Informatie over CrossFit Climbers Cabin

Terheijdenseweg 498
4826 AB, Breda
+31 6 52788622


  • maandag: 09:00–11:00, 16:30–21:30
  • dinsdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:30
  • woensdag: 09:00–11:00, 16:30–21:30
  • donderdag: 06:30–11:00, 16:30–21:30
  • vrijdag: 09:00–11:00, 16:30–20:30
  • zaterdag: 08:30–12:30
  • zondag: 09:00–12:00

CrossFit Climbers Cabin is de eerste échte CrossFit Box in Breda en kent zijn oorsprong in een vroegere klimhal. Doe eens een training mee!

In ieder mens schuilt een atleet en bij CrossFit Climbers Cabin besteden wij ons aandacht aan het ontwikkelen van jouw innerlijke atleet. We zitten sinds 2014 gevestigd in een unieke oude klimhal die is getransformeerd tot een Fitness walhalla. Bij CrossFit Climbers Cabin hebben we en berg aan ervaring en een sterk team van 7 trainers die gespecialiseerd zijn in verschillende gebieden. We meer dan duizend mensen begeleid met fysieke beperkingen tot (zwaar) overgewicht tot de beste topatleten in Nederland. Er heerst een inclusieve sfeer waar iedereen zich thuis voelt en op zijn of haar eigen niveau kan trainen.

Onze missie is excelleren in fysieke fitness en leefstijl coaching om lichaams- en levenstransformaties te bereiken in een warme omgeving waar prestatie samengaat met plezier in bewegen. Daarnaast kijken we op een holistische wijze naar het lichaam en beperken we ons niet tot alleen CrossFit. Wij begeleiden onze leden met als doel om de rest van hun leven te profiteren van een fit lichaam.

Door middel van onze programma’s garanderen we je meer fysieke vrijheid, gezondheid, kracht, lenigheid, uithoudingsvermogen, spiermassa, minder vet, en verbeterde mentale kracht. We bieden meer dan alleen CrossFit; je kunt bij ons Olympic Weightlifting, Gymnastics, StrongFit, BoksFit, Yoga, Endurance, en 55+ ZilverFitness lessen volgen. Wat dit allemaal precies betekent en wat dit voor jou kan opleveren maken we graag duidelijk tijdens onze GRATIS intake gesprek.

Voor wie het maximale eruit wil halen of het fijn vindt om individueel begeleidt te worden hebben we Personal Training. Samen met een eigen coach ga je aan de slag om jouw persoonlijke doelen te behalen op de meest efficiënte wijze.


CrossFit Climbers Cabin heeft zijn beschrijving nog niet ingevuld.

Diensten, machines en geleide klassen


CrossFit Climbers Cabin: Meningen

4.9/5 (23 Meningen)
Shumie Loo 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: A nice box where the coaches give advice when there is room for improvement. The coaches also help you with choosing the right weight and help you with alternatieve movements if you're still recovering. Different lessons available. Gymnastics, strength and wods

Anouk Z 1 year ago

Fantastische ervaring: Cool place! Also really low key. Coaches, but also participants make you very comfortable. Go once & you're instantly hooked! Nice group atmosphere and great coaching

Harold van Twillert 2 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Bosses who know what they're doing and even people who have been doing Crossfit for a long time can still help improve.

Damn good food. By Willem. 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice box with friendly coaches who know what they are talking about. I soon felt at home there!

Richard Blankenstein 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Top coaches. Always a challenging and varied program.

Kevin Janssen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Corona time or not, the lessons (outside or digital) and coaching of the coaches remain top!

Niels Gagnard 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Amazing box. Great programming and even better coaches.

Bjorn de Ruiter 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: This is the best place in Breda

Mark Engelsman 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member of CrossFit Climbers Cabin for over a year. Every training is a challenge. In addition, great crew! Recommended to go crossfit

Kitty Creemers 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Whether you are a beginner or advanced, at CCC everyone can participate at their own level and you are challenged to get the most out of yourself. The training is very varied and the trainers provide good motivation!

Bart van Osta 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice atmosphere, good and friendly trainers, good programming. Recommended!

Ferenc Pot 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super cool and inspiring place to crossfit. Both the coaches and fellow athletes love to exercise daily.

M M 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: I would recommend CrossFit Climbers Cabin to everyone! Both in terms of the quality of the box and coaches and the atmosphere!

Tom Bastiaansen 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super cool CrossFit box with good professional trainers.

Lisa van Empel 3 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: A week ago I met Crossfit at CCC and I was immediately enthusiastic. Friendly people, professional trainers & there is plenty of challenge to be found. I wonder what challenges will be waiting for me inside.

Niels Versleijen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member for several years at CrossFit Climbers Cabin. A beautiful community where everyone has respect for each other and pushes each other to continue when it is equally difficult. Great coaches who know what they are talking about. Fun activities such as BBQ's and the annual Murph. Are you looking for a good CrossFit Box in Breda then this is definitely "The Place to Be!"

Niels Van Beckhoven 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Member of this CrossFit box for many years and I really enjoy it. The courses are varied, challenging and accessible for all levels. The trainers give their lessons with great care and pay a lot of attention to your personal development. There is a real 'sports culture' where there is room for everyone to develop! Furthermore, fun activities are organized to get to know each other outside of sports :). This box has everything if you ask me!

Caroline Bollen 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Everyone is (really) welcome at CCC. From the ambitious crossfitter to someone who just wants to move. A nice, friendly group of people. Fun activities (BBQ) And very skilled coaches who have a lot of knowledge and enthusiasm in house!

Evelien van Hoeve 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Very nice box where careful thought is given to the programming. The coaches pay close attention to your technique and take you to a higher level! It's not easy to take a lesson, but it is very motivating. Also nice contact with the members, top community!

Prof. Dr. Henk Koppelaar 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: The entrance was hard to find in the pitch dark.

Edries Eissa 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Nice

A Cartimil 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Great location to CrossFit. Amazing trainers and overall great vibe.

C d 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Too training and coach

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