Informatie over Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Waldorpstraat 11-D
2521 CA, Den Haag
+31 900 0400490


  • maandag: 07:00–23:00
  • dinsdag: 07:00–23:00
  • woensdag: 07:00–23:00
  • donderdag: 07:00–23:00
  • vrijdag: 07:00–23:00
  • zaterdag: 09:00–16:00
  • zondag: 09:00–16:00

Onze opmerking van Sportscholen Fitness over Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor:

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor is een populaire sportschool gelegen nabij het HS station, bekend om zijn ruime faciliteiten en uitgebreide aanbod aan apparatuur. Ondanks dat de sportschool vaak druk is, hebben veel bezoekers de ruimte en het aanbod als positief ervaren.

Belangrijke kenmerken van deze sportschool zijn:

  • Ruime apparatuur: Er zijn voldoende apparaten voor verschillende soorten training, en veel gebruikers merken op dat ze zelden hoeven te wachten op hun favoriete apparaten.
  • Vriendelijk personeel: Over het algemeen ontvangen bezoekers positieve feedback over de medewerkers, die als behulpzaam en gastvrij worden beschouwd.
  • Betaalbaarheid: Met concurrerende tarieven biedt de sportschool een goede prijs-kwaliteitverhouding voor leden die regelmatig willen trainen.
  • Hygiëne: De faciliteiten worden als voornamelijk schoon ervaren, wat bijdraagt aan een prettige trainingsomgeving.

Echter, enkele verbeterpunten zijn ook aangegeven door leden:

  • Storing aan apparaten: Bij sommige apparaten is de toestand onbetrouwbaar en duren reparaties te lang.
  • Klantservice: Er zijn significante klachten over de klantendienst en administratieve zaken, wat frustratie oproept bij leden die contact proberen op te nemen.
  • Geluid en temperatuur: De muziek staat vaak te luid, wat de ervaring tijdens het trainen kan verstoren. Ook wordt de temperatuur in de sportschool soms als onaangenaam warm ervaren.

Over het algemeen heeft Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor een stevige basis van tevreden leden, maar er is ruimte voor verbetering op het gebied van klantcommunicatie en onderhoud van de apparatuur.

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor: Meningen

3.4/5 (102 Meningen)
Sue Hung 2 months ago

Positieve ervaring: Good gym, good equipment, good instructors

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Thanks for the great feedback, Sue! We're happy to hear you’re enjoying the gym, the equipment, and our instructors. Keep up the awesome work and see you soon!

Elisabet Borikó Janer 3 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: I tried the Total Body Workout lesson on Tuesday 22nd October and it was awful. The instructor (in the website it said it's Sue, but she didn't introduce herself) was not nice at all with us (not smiling or encouraging, just correcting us from the distance) and the class was very boring, with just very repetitive, old school exercises. Felt like being in PE classes at school again. Not recommend at all.

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hi Elisabet, Thanks for your feedback on the Total Body Workout class. We're sorry to hear that your experience didn’t meet your expectations. If you could reach out to one of our colleagues at the club, they’d be happy to assist you further. We appreciate your honesty and hope you’ll consider giving us another chance!

Maria LM 4 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: There are very limited options of what you can use. Also, after a while they started getting money from my account higher than the subscription fee. No explanation was given… I already sent them emails and there is absolutely no other way to contact them since I cannot go to this gym anymore. I would rather pay for a better/ more expensive gym, rather than guess what amount I will be paying next month for getting literally no benefits

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hi Maria, We're very sorry to hear about your experience—that sounds frustrating. We want to get this sorted out for you! Please share your details to [email protected] so we can look into the billing issues and see how we can improve your experience. We hope to make things right!

Anel Kupusija 4 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Dit was de eerste gym waar ik als 17 jarige begon met sporten toen heette het nog ‘fitt allday’. De sfeer hier blijft altijd het beste en ben blij hier weer te trainen voelt als een thuis, beste gym

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hoi Anel, Wat geweldig om te horen dat je je bij ons thuis voelt, dat is precies wat we willen bereiken! Jouw hangplek waar je altijd welkom bent. We hopen je snel weer te zien in de club, of het nu voor een gezellig bezoek is of een knallende workout! Tot snel!

