gym! The staff are extremely friendly and you always feel welcome. It is always neat and clean. And you can use the nice showers after your workout. Nice and low-key and always fun!

David Staal 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice gym. Friendly staff and everything is very clean. Definitely recommend!

Travis Hull 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Quality Great gym, friendly staff, excellent selection of free weights. Have been going for the past couple months and I really enjoy it. Would highly recommend if you’re looking for something a bit more upscale than basicfit.

Maher Lahlal 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: top gym, nice and clean and you can do everything there. cozy atmosphere and nice employees, you can literally knock on anyone's door for help!!

Marcel Bosma 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been training here every day recently. Very good support from staff, very well helped with exercises to strengthen my injury from which I can already reap the benefits in a short time. Cool members who are never afraid to spot or take an exercise with you.

Hicham Oua 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super employees and great location. Helpful and nice and easy and quickly arranged the registration. Was able to exercise the same evening.

Naomi Bestman 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice quiet gym that is open 24/7, ideal with my irregular shifts

Ziaa Amazighi 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice and quiet, everything is there, quite a super gym, definitely recommended!

Raffi Shahbaz Nazarian 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Had Personal Training for the first time today from club manager and trainer Roy. What an eye-opener that was! I am very satisfied

dennis voskuilen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and clean gym. There is also always enough equipment and weights available so that you never really have to wait. They also have a wide range if you are looking for personal guidance in training or nutrition.

John Sep 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful school, with well-maintained equipment and enthusiastic staff.

Chitic Alin 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best place with very friendly staff and peoples, I really love it . You have to try !

lee smith 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: One of the best gyms when it comes to attention to detail, range and cleanliness.

Dabbe van den Brand 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice 24/7 gym, nice equipment, never crowded and nice staff!

Joeri de Bruijn 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Wonderfully quiet gym, open 24/7 and close to home. Good atmosphere, everyone is friendly and helpful, both guests and staff. top this!

BeukParade Breda 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym with nice members. And always well looked after by our Marga!

Roy van Gool 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym, good atmosphere, clean, cosy.

Coco 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super nice gym that is open 24/7, so you can always work out whenever you want. Marga, the branch manager is always super cheerful and helpful.

Jundi Wu 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym where you can go 24/7. A big advantage is that you can also work out abroad with your pass at other snapfitness locations!

Jasper BUas 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice gym! Nice employees and good facilities such as private changing rooms.

Erwin Rademaker 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super gym - extremely flexible due to 24/7 accessibility and also safe and hygienic. I will be a member for a very long time!

Malika 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been a member for years and for good reason. Very nice gym, good equipment with quality. Hygiene is always top notch. Nice atmosphere. Options for good guidance, friendly employees who are always up for a chat. And last but not least very nice to always exercise when you want, which also results in never huge crowds. In short, 5 stars well worth it!

R Z 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Been a member for over 2 years and still great fitness to come. Plenty of choice in equipment and never too busy so you can keep going. Good staff.

Kanagavel Mathivanan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Positive: Professionalism , Quality Good ambience to work out and best quality equipments.

Teun de Jong 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym, where I like to train with pleasure. In addition, the staff is also very friendly! Definitely recommended for sports!

Lieke Postema 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and chill gym with a relaxed atmosphere and top staff. Highly recommended! Thanks snapfitness!

Thijs Trumpi 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good fitness good materials nice customer friendly staff you are always welcomed with a smile. The members are also very friendly and tidy. All in all very nice fitness

Suzanne Sep 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Snap Fitness Breda has become a second home for me. Good equipment, knowledgeable staff. Also during the Covid 19 period they have it really great! Snap is always open to think along with you! I really enjoy going there and I will continue to do so!

Leo M 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This gym is great for sports, I can't wait for them to open again! Flexible training times, friendly and skilled staff and space to be sporty at your own pace! Communication is via email and the snap @ app, and you will be welcomed in a friendly manner during "staff-hours".

Hery Van Berkel 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Excellent reception. First time at Snap Fitness. First impression is very good. Clean, quiet, friendly people. Not as massive as an unnamed competitor. Devices all work, no waiting time. All in all, highly recommended.

Thijmen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super fine gym, in recent years at many gyms but never fit in the schedule. Now found one that fits well! Super chill that you can just go to the gym 24 hours a day! Very nice staff too, always able to help you with your problems, or if you do not understand! In conclusion a top sport and would say join m!

Dylan Raats 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice 24/7 gym with all the functionalities and space to do your workouts. All equipment is in good condition and clean, just like the gym itself. Also very neat single changing rooms and safe free parking behind the gym!

Rinus Reuvekamp 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super gym. So nice that you can always go there! Good equipment, neat, clean, never too busy, are open to feedback and there is constant improvement. Everything you need.

Viola de Bruijn 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym with friendly and helpful staff. Good devices and sufficient too. I never have to wait anywhere. Good hygiene. There is a nice atmosphere. There is an eye for a personal program adjusted to your individual wishes.

Marieke Versteegh 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Exercise whenever I want! And that is possible with SNAP! During staff hours you are always well helped and if you have questions you can always go. I find it very relaxed to work out at snap. The facilities are great and the gym is very clean. i like to do sports there. Recommended.

maarten hamelink 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Today we visited Snap Fitness Breda. I have been following this club for a while via instagram and since I was in the neighborhood I thought this was a great time to try it out. After 2 hours and 3 quarters of an hour of sports, I thought it was enough. I wanted to try everything. Really wonderfull Gym, especially if you know what you're doing. Mats are lying on the floor everywhere. Beautiful squatrekken, dead lift platforms and olympic rods and discs. Open 24/7 for members and a huge range for many athletes. A great FunXtion where you can do all kinds of workouts, a room to follow group lessons and clean Matrix equipment. If I lived in breda this was my gym!

Abdel Lagmouch 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great gym. I have been training with pleasure for almost 3 months now. In particular, my thanks to Max's personal training courses that ensure that you stay motivated and achieve results. And my thanks to all staff for the warm welcome as you walk in. Really a top gym.

Wouter Klöpping 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Has been here for 2 years now. Am very satisfied. I love the private changing rooms with built-in showers. Everyone in the gym is super nice. It is very neat, never a mess (as I have experienced at other gyms) and everyone always clears the weights. Also very content that they recently added a 2nd squat rack. Best gym I have ever experienced.

misterd60 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fine gym, good concept, friendly and helpful staff. Sufficient changing rooms, clean showers and toilet. Train there, but try to avoid peak hours early in the evening. No problem, because I go to Snap Fitness 24/7. Come join the fun!

Mike Veldsink 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great place to get in shape, open all around the clock and all equipment is of great quality.

Maurice Lourens 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A nice complete fitness in Breda where you can go day and night. Not massive, but everything you need for a good workout. All this in a friendly and friendly atmosphere. Modern equipment and everything clean and tidy. Spacious individual dressing rooms with shower. Lockers, parking, sports drink / coffee and sunbed available. Also handy that you can go to any Snap fitness in the world as a Snap member. Small disadvantage is that when using in the evening and at night, you have some restrictions due to noise nuisance and that you, of course, as a novice athlete can come during the day to use the advice / guidance of the staff. But these things are inherent in any gym that is open 24 hours.

alex alex 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very good

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