IMBELLEM. Dordrecht

Informatie over IMBELLEM. Dordrecht

Sikkelstraat 34
3319 LJ, Dordrecht
+31 6 43592404


Door onze persoonlijke aanpak is alles bij ons op afspraak. Stuur dus gerust een email om een gratis en vrijblijvende ‘Discovery call’ in te plannen.

Wat als je gemoedsrust had?

Wat als je actief kon zijn zonder angst?

Wat als je dit de beste jaren van je leven zou maken?

Wat als je jezelf weer zelfverzekerd voelt?

Wat als je dat zou kunnen?

Bij Imbellem weten we dat er een gat ontstaan is tussen (ziekte) zorg en fitness. Veel mensen zijn niet “ziek” genoeg voor de zorg en niet “fit” genoeg voor fitnessclubs. Wij helpen de mensen die in dit gat terecht gekomen zijn om hun pijnvrije en actieve levens op te eisen. We doen dit door educatie, praktisch toepasbare training en mentorship.

Wij hielpen al honderden mensen, net als jij, om hun pijnvrije en actieve levens op te eisen. We kunnen dit ook voor jou doen! Stuur ons een email met je uitdaging en hoe lang je hier al mee loopt, wij pakken het vanaf daar op!


Omdat wij alle programma’s op maat maken kunnen we hier pas meer over zeggen aan de hand van de vragen, testen en metingen die we zullen doen tijdens het intake gesprek.

IMBELLEM. Dordrecht: Meningen

5/5 (22 Meningen)
Chris Bijl 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Toppers

Jan Jokert 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fine and personal guidance step by step to a much healthier life! First experience top.

Brigitte Kassem 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice and personal. Not too much pressure, but still trying to get a little more out of yourself.

Bieke Fievez 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Are you looking for a great gift and top Crossfit box with super coaches who work very closely with a lot of knowledge, your own crossfit experience, who give a lot of support, support, guidance, coaching and tips at the WODS, personal training, nutrition and rehabilitation? Imbellem - Functional Fitness and Personal Training is the place to be in Dordrecht and the surrounding area! The WODS are given to a maximum of 10 members per lesson, so you always get top quality and guidance! There is always enough attention for everyone and care is taken to ensure that you perform the exercises correctly! Do you doubt because you have an injury, no worries-> Imbellem - Functional Fitness and Personal Training has a rehabilitation process with which they provide maximum support to me and everyone during personal training and WODS. Me and everyone can fully train and give everything and they have always taken into account my (temporary) limitation due to my injury. They do this to everyone until the injury is resolved. I had a shoulder injury that I had for a while and because all exercises are fully adapted to what I can do, I can now move and use my shoulder much better with full range of motion = full movement in a joint (m ' one shoulder) is possible again! The community is very nice and everyone is respected and appreciated! I recommend it to everyone! Hope to see you soon @Imbellem - Functional Fitness and Personal Training!

Tessa Bruggink Fotografie 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super happy that I started exercising at Imbellem. I was afraid of men in shirts and that I had to do difficult exercises, but that is not there at all. I can just exercise at my own level and for every exercise there is a variant that I can. And the atmosphere is also very nice and calm.

Mirjam de Roon 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: After a long thought (can I do this? I have no condition ... what will they not think of me ..) nevertheless made the move and I do not regret it! Because of the small groups, patient trainers and encouragements from everyone, things are getting better and better! Really recommended!

Maarten Hoogeveen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top coaches, top people, top atmosphere, TOP CROSSFIT BOX.

Exan De Rave 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super box! Professional and personal guidance And a great community!

Johan Bruinsma 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great, we work in small groups so that a good overview can be kept. Every training is different, fantastic atmosphere among themselves.

Danny Riedijk 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great CrossFit box with passionate and professional coaches! CrossFit for everyone.

Cindy Dekker-Navis 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very pleasant approach by top coaches. Train in small groups with the goals that you as a person have in mind! Recommended!

Thieme Bravenboer 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: good

Tetyana Klymenko 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: We did a drop in there and we were truly impressed. A very good cross fit box with the great team! Thank you Roel!

Nico Stalman 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Now 2 months and would recommend this way of getting fit to everyone. Professional coaching and fantastic group of people

Peter van Woudenberg 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice location

Lorenzo Rack 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Beautiful new crossfit box with very passionate coaches and fun people!

annelies saman 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top location and top management ennn ... super atmosphere!

Thessa Ong 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Crossfit Imbellem is a great box. There is a lot of space and it gives you a feeling of coming home. With coaches Roel and Enzo you are always very welcome for a WOD or ... just to socialize. They both take your goals seriously and are prepared to work with you on them.

Robert Koning 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice CrossFit box with top trainers

Sara De Giorgio 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Really cool box and Roel is one of the best coaches you will ever meet! An absolute must

Iris Jasmijn 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Cool professional crossfit box with experienced coaches. The Place To Be for Crossfit if you come from Dordrecht or surroundings! Headcoach Roel is very experienced and makes you feel completely at home: experienced, starting, young or old. Super atmosphere!

Theo Tempelaars 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super nice CF Box with two great trainers. Highly recommended.

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