Dorcas MAKAULA 4 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: While on-site services are satisfactory, customer service is simply UNACCEPTABLE. Response times are far too long, and the total lack of consideration and fairness between customers is shocking. These fundamental points need to be urgently reviewed, especially when a minimum of responsiveness and respect is expected. If you have a problem, don't wait for efficient support !

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hi Dorcas, Thank you for sharing your review. How sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. It seems our service and response time didn’t meet your expectations, and that’s not what we stand for. Please email us at [email protected], and we’ll do our best to assist you further.

Rosa Toffolo 4 months ago

Positieve ervaring: Fijne sportschool, vriendelijk personeel. Heb zelf nooit gehad dat het echt te druk was. Alleen is het wel een beetje warm vaak wat niet zo heel chill is tijdens het sporten..

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hey Rosa, Dankjewel voor je 4-sterren review!✨ Fijn om te horen dat je onze sportschool en het vriendelijke personeel waardeert, precies wat we willen horen. We doen ons best om een fijne omgeving te creëren voor al onze leden. Veel sportplezier gewenst!️‍♂️

Glenn Jan 6 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: Grote sportschool erg druk versleten apratuur vaak ook stuk! . Er mag zeker wat aandacht aan geschonken worden aan het vernieuwen van de apratuur, aangezien het vrijwel de drukste sportschool van Den Haag is dus verdienen doen jullie er zowiezo aan !

Mohammed Annoos 7 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: Do you have management? Do you have a branch manager? Do you have a branch that cares about customer service? When you were Fit4Free in 2020, I tried to contact you through various media, but to no avail. After you moved to the new name Sports City, I came to you 3 weeks ago and spoke with one of the employees. The receptionist told me that someone would contact me within a week, but unfortunately I did not hear from you. It is clear that your administration only cares about withdrawing monthly subscriptions, and I do not advise anyone to join you.

Jordan Jordanov 7 months ago

Negatieve ervaring: Terrible management.

Fit For Free Den Haag Hollands Spoor

Hi Jordan, You left us a 1-star review, and that's not what we're aiming for. Could you let us know what specifically you're unhappy about? We’d like to see how we can resolve this for you. Maybe this can be a chance for us to turn things around!

Waikit Choi 11 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice gym with plenty of equipment. I hardly ever find myself having to wait for a specific equipment. Friendly personnel and extremely helpful!

Maria Stoikou 11 months ago

Positieve ervaring: It was a good option!

Ricardo Munsel 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Visited to see the place. We live close by. First impression was fine.

Sam de Paauw 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Prima prijs kwaliteit sportschool!

M. S. 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Prima club, voldoende apparatuur. Echter bloedverziekend heet altijd! Fix de airco!

Frans Bauer 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Het is een drukke sportschool met realist weinig apparaten. Echter waar ik mij het meest aan stoorde is de muziek. Deze staat veel te hard en is niet echt aangenaam. Veelal rap muziek met explicite teksten. Het viel mij op dat veel mensen hierdoor ook koptelefoons op hadden of oortjes is. Ik geef ze groot gelijk. Kortom de muziek moet zachter en mag beter beheerd worden. Groetjes, Frans

David Cole 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Normaal een hele aardige getinte vrouw aan de balie die altijd behulpzaam is. Sinds kort een zwarte meneer die hier werkt die onvriendelijk, ongeacht en zeker ongeïnteresseerd met de sporters omgaat. Zal twee keer nadenken als je besluit hier te komen sporten door zulk personeel.

Maria Funaioli 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: The gym itself is nice, it has almost all you need. Unfortunately, I had a very bad experience with an individual that liked to stare at me while squatting.

Zuzana Derfenyiova 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Perfektne vybavené fitko. Usmievavý, príjemný personál. Za mňa 5 hviezdičiek.

Ö Gunes 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Netjes en schoon

Angelo Van Der Heijden 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: prima sportschool om fit te worden

Casper Velds 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Good gym. Friendly staff.

Bird Kokane 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: My new favorite gym. Spinning spinning and spinning

symen vogt 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Goede apparaten en genog squat rekken

Arciflame Management 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Not worth the hassle...go to a different gym

Tiko de 1e 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Binnen warmer dan buiten en buiten is het 25' niet te doen!

Claudia van den Broek 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Nette kleedkamer, Zumba instructrices top, lokaal beetje vreemd van vorm. Ik vind de locatie op zich niet heel fijn. Heb de 1e x echt moeten zoeken. Trap verschrikkelijk, maar gelukkig is er ook een (enge) lift =)

Českej Raper 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Fit For Free was a good place but eversince they have been bought by SportCity I had to switch gyms.... They do not reply to emails, they have problems with payment processing, The gym closes for an indefinite amount fo time with no notification to its members... ridiculous and its been living hell the last couple of months. I dont understand how this establishment has not been closed due to fraud

Naomi Soer 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Extréém warm hier, omdat de airco wordt gedeeld met de rest van het gebouw (wat betekent dat deze niet aan staat en de verwarming vol aan staat in de gym). Er is maar één dubbele kabelmachine en die is defect.

Robert Righolt 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Good and varied gym equipment. It could use a few more treadmills and stair masters. Do bring your gloves

Toth David 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: Great gym, the prices are still somewhat affordable but if you are looking for good gym to have a workout monthly for a cheaper price tag, than it is worth it.

Federico Delgado 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: I'm assuming the old fitforfree reviews are lost (including mine) but the gym didn't change, just got a new name. Good place, you can train on your own, not being bothered by anyone. Hygiene is good, locker room is fine. The equipment is decent, at least good for my modest needs (I usually spend there just over an hour). As low budget gyms go, this one is very good.

Ciarán Meers 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: It’s nice enough. Since it was bought by SportCity it has gone downhill. Machines will be out of order for weeks, if not a whole month. The bathroom was closed for an entire month. The staff are friendly! Increase in price was annoying, weekend hours could be better. Always clean.

Kenneth Sherwood 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: The worst gym experience ever. I have been a member for some time back when it was Fit for Free.... eversince they were bought by Sportcity the service quality deteriorated tremendously. They reply to emails approximitely once a month. They claim they take debit cards but their webiste doesnt work properly. Reconstruction with no notification and no reimbursement? yes. Extending the cancellation period out of nowhere? yes. This is unnaceptable and I recommend anyone thinking about this chain to go to a different gym. You have been warned.

Breno de Almeida 1 year ago

Positieve ervaring: I don't get the terrible reviews. This is a good value for money gym. It's really okay. Neither the best, nor the worst. No one there to help you with exercises, except during certain hours, which you can subscribe for in the SportCity app. It's very clean (if you train in the morning, at least, as far as I know). I'd give it a 3.5/5, so, rounding up, it's a 4/5. It has lots of dumbbells and plates, a good amount of inclination adjustable benches, 4 squat racks, lots of cable machines, one Smith machines, some plate loaded machines, a "cross-fit" area, an area for pulling/pushing a weighted sled, a spinning room and a general room for functional training... and other stuff, like a table tennis table in the common area. The men's bathroom is okay, though with only one toilet and one urinol, and about 4 or 5 showers, and two sinks. Don't know about the women's bathroom (obviously, heheh). There are lots of benches, hangers and lockers, but bring your own lock. My main gripes: 1 - Only two benches with a dedicated bench rack (though there are an additional two for inclined and declined bench press, plus, you could technically use three of the squat racks by just grabbing one of the free benches, even having the option of putting safety attachments on the rack). At peak hours, this is tough. But, like I said, this is not a super expensive gym, so... 2 - No clocks anywhere in the gym (really helps keeping track of the exact time spent resting, counting the seconds and all); EDIT: There is one clock! An analog one, very high up the crossfit area. Took a while for me to notice it 3 - Lots of people are lazy and don't put the dumbbells/plates back, which is annoying. They should hang signs up saying things like "Putting back the weights after using them makes for extra gains", or "Putting back the weights is part of the training" or "If you've trained hard and are now too weak to put the weights back by yourself, there is no shame in asking for help", or maybe less nice messages. Basic gym etiquette that even third world countries have...

roni zaxariev 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: strong glare

Andrea Kreulen 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super sport school

Emma De Vreugd 2 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Geen professioneel personeel.

Irving Cijntje 2 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Het is lekker groot.

Michael (Mikey) 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Geweldige fitnesscentrum!!!

Dudu Rast 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Geweldig prachtig goeiee sfeer superrr

Sanv 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Prima sportschool, je kan goed parkeren.

Ravi Shukla 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Good gym, spacious, extended opening times and the possibility to shower after workout!

nadir gnaoui van baarle 2 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Spullen worden hier regelmatig gestolen en als je dan vraagt of je geholpen kan worden een nee . Service is heel slecht vanuit de werknemers. Slechte sportschool kom hier niet !

Lars 2 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: De reparatie van kapotte toestellen duurt veel te lang. Meerdere apparaten zijn langer dan een maand kapot.

Jan 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Just started working out again and this is the perfect place for it. The subscription is fairly cheap and the place is very well equipped.

Joseph Dwyer 2 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Terrible customer service. I was shocked to discover that my subscription wasn't automatically paused when we went into full lockdown. I'm still being charged even when I can't go to the gym, I've tried emailing about this, but I have received no answer. I know the Netherlands isn't known for its customer service, but Fit For Free is something else.

Mihaly Horvath 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: It's a great gym... But the management is terrible... Serious trainers should protgo find a job at a better gym... But to train is great... Amazing gym also great equipment

Tino Walther 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Sehr gutes Fitness Studio mit freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Mitarbeitern

King Kitchen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: كبير ومريح ورخيص

Awie Khemon 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Geweldig

Manar Razishab 3 years ago

Positieve ervaring: De plek is oke. Wordt niet veel in geinvesteerd. Hout in de kleedkamer bij de wasbak is aan het rotten. Wc heeft geen licht. Gewichten liggen altijd doorelkaar

Esmeralda van den Hof 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fijn publiek, goed personeel. Je kan eruit halen wat je zelf wilt voor een laag abonnement. Voor FFF HS is favoriet voor mij binnen ruim 7 jaar lidmaatschap

David Karasek 3 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: The staff are always lovely and very friendly but the administration is dreadful. I had issues with payments as the fit for free was not able to adjust the right amount to be deducted from my bank and were unwilling to look into it until I checked with my bank, after months of struggle I managed to convince them of their mistake. Furthermore, there online page is terrible as when you want to reach their clientservice, especially when trying to cancel your subscription. I wrote them questions twice on their online Q&A and never got a reply. Gym as a place to workout and people there are lovely and great place to be but their administration and organization is dreadful. Ultimately I quit and switched gyms because I was fed up of their shortcomings.

Svetlana Annikova 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Не новый, но большой, не очень хорошая вентиляция и нет дневного света

Rissikatou Dowou 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Winkels en sportschool zij makkelijk bereikbaar

Sunand Sharrma 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Very professional , helping staff, lot of good equipments to workout sometimes little bit crowed in evening , very close to HS tram station

RB. 4 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Aardig personeel Anabole gasten agresieve sfeer Veelste druk zonnebank doet het niet Apparaaten worden niet gemaakt GEEN AANRADER

YoungDHL 4 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Apart, weekend maar tot 16:00 open en loosduinseweg 18:00. Zou mooi zijn dat het overal tot 18:00 is. Nu moet je bij elke F4F controleren hoelaat het sluit want blijkbaar hebben ze verschillende sluitingstijden

DG LL 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: This gym is well located just behind HS Station. The only negative aspect is the showers :you need a coin and the water is not so hot. For the rest I highly recommend it.

Jamie Groeneveld 4 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Ik was erg fan van de sportschool totdat er ongepaste opmerkingen werden gemaakt en een van de personeelsleden vrolijk meelachte. Voelde me er niet veilig/op mijn gemak meer en ook nooit meer een stap binnen gezet.

Amine Bennis 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I like it a lot. You book your sessions through the FFF app and are ready to go. I prefer morning session as they are the least crowded. Lots of space, good equipment, friendly staff and affordable.

suusj22 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Ziet er mooi uit. Eigen slotje kopen voor lockers en muntjes kopen voor douchen.

Abré 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Ok near the station

Seth Goodchild 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Goede sportschool

C H 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Fijne sportschool met leuke groepslessen

Aniek de Graaf 5 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Veel te harde rotmuziek

Joris Swinkels 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Prima plek on te sporten, wat wil je verder van een sportschool?

Estere Labandelas 5 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Moet beter worden , anders ga ik andere sportschool .

Funke Eric 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Large gym, recently modernized. From fitness to CrossFit to lessons to solarium to weights to everything.

Temi Salami 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: It is a nice gym with a good atmosphere, however there are a few strange characters that need regulation...

Anton Lizunou 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: The best fitness center in The Hague. Very friendly administrators. Gym is equipped with all you need to have perfect training! Highly recommended!

Max 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Nice place to work out. It has a lot of space and at least in the mornings it is pretty empty. The staff is also very friendly. I am always happy to go there. To find it you have to take the stairs or elevator.

Julian 5 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Terrible customer service and rip off! Thy gym itself was pretty average, but their way of handling memberships and customer service is terrible, that is why I´m espacially warning foreigner of getting a membership here. I had a timewise limited membership when I stayed in the Netherlands and payed the regual price for it. After I finished my stay and went back to my country I suddenly got an E-Mail 2 years later, which stated that I didn´t pay for my membership this month. I tried to contact the company, because I don´t even live in the country anymore and I don´t have a membership or a way of using a membership at this gym anymore. After getting no respone via phone or E-Mail I got another E-mail telling me that I have to pay a fee now, which doubled the original price, for not paying for my membership in time. After that I finally reached an employe via phone and explained the situation to him. He told me very uninterested that I had an ongoing membership and that I didn´t quit my contract, therefor I have to pay for it. He was in no way undestanding that I haven´t even been in the country for the last 2 years and that therefor I had no way of making any use of this membership and therefor I didn´t cost the company any money. So I offered to pay the membership fee and asked for my contract to be immediatly canceled. But this wasn´t enough. I was also told I have to pay the extra fee, for not paying the first fee in time, which I didn´t do because I was waiting for the response from the company that wasn´t reachable at the time. I got told by the employe that they were busy the last few days and that was the reason why I didn´t get an awnser. But after this explanation I was still obligated to pay the extra fee, because it was still my fault that they were to busy to awnser me for some reason. After all this I can say, even if the company had all the legal rights to behave like this, this was by far the worst customer service I experienced in my life. If you are looking for a gym that is friendly and cares about you, this is not the place!

Kahlil Berenos 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Good potential: Its a big space with lots of equipment. Workers are always nice, but lazy. dumbells and other weights are all over the place. which takes too much time off the workout. they need some better clean up policy! and communicate gym ethics!

Tim de Greeuw 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Hele nette maar vooral grote gym met veel verschillende nieuwe apparaten! Dit is de beste en schoonste fit for free waar ik ben geweest! Personeel groette ook, wat voor sommige fit for free's al moeilijk lijkt te zijn.

Jasper Veldhuizen 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Prima sportschool

Rita Pereira 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Medewerkers zijn aardig en zorgzaam. Rustig en veel opties. Is ook een schone sportschool. Top top top !

Jemal Selimi 5 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Heel veel leden bezetten 2 of meer apparaturen tegelijkertijd terwijl het onnodig is. Sommige gooien letterlijk de gewichten op de grond ipv netjes op de stelling terug te leggen. En geen handdoek gebruik bij apparatuur, heel erg vies. En als laatste ergernis is dat men met de telefoon bezig is en apparaat te lang bezetten.

F YT 6 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Slecht

Mehdi Rouchiche 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Prima gym.

domioli87 (domioli87) 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: da poco comprata da fit for free..é una palestra completa è con persone che ti seguono..consiglio di usufruire delle bibite illimitate a solo €4 al mese

Charles Maurits Homer Lispet 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Ziet zeer goed uit

KM Batman 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Toppie!

friedehendrik niamat 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Is perfect allen die lift blijf vast zitten verder heel goeie

Y L 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nette school mooi apperatuur

Mikayil Coskun 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Kom hier al meer dan 4 jaar :)

Fatih Sahin 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: allees niewe gemaakt hun.echt superrr.

homer m.c lispet 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Sommige klanten zijn daar zwaar aan het schreeuwen begrijp dat je geluid maakt maar je ken overdrijven

Clementine Rich 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super friendly gym, despite being under renovations at this moment

Arco Daniël 6 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Valt erg tegen. Onbehoorlijk en onvriendelijk personeel en erg oud allemaal. Heb besloten naar een andere sportschool te gaan.

Gandoe Dyck 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: boxing bags but can't kick on them... shame because kickboxing is very popular and not so different than striking on a heavy bag without gloves

Daniel Eisenhardt 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Bit busy sometimes and the internet on the machines is broken which means you can't track your performance. Not a bad deal for the low price though.

Baqar Jaffri 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: De update dat FFF aan de voormalige Fit All Day in de Globe heeft gebracht is fenomenaal! Als je in de buurt bent check it out!

okkes doker 6 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Good place and the workers are nice people. 1 loss of star for the crowdness. This place have many members. Another loss is for the small bathroom where you have to pay for the shower

Lisa van koldam 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fijne sportschool, dicht bij school voor studenten en nog lekker rustig 's ochtends. Goede groepslessen waar je met veel (goede) spierpijn de trap mee naar beneden gaat.

Steven van der Cingel 6 years ago

Negatieve ervaring: Normaal train ik in Leiden Lammenschans. Dat is een wereld van verschil ten opzichte van Holland Spoor. Wat een armoe is dat zeg! Fit for free; doe hier iets aan of sluit de boel..

Maurits van Vliet 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Fantastische allround gym! Leuk om te zien hoe hier alle facetten van de fitness aan bod komen. Van beginnende fitnesser tot de gevorderde krachtsporter; hier kan iedereen tercht! Na de verbouwing zijn de apparatuur en materialen van topkwaliteit. Personeel is kundig en zéér behulpzaam!

Who else but Quagmire? 7 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Giggigty

avsar slan 7 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Centraal

Nicole Henrietta 7 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Goed genoeg

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2.5 (177)
Basic-Fit Den Haag

Basic-Fit Den Haag

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
Grote Marktstraat 40 - 2511 BJ, Den Haag
2.3 (171)
Basic-Fit Den Haag Grote Marktstraat Ladies

Basic-Fit Den Haag Grote Marktstraat Ladies

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
Grote Marktstraat 40 - 2511 BJ, Den Haag
4.9 (28)
Vigorous CrossFit

Vigorous CrossFit®

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
1e van der Kunstraat 282 - 2521 AV, Den Haag
+31 6 40076500
5 (20)
Sky Health

Sky Health

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
Gortstraat 7 - 2511 AP, Den Haag
+31 70 406 1889
5 (3)
Hidden Gym

Hidden Gym

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
Gortstraat 7 - 2511 AP, Den Haag
+31 6 14865846
4.1 (90)
Njoy Fitness Den Haag

Njoy Fitness Den Haag

Bekijk adres en contactgegevens
Pr. Beatrixlaan 602 - 2595 BM, Den Haag
+31 70 304 2966

